ESF Web | Documentation
Omni CMS Training Materials
- File Naming Conventions
- Should you post that digital document?
- Page creation how-to
- Training and Resources from Modern Campus
Training Modules
A walkthrough of the basic elements of the OUCampus user interface.
A walkthrough of the basic elements and sections of a webpage in the OUCampus system, and how to edit them.
A walkthrough of the tools found on the editing toolbar for the ESF website's OUCampus CMS, and how to use them.
A walkthrough of the elements of the sidebar and sidebar navigation, and how to edit them.
The _nav file is challenging to master for many users, so we encourage you to ask the CMS admins to make changes in it for you when adjustments to the sidebar navigation are necessary.
In this tutorial, we walk through the how-to for editing and formatting text, formatting options and accessibility considerations.
A walkthrough of how to create, edit and style links and clickable buttons in the OUCampus system, and accessibility considerations to keep in mind.
A walkthrough of images and image galleries in the OUCampus system, and how to create, edit and style them, as well as accessibility considerations to keep in mind.
A walkthrough of how to add and edit audio and video material in the OUCampus system, and accessibility considerations to keep in mind.
A walkthrough of tables in the OUCampus system, how to create, edit and style them, and accessibility considerations to keep in mind.
In this tutorial, we walk through assets and snippets in the OUCampus content management system for the ESF website. We look at the differences between them, and review some of the available assets and snippets and how you can use them.
Assets and snippets provide a great deal of functionality and there are many to choose from. For more information about them or to create one for your needs, you can contact the ESF website administrators at