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Study Abroad
Application Process

Step 1: Select a Program

To apply for education abroad, select a program from the available options. For guidance and assistance on choosing a program and the application process, contact There's a program for everyone!

Step 2: Apply to the Study Abroad Program

  • To apply for a Short-Term International Program, please reach out to the faculty instructor directly.
  • To apply for an ESF Exchange Program, please complete the ESF Exchange Application. The deadlines for submission of the applications are:
    • October 1 for Spring
    • March 1 for Summer or Fall
  • If you are applying for an ESF Semester Study Abroad Program, whether through an ESF partner or another SUNY institution, they will have their own application and requirements. Refer to the website of your selected program for more information on their unique application requirements, deadlines, and eligibility.

Step 3: Complete ESF Off-Campus Education Request Form

Step 4: Complete Post-Acceptance Paperwork

Once your request has been approved, you will receive an email with some post-acceptance paperwork and other requirements. Be sure to complete all follow-up requirements for both ESF and your education abroad program provider to maintain eligibility for participation.


Study Abroad Application