Environmental Health & Safety Services
Radiation Safety Committee
Use of a radioisotope or other radiation sources at the College of Environmental Science and Forestry requires a license from the New York State Department of Health Bureau of Environmental Radiation Protection (NYSDOH-BERP). ESF currently has a site license that covers all users. Keeping this license is contingent upon each individual strictly adhering to the regulations. The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is responsible for the proper use of radioisotopes and other radiation sources at ESF and has an authority to approve or disapprove a use by members of ESF. The Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), a member of the RSC, is responsible for direct supervision/safeguard in radiation-related matters. Normal communications with Radiation Safety Committee is made through RSO. To ensure safety and adherence to the law, ESF provides a manual for the safe handling of radioactive substances. The booklet is available in hardcopy from the RSO or as a downloadable Word document. Concerned individuals should read the booklet carefully for information concerning the use of radioisotopes here on campus.
In case of radioactive emergency, you should immediately contact public safety at 470-6666 and state that you have a radiation safety event. They will assess the situation and help contact the necessary personnel.
Members of the Radiation Safety Committee
In the event of an emergency, Public Safety or the Radiation Safety Officer should be notified immediately. If none of the above individuals are available, a member of the Radiation Safety Committee should be notified
Dr. Mark S. Driscoll
Radiation Safety Officer
Room 319 Jahn Laboratory
Phone: 470-6848
Home: (315) 449-9615
Members of the College Radiation Safety Committee include:
Dr. Gregory L. Boyer
Chair of the Radiation Safety Committee
Faculty of Forest Chemistry
Room 320 Jahn Laboratory
Phone: 470-6825
home (315) 559-1261
John Wasiel
Environmental Health and Safety Officer
Room 5, Bray Hall
Phone: 470-6896
To request training on the use of radioactive materials, please contact the RSO at mdriscol@syr.edu.
In addition, radioisotope users are required to fill out specific forms documenting their use, purchase and disposal of radioisotopes. As a service to those users, these forms are also available as word.rtf documents. Contact mdriscol@syr.edu to request forms.
- Form A: Initiation form for a project involving the use of radioisotopes
- Form B: User registration
- Form C: Radionuclide acquisition request
- Form D: Training session record
- Form E: Semesterly report from the RSO
- Form F: Termination report of the use of radioisotopes or radiation sources
The Radiation Safety Committee is always soliciting input on proposed changes to the current radiation safety manual and handling of radioactive materials on the ESF campus and properties. Comments may be sent to the Chair of the Radiation Safety Committee at glboyer@esf.edu.
For more information, contact the Radiation Safety Officer at 470-6848 or by email at mdriscol@syr.edu. For question or comments concerning this webpage, contact glboyer@esf.edu.