Faculty Profile
Biljana Bujanovic

Department of Chemical Engineering
Research Interests
- Chemistry of lignocellulosics
- Structure, reactivity, and utilization of lignin and extractives
- New technologies in utilization of lignocellulosics - biorefineries
- Delignification: pulping and bleaching
- Pulp and paper properties
- BPE623 Chemistry of Lignocellulosic Biomass
- PSE465/665 Fiber and Paper Properties
- PSE466/666 Paper Pigment and Barrier Coating
- PSE438/638 Biorenewable Fibrous and Nonfibrous Products
- BPE335/535 Transport Phenomena
- PSE223 Introduction to Lignocellulosics
- Ph.D., Paper Science and Engineering, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
- Ph.D., Wood Chemistry, Belgrade University, Serbia
- M.S., Wood Chemistry, Belgrade University, Serbia
- Graduate Engineer of Technology - Environmental Protection: College of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade University, Serbia
Professional Experience
- Associate Professor Emeritus /2020-present, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY
- Associate Professor /2013-2020, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY
- Assistant Professor /2007-2013, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY
- Visiting Assistant Professor /2006-2007, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY
- Assistant Scientist /2004-2006, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
- Doctoral Fellow /1999-2003, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
- Assistant to Professor/1986-1999, College of Forestry, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Bujanovic, B.M. (2018):”Acetone in characterization and utilization of lignocellulosic biomass: Lignin,” in: "Acetone: Biochemistry, Production and Uses," ed. Kozlowska, I. and Walczak, K. Biochemistry Research Trends NOVA Science Publishers New York, Inc.: 97.
- Bujanovic, B.M. and Amidon, T.E. (2012):”Paper,” in Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, Vol. 12, 11th edition McGraw-Hill, New York: 822-826.
- Dongre, P. and Bujanovic, B. (2021):”Lignin-based thermoset resins,” in: "What to Know about Lignin," ed. by Gonzales Alriol, M., Labidi, J., and Seydibeyoglu, M.O. Series: Polymer Science and Technology, NOVA Science Publishers New York, Inc; Ch. 6.
- Amidon, T.E., Bujanovic, B., Liu, S., Hasan, A., and Howard, J. R. (2013): “Niche position and opportunities for woody biomass conversion” in: “Integrated Forest Biorefineries,” ed. Lew, C. Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC Publishing, Cambridge, UK:151.
- Ye, P.X., Cheng, L., Ma, H., Bujanovic, B., Goundalkar, M., and Amidon, T.E. (2012):”Biorefinery with water,“ in: “The Role of Green Chemistry in Biomass processing and Conversion,” ed. Xie, H. and Gathergood, N., Wiley John&Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ: 135-180.
- Nagardeolekar, A., Ovadias, M., and Bujanovic, B. (2020): “Willow lignin recovered from hot-water extraction for the production of hydrogels and thermoplastic blends,” ChemSusChem, 13: 4702-4721
- Dongre, P. and Bujanovic, B. (2019):”Lignin-based resins for kraft paper applications,” TAPPI J. 18 (11):666-675.
- Wang, K.-T., Jing, C., Wood, C., Nagardeolekar, A., Kohen, N., Dongre, P., Amidon, T.E., and Bujanovic, B.M. (2018):”Toward complete utilization of miscanthus in a hot-water extraction-based biorefinery,” Energies, 11 (1): 39.
- Corbett, D., Mante, O., and Bujanovic, B. (2017):”Toward valorization of lignin: characterization and fast pyrolysis of lignin recovered from hot-water extracts of electron-beam irradiated sugar maple,” TAPPI J. 16(4):213-226.
- Gong, C., Bujanovic, B. (2016):”Effect of hot-water extraction of sugar maple on organosolv delignification and lignin recovery,” J. Bioresources Bioproducts, 1(1):22-29.
- Dongre, P; Driscoll, M; Amidon, T.E; Bujanovic, B (2015). “Lignin Furfural Based Adhesives," Energies, 8: 7897-791.
- Corbett, D.B., Kohan, N., Machado, G., Jing, C., Nagardeolekar, A., and Bujanovic, B.M. (2015):”Chemical composition of apricot pit shells and effect of hot-water extraction,” Energies, 8: 9640-9654.
- Goundalkar, M.J., Corbett, D.B., and Bujanovic, B.M. (2014): “Comparative Analysis of Milled Wood Lignins (MWLs) Isolated from Sugar Maple (SM) and Hot-Water Extracted Sugar Maple (ESM),” Energies 7(3):1363-1375.
- Song, Q., Winter, W.T., Bujanovic, B.M., and Amidon, T.E. (2014): "Nanofibrillated Cellulose (NFC): A High-Value Co-Product that Improves the Economics of Cellulosic Ethanol Production." Energies 7, no. 2: 607-618.
- Gong, C. and Bujanovic, B.M. (2014): "Impact of Hot-Water Extraction on Acetone-Water Oxygen Delignification of Paulownia Spp. and Lignin Recovery." Energies 7, no. 2: 857-873.
- Gong, C., Hasan, A., Bujanovic, B., and Amidon, T.E. (2012): ”Novel blend of biorenewable wet-end paper agents,” TAPPI J. 11(1): 41-48.
- Bujanovic, B., Goundalkar, M., and Amidon, T.E. (2012): “Increasing the Value of a Biorefinery Based on Hot-Water Extraction: Lignin Products,” TAPPI J. 11(1):19-26.
- Gong, C., Goundalkar, M., Bujanovic, B., and Amidon, T.E. (2012): “Evaluation of different sulfur-free delignification methods for hot-water extracted hardwood,“ J. Wood Chem. Technol. 32 (2):93-104.
- Amidon, T.E., Bujanovic, B., Liu, S., and Howard, J. R. (2011): “Commercializing biorefinery technology: A case for the multi-product pathway to a viable biorefinery,” Forests, 2(4):929-947.
- Goundalkar, M., Bujanovic, B., and Amidon, T.E. (2010):”Analysis of Non-Carbohydrate Based Low-Molecular Weight Organic Compounds Dissolved During Hot-Water Extraction of Sugar Maple,” Cell. Chem. Technol., 44 (1-3):27-33.
- Hasan, A., Bujanovic, B., and Amidon, T. (2010): “Strength properties of kraft pulp produced from hot-water extracted wood chips within the biorefinery,” J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy, 4(1): 46-52.
- Bujanovic, B., Ralph, S. A., Reiner, R. S., Hirth, K., and Atalla, R. H. (2010): “Polyoxometalates in oxidative delignification of chemical pulps: Effect on lignin,“ Materials 3(3): 1888-1903.
- Bujanovic, B., Ralph, S. A., Reiner, R. S., and Atalla, R. H. (2010): “Polyoxometalate Delignification of Birch Kraft pulp and Effect on Residual Lignin,” J. Wood Chem. Technol., 31 (2): 121-141.
- Bujanovic, B., Ralph, S. A., Reiner, R. S., and Atalla, R. H. (2007):“Lignin Modification in the Initial Phase of Softwood Kraft Pulp Delignification with Polyoxometalates (POMs),” Holzforschung, 61(5):492-498.
- Bujanovic, B., Yilgor, N., Cameron, J., and Aravamuthan, R. (2004): “Chemical Characterization of Birch, Maple, and Spruce Kraft and Kraft-Borate Pulps,” J. Pulp Paper Sci. 30 (7): 183-190.
- Bujanovic, B., Cameron, J., and Yilgor, N. (2004): “Some Properties of Kraft and Kraft-Borate Pulps of Different Wood Species,” TAPPI J. 3 (6): 3-6.
- Bujanovic, B., Cameron, J., and Yilgor, N. (2003): “Comparative Studies of Kraft and Kraft-Borate Pulping of Black Spruce,” J. Pulp Paper Sci. 29 (6): 190-196.
- Bujanovic, B. and Cameron, J. (2001): “Effect of Sodium Metaborate on the Boiling Point Rise of Slash Pine Black Liquor,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 40 (11): 2518-2524.
- Goundalkar, M. and Bujanovic, B. (2011): “Hydrothermal treatment of aspen and Loblolly pine milled wood lignin,” 16th ISWFPC, June 8-10, 2011, Tianjin, China; Proceedings, Wang, L., Kuang, S., Hou, Q., Cao, C., Si, C. and Zhang, H. eds., Vol.I: 1021-1024; oral presentation.
- Bujanovic, B., Goundalkar, M., and Amidon, T.E. (2009):”Non-carbohydrate-based products extracted during hot-water extraction of sugar maple,” 30th SETAC North America Annual Meeting: Green Biorefinery, November 19-23, New Orleans, LA: platform presentation: 425.
- Bujanovic, B., Hirth, K. C., Ralph, S. A., Reiner, R. S., and Atalla, R. H. (2007): “Composition of the Organic Components in Polyoxometalate (POM) Liquors from Kraft Pulp Bleaching,” 14th ISWFPC Durban, June 25-28, 2007, Conf. CD, oral presentation.
- Dongre, P; Machado, G; Driscoll, M; Amidon, T and Bujanovic, B. "Potential uses of biorefinery lignin - thermoplastics and adhesives" TAPPI IBBC Conference 2015, Oct 28-30, Atlanta, GA. Poster #3; (Best poster award).
- Goundalkar, M., Bujanovic, B., and Amidon, T.E. (2010):”Comparative analysis of fermentation inhibitors dissolved from three hardwood species during HWE,” International Conference on Biomass Energy Technologies (ICBT2010), August 21-23, 2010, Beijing, China, Proceedings: 195; Poster #PO_2_25. (Best poster award).
- Bujanovic, B., Reiner, R. S., Hirth, K. C., Ralph, S. A., and Atalla, R. H. (2005): “Studies of Lignin Transformation in Polyoxometalate (POM) Bleaching of Kraft Pulp,” 13th ISWFPC Auckland, New Zealand, May 16-19, 2005, Proc., Vol. 3: 49-56 (Poster Pres.).
Major Professor: Bujanovic;
- Aditi Nagardeolekar, Summer 2020, PhD Thesis: ”Studies of Lignin-based Gels as Sorbents ,” SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY; Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Research area “Lignin products,” SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY.
- Chen Gong, Fall 2014, PhD Thesis: ”Utility of Organosolv Delignification in a Hardwood Biorefinery based on Hot-Water Extraction,” SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY; Research Scientist at China National Pulp and Paper Research Institute (CNPPRI), Beijing, China.
- Mangesh Goundalkar, Spring 2014, PhD Thesis: ”Investigating the Effect of Hot-Water Extraction on Phenolic Constituents of Selected Hardwoods: A Study Aided by 2D NMR and GC-MS,” SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY; Sr. Analytical Technology Scientist, Allergan, NJ.
- Mathew J. Ovadias, Fall 2019, MS Thesis “Lignin thermoplastic blends: Biorefinery willow lignin and polylactic acid,” SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY; Process Scientist at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Rensselaer, NY.
- Chengyan Jing, Spring 2017, MS Thesis “Lignin content in xylan-rich lignocellulosics before and after hot-water extraction: Klason lignin and acetyl bromide methods,” SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY; Consultant at Artch Inf System LLC, Syracuse, NY.
- Derek B. Corbett, Spring 2016, MS Thesis: “Recovery of Lignin from Hot-Water Extracts of Sugar Maple: Valorization by Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis,” SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY; PhD NCSU: Forest Biomaterials, Fall 2019; Process Engineer, Enviva, Raleigh, NC.
- Andrew Murphy, Fall 2014, Honors Thesis “Selected topics in the utilization of natural resources: Production of transportation fuel and potential biomass source for use in biorefinery,” SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY; Product Performance Manager at International Paper, Ticonderoga, NY.
- Co-Major Professor: Bujanovic
- Jeanette Grande, Summer 2020, MS Thesis “A Bio-renewable alternatives: Nanocellulose as conductive fibers and lignin as UV absorbing agent,” SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY; Department of Forest Products and Paper Science, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines.
- Prajakta Dongre, Spring 2018, PhD Thesis ”Characterization and utilization of hot-water extracted lignin for formaldehyde-free resin applications,” SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY; 2018-2020 Postdoctoral Research Scientist at SUNY-ESF.
- Anh Le, Spring 2014, MS Thesis: ”Use of Polylactic acid (PLA) to Enhance Properties of paper based on Recycled Pulp,” SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY.
Research Advisor: Bujanovic
- Prajakta Dongre, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, 2018-2020, Research area “Delignification and Lignin products”
- Kuo-Ting Wang, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, 2015-16, Research area “Lignocellulosic biomass in biorefinery: Chemical composition, processing, and lignin studies;” Technical R&D, Golden Arrow Printing Technology, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
- Obste Therasme, Graduate Research Assistant, 2014, Research area “Isolation and characterization of lignin,” MS Chemical Engineering, Syracuse University, Spring 2015; PhD Forest and Natural Resources Management,SUNY-ESF, Fall 2019; Assistant Professor, SUNY-ESF.
- Matthew Zelie, Graduate Research Assistant, 2014-15, Research area “Enzymatic hydrolysis of hot-water extracted hardwoods,” MPS Paper Engineering, Spring 2015, SUNY-ESF Syracuse NY; Utilities Manufacturing Engineer, Georgia Pacific-Brunswick Cellulose, LLC, Brunswick, GA.
- Bryan Gamble, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2018-19, Research area: “Delignification of lignocellulosics before and after hydrothermal pretreatment,” BS Paper Engineering, Spring 2019, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse NY; Field Service Engineer at EDT – Enzymatic Deinking Technologies, LLC., Norcross, Georgia.
- Abhinandan Mehra, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2017, Research area: “Chemical composition and hot water extraction of lignocellulosics,” BS Bioprocess Engineering, Fall 2017, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse NY; Area Representative Paper Technologies; Buckman, Memphis, TN.
- Erik Nelson, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2016-17, Research area: “Chemical composition and hot-water extraction of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa)- fibers and cores,” BS Paper Engineering, Spring 2017, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse NY; MPS Bioprocess Engineering Spring 2018, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY; Advanced Materials Engineer, Knowlton Technologies, LLC, Watertown, NY.
- Jake Finkelstein, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2016-17, Research areas: “Different methods for the moisture content determination in lignocellulosic biomass and paper,” “Purification of biorefinery lignins,” BS Paper Engineering, Spring 2019, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse NY; Support Engineer, Solenis, Richmond, VA.
- Christopher Kordziel, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Fall 2016, Research area: “Different methods for the moisture content determination in lignocellulosic biomass and paper,” BS Bioprocess Engineering, Spring 2018, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse NY; Biotech Production Specialist, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Rensselaer, NY.