Bin Infrastructure
Trash, recycling, and compost bins are available across campus, from hallways to event spaces.
The Office of Sustainability, the Division of Student Affairs, and student volunteers conducted a bin audit of the Syracuse campus during the summer of 2019 to better understand why campus recycling rates were falling below the national average.
The results were telling! Interior bins were unlabeled and mismatched. In one building alone, there were 28 different types of trash and recycling bins being used.
The Office of Sustainability received approval from College leadership to purchase new matching office, hallway, and exterior bins. A formal compost program was added as part of the refresh. Now, anywhere you see trash and recycling bins in a hallway or event space, you will see compost bins, too!
Visual Communication
Each trash, recycling, and compost bin on campus features educational signage explaining proper sorting techniques.

Rethinking In-Office Custodial Service
Traditional office trash bins were replaced with 1.15-gallon liner-free mini bins. We also reduced custodial service of office trash and recycling collection from five days a week to once weekly. This practice not only encourages office occupants to compost (mini bins are not washed by custodial staff), but also challenges us to pay close attention to the type and quantity of material we bring to campus. The reduced pickup schedule also allows custodial staff to spend more time cleaning.