Adirondack Amphibians and Reptiles
Thirty-five species, representing seven amphibian families and five families of reptiles, occur in the Adirondack region. New York State distribution maps for these species can be found on the New York State Amphibian and Reptile Atlas home page on the NYS DEC web site.
Source: Saunders, D.A. 1989. Adirondack Amphibians and Reptiles. AEC Special Report No. 31. 8 pp.
Salamanders (Order Caudata)
- Mole Salamanders (Family Ambystomidae)
- Blue-spotted salamander ~ Ambystoma laterale
- Spotted salamander ~ Ambystoma maculatum
- Lungless Salamanders (Family Plethodontidae)
- Spring salamander ~ Gyrinophilus porphyriticus
- Four-toed salamander ~ Hemidactylium scutatum
- Red-backed salamander ~ Plethodon cinereus
- Two-lined salamander ~ Eurycea bislineata
- Mountain dusky salamander ~ Desmognathus ochrophaeus
- Northern dusky salamander ~ Desmognathus fuscus
- Newts (Family Salamandridae)
- Red-spotted newt ~ Notophthalmus viridescens
- Mudpuppies (Family Proteidae)
- Mud puppy ~ Necturus maculosus
Frogs and Toad (Order Anura)
- True Toads (Family Bufonidae)
- American toad ~ Anaxyrus americanus
- Treefrogs (Family Hylidae)
- Spring peeper ~ Hyla crucifer
- Gray tree frog ~ Hyla versicolor
- True Frogs (Family Ranidae)
- American Bullfrog ~ Lithobates catesbeiana
- Green frog ~ Lithobates clamitans
- Mink frog ~ Lithobates septentrionalis
- Wood frog ~ Lithobates sylvatica
- Leopard frog ~ Lithobates pipiens
- Pickerel frog ~ Lithobates palustris
Turtles (Order Testudines)
- Snapping Turtles (Family Chelydridae)
- Common snapping turtle ~ Chelydra serpentine
- Box and Pond Turtles (Family Emydidae)
- Painted turtle ~ Chrysemys picta
- Spotted turtle ~ Clemmys guttatta
- Wood turtle ~ Clemmys insculpta
- Map turtle ~ Graptemys geograpica
Skinks and Snakes (Order Squamata)
- Lizards (Suborder Lacertilia)
- Skinks (Family Scincidae)
- Five-lined skink ~ Eumeces fasciatus
- Snakes (Suborder Serpentes)
- Typical Snakes (Family Colubridae)
- Eastern racer ~ Coluber constrictor
- Ringneck snake ~ Diadophis punctatus
- Milk snake ~ Lampropeltis triangulum
- Northern water snake ~ Nerodia sipedon
- Smooth green snake ~ Opheodrys vernalis
- Brown snake ~ Storeria dekayi
- Red-bellied snake ~ Storeria occipitomaculata
- Eastern ribbon snake ~ Thamnophis sauritus
- Common garter snake ~ Thamnophis sirtalis
- Vipers (Family Viperidae)
- Timber rattlesnake ~ Crotalus horridus
- Typical Snakes (Family Colubridae)
- Skinks (Family Scincidae)