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Dr. Kimberly Schulz Honored As ESF Exemplary Researcher

Dr. Kimberly Schulz has been honored with the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry's (ESF) Exemplary Researcher Award. The award recognizes a current researcher who has exemplary research activity, an impressive publication record and active graduate/undergraduate student research programs.

Since coming to ESF in April 2000, Schulz has been instrumental in securing significant grant funding including a $300,000 National Science Foundation (NSF) Early-Concept Grant for Exploratory Research. She played a pivotal role in securing a $1.47 million grant to extensively renovate wet labs in Illick Hall and electronic infrastructure for aquatic science research and has had additional research projects funded by NSF and many other agencies.

Schulz has numerous collaborations with faculty across the College and at other institutions. She has a successful mentoring program, and her students have won national awards including National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Fellowships, the Garden Club of American Wetlands Award and Environmental Protection Agency Star Graduate Fellowships.

Schulz has published extensively in journals such as "Environmental Toxicology," "Nature," "Limnology and Oceanography," "Journal of Great Lakes Research" and "Freshwater Biology."

This award, which is made annually, provides a $5,000 research account that can roll over for three years. Schulz will present a campuswide research seminar highlighting her work as the first seminar in the Adaptive Peaks Series during the 2012-13 academic year.