Faculty Profile
Valerie Luzadis
Department of Environmental Studies
227 Bray Hall
Global Council for Science and the Environment, Chair, Board of Directors www.gcseglobal.org
Planet Forward, Board of Advisors www.planetforward.org
Heart Forward Science, Founder
Highest Education
Ph.D., SUNY ESF (Forest Policy and Economics), 1997.
Areas of Study
Social-Ecological Systems; Ecological Economics; Natural Resources Policy and Values; Science-Policy Interface; Heart Forward Science
Most Recent Publications
Spethman, D. and V.A. Luzadis. 2020. Moral and ethical foundations for ecological economics. Chapter 14. In: Costanza, R. et al., Eds., Sustainable Wellbeing Futures: A Research and Action Agenda for Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 480 pp. ISBN: 978 1 78990 094 1.
Costanza, R., E.M.B. Doran, T. Gladkikh, I. Kubiszewski, V.A. Luzadis, and E. Zencey. 2020. Creating positive futures for humanity on earth. Chapter 2 In: Sustainable Wellbeing Futures: A Research and Action Agenda for Ecological Economics, Robert Costanza, Jon D. Erickson, Joshua Farley, Ida Kubiszewski, Eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, 480 pp. ISBN: 978 1 78990 094 1.
Luzadis V.A. 2019. Engaging Intuition and Imagination for Solutions to Confounding Science and Societal Problems. In: Leal Filho W., Consorte McCrea A. (eds) Sustainability and the Humanities. Springer, Cham.
Barresi, P.A., R.C. Smardon, and V. A. Luzadis. 2018. Institution-wide design: Sustainability education across the curriculum and beyond. Chapter 12 In: Focht, W. et al. (eds). Education for Sustainable Human and Environmental Systems: From Theory to Practice. Routledge: London. DOI https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351171601. 296 pages. eBook ISBN 9781351171601.
Kuehn, D. M., V.A. Luzadis and M. Brincka. 2017. "I catch whatever's biting!": Motivations, constraints, and facilitators of non-preference anglers residing along New York's Lake Ontario Coast. Fisheries Research, 194:188-196.
Caputo, J., C.M. Beier, V.A. Luzadis and P.M. Groffman. 2016. Integrating beneficiaries into assessment of ecosystem services from managed forests at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, USA . Forest Ecosystems (2016) 3:13 DOI 10.1186/s40663-016-0072-9
Montefrio, M. J.F., D.A. Sonnenfeld and V.A. Luzadis. 2015. Social construction of the environment and smallholder farmers' participation in ‘low-carbon’, agro-industrial crop production contracts in the Philippines. Ecological Economics, 2015, vol. 116, issue C, 70-77.
Abolina, E. and V.A. Luzadis - 2015. Abandoned agricultural land and its potential for short rotation woody crops in Latvia, Land Use Policy, 49:435-445.
Stewart Ibarra, A.M., V.A. Luzadis, M.J., Borbor Cordova, M. Silva, T. Ordoñez, E. Beltrán Ayala, S.J. Ryan. 2014. A social-ecological analysis of community perceptions of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti in Machala, Ecuador. BMC Public Health; 11/2014; 14(1):1135. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-1135.
Abolina, E., V.A. Luzadis and D. Lazdina. 2014. Analysis of the Adoption of Willow Growing Practice in Latvia. Baltic Forestry, 20(1):78-87.
Abolina, E., V.A. Luzadis. 2013. Forest Sustainability and Social Policy: The Role of Ecosystem Services. Chapter: Chapter 6 In book: Environmental Policy is Social Policy – Social Policy is Environmental Policy, Publisher: Springer, Editor: Isidor Wallimann, pp.63-78.
Kuehn, D. M., V.A. Luzadis and M. Brincka. 2013. An analysis of the factors influencing fishing participation by resident anglers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18(5): 322-339.
Hirsch, P. D. and V. A. Luzadis. 2013. Scientific Concepts and Their Policy Affordances: How a Focus on Compatibility Can Improve Science-Policy Interaction and Outcomes. Nature and Culture 8(1), Spring 2013: 97–118.
Kuehn, D., V. A. Luzadis and M. Brincka. 2013. An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Fishing Participation by Resident Anglers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal, 18:5, 322-339.
Kuehn, D. P. D;Luhosch, V.A. Luzadis, R. Malmsheimer and R. Schuster. 2011. Attitudes and intentins of off-highway vehicle riders towards trail use: implications for forest managers. Journal of Forestry. 109(5):281-287.
Limburg, K.E., V.A. Luzadis, M. Ramsey, K.L. Schulz. 2010. The good, the bad, and the algae: perceiving ecosystem services and disservices generated by zebra and quagga mussels. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 36(1):86-92.
Luzadis, V.A., L. Castello, J. Choi, C.B. Franco, E. Greenfield, S. Kim, J. Munsell, E. Nordman, F. Olowabi. 2010. The science of ecological economics: A content analysis of Ecological Economics, 1989–2004. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 1185, Issue Ecological Economics Reviews: 1-10.
Buchholz, T., T. Volk, and V.A. Luzadis. 2009. Sustainability Criteria for Bioenergy Systems: Results from an expert survey. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol 17, Supplement 1: S86-S98.
Castello, L., J.P. Viana, G. Watkins, M. Pinedo-Vazquez, and V.A. Luzadis. 2009. Integrating small-scale fishers in management: the case of piraracu in Mamirauá, Amazon. Environmental Management: 43(2):197-209.
Buchholz, T., T. Volk, and V.A. Luzadis. 2007. A participatory systems approach to modelling social, economic, and ecological components of bioenergy. Energy Policy 35:6084-6094.
Buchholz, T., E. Rametsteiner, T. A. Volk, V.A. Luzadis. 2009. Multi criteria analysis for bioenergy systems assessments. Energy Policy, 37(2): 484-495.
Labriole, M. and V. A. Luzadis. 2011. Foresters’ attitudes toward the potential impact of climate change in New York. Journal of Forestry. 109(2):89-94.
Quaye, A.K., C.A.S. Hall and V.A. Luzadis. 2010. Agricultural Land Use Efficiency and Food Crop Production in Ghana. Environment, Development, and Sustainability. 12:967-983.
Solomon, Barry D. and Valerie A. Luzadis, editors. 2008. Renewable energy from forest resources in the United States. Routledge: London.
Luzadis, V.A., T. Volk, and T. Buchholz. 2008. Using a systems approach to improve bioenergy sustainability assessment. Chapter 9 In: Solomon and Luzadis, eds. Renewable Energy from Forest Resources in the United States. Routledge: London.
Volk, T. and V. A.. Luzadis. 2008. Willow Biomass Production for Bioenergy, Biofuels and Bioproducts in New York. Chapter 11 In: Solomon and Luzadis, eds. Renewable Energy from Forest Resources in the United States. Routledge: London.
Buchholz, T., T. Volk, and V.A. Luzadis. 2007. A participatory systems approach to modelling social, economic, and ecological components of bioenergy. Energy Policy 35:6084-6094.
Parrish, B. D., V.A. Luzadis, and W.R. Bentley. 2005. "What Tanzanian Coffee Farmers Can Teach the World: A Results-based Look at the Fair Trade - Free Trade Debate." Sustainable Development, 13(3): 177-189.
Current Graduate Advisees
Emme Christie
- Degree Sought: PHD
- Graduate Advisor(s): Moran and Luzadis
- Area of Study: ESC Human Dimensions of the Environment
Research Interest
My Ph.D. research involves using transdisciplinary approaches for investigating the inclusion of traditional ecological knowledge in the development of natural resources policy. Specifically, I am doing research into the various ways in which law has been used in land dispossession within indigenous communities and how indigenous land ethics result in synergistic symbiotic relationships between indigenous peoples and their land, specifically with water resources. I hope to understand these phenomena by centering place-making narratives and land claims of the Jamaican Maroons in my inquiry. To operationalize the findings of this research, with the integral participation and guidance of the Maroon community, my final goal is to develop frameworks for integrating Maroon ecological/cultural knowledge with empirical knowledge systems to craft more effective, place-based, and culturally relevant policies for natural resources management, that will be just and sustainable for the Jamaican population.
Graduate Research Topic
Collaborative Environmental Management Frameworks
Favorite Quote
The only way to win is to be great and be unaffected.
Home Page
Web Link
Foundations of My Scholarship
My interests are centered within the social realm of our existence, with extensions into the ecological realm insofar as its necessary to make sense of how our society is arranged, considering various modes of production. Being passionate about equity, inclusion, and justice (EIJ) and being in love with chemistry offers a unique epistemological position that I am also passionate about exploring. How do we bridge the knowledge exchange gaps often resulting from the empiricism of the natural sciences that often excludes much of our population? I often think about this being the reason for the observed stand-off between social sciences and natural sciences in my academic experience. How can we get to the mixing of methods across disciplines, the transdisciplinarity? I think of EIJ as a kaleidoscope, in that it allows us to deconstruct the problems we face and see the plethora of components and rebuild them as crosscutting (individual but connected and interacting) solutions that are just and sustainable. That is really the calling I feel I have received and am leaning into as I work through my scholarship as a Ph.D. student and hopefully in whatever role I assume thereafter.