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Faculty Profile
Gregory Boyer

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Gregory  Boyer


Department of Chemistry
320 Jahn Lab


Ph.D. 1980 University of Wisconsin Department of Biochemistry. Post-doctoral Investigator, Michigan State University (1980-1982) and University of British Columbia (1982-1985).

I am current acting director for the Great Lakes Research Consortium, a network of eighteen New York Universities and nine Canadian affiliates looking at all aspects of Great Lakes science, policy and ecology. In addition, my own research interests are in biologically active natural products produced by algae. This includes toxins produced by dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) as well as allelopathic compounds and siderophores. For more information on my research interests and the students in my laboratory, look at the links below.

Recent Publications

  • Carmichael, W.W. and G.L. Boyer (2016) Health impacts from cyanobacteria harmful algae blooms: Implications for the North American Great Lakes,  Harmful Algae, 54:194-212. (
  • Watson S.B., C. Miller, G. Arhonditsis, G.L. Boyer, W. Carmichael,  M. Charlton, R. Confesor, D. C. Depew, T.O. Höök, S. Ludsin, G. Matisoff, S.P. McElmurry, M.W. Murray, P. Richards,  Y. R. Rao, M. Steffen, and S. Wilhelm (2016) The re-eutrophication of Lake Erie: Harmful algal blooms and hypoxia.   Harmful Algae, 56 (2016) 44–66. (DOI:
  • Belisle, B.S, M.M. Steffen, L. L. Pound, J. M DeBeBruyn, S.B. Watson, R.A. Bourbonniere, G.L. Boyer and S.W. Wilhelm (2016) Urea in Lake Erie:  Organic nutrient sources as potentially important drivers of phytoplankton biomass?  J. Great Lake Res., 42 (2016) 599–607. DOI:
  • Watson, S. B., A. Zastepa, G.L. Boyer, R. Yang, E. Matthews, and B. Newbold (2017) Algal Bloom Response and risk management: on-site response tools.  Toxicon, 129:144-152. DOI: (
  • Steffen, M.M, T.W. Davis, R.M. McKay, G.S. Bullerjahn, L.E. Krausfeldt, J.M.A. Stough, M.L. Neitzey, N.E. Gilbert, G.L. Boyer, T.H. Johengen, D.C. Gossiaux, A.M. Burtner, D. Palladino, M. Rowe, G.J. Dick, K. Meyer, S. Levy, B. Boone, R. Stumpf, T. Wynne, P.V. Zimba, D.B. Gutierrez, and S.W. Wilhelm, (2017) Ecophysiological examination of the Lake Erie Microcystis bloom in 2014: linkages between biology and the water supply shutdown of Toledo, Ohio. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51(12), 6745-6755,  DOI:


  • Additional references and publications are available on my homepage.

Prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact members of the faculty directly.

Courses that I teach..........

FCH132 (PDF)

Current Graduate Advisees

Anne McElweeAnne McElwee

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Boyer
  • Area of Study: FCH Environmental Chemistry

Bofan WeiBofan Wei

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Boyer
  • Area of Study: FCH Environmental Chemistry