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SUNY Center for Bioregional & Biosphere Reserve Studies

What We Do

The SUNY Center for Bioregional & UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Studies has several missions:

  • To introduce ESF students to the global importance of bioregional planning, design and ecosystem management and to the global system of UNESCO biosphere reserves - what the United Nations calls "science for sustainability support sites" or "learning places for sustainable development"
  • To support interdisciplinary graduate and undergraduate studies that prepare students for professional careers in bioregional / biosphere reserve planning, design and ecosystem management and for careers in research, teaching and community engagement
  • To support the operations of the Champlain-Adirondack Biosphere Network through community capacity building, research, planning/design and ecosystem management studies and environmental monitoring
  • To work with UNESCO biosphere reserves in the Great Lakes / St. Lawrence watershed to understand and enhance the role(s) of bioregionalism in protecting the world's largest fresh water system, and;
  • To enhance the educational mission of SUNY-ESF by connecting the institution to the global environmental mission(s) of UNESCO

Contact Us

Emanuel Carter, MRP
Associate Professor, Center Director
Department of Landscape Architecture