Faculty Profile
Andrea Feldpausch-Parker
Department of Environmental Studies
234 Marshall Hall
Dr. Andrea Feldpausch-Parker Website
- Postdoc, Texas A&M University (Energy and Communication), 2010-2011
- Ph.D., Texas A&M University (Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences), 2010
- M.S., Texas A&M University (Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences), 2006
- B.S., Michigan State University (Environmental Biology/Zoology), 2003
- B.S., Michigan State University (Fisheries and Wildlife), 2003
Research Interests
- Environmental and Science Communication
- Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making
- Environmental and Natural Resources Conflict
- Environmental Social Movements
- Energy Democracy and Communication
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses:
- EST 255: Research Methods in Environmental Studies (Spring)
- EST 493: Environmental Communication Workshop (Spring)
Graduate Coures:
- EST 608: Environmental Advocacy Campaigns and Conflict Resolution (Fall)
- EST 696: Professional Development Seminar (Fall)
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Edited Book in Production (under contract)
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., D. Endres, T. R. Peterson and S. Gomez, editors. Routledge Handbook of Energy Democracy. Routledge, Oxfordshire, UK.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Sandrow, C. A., A. M. Feldpausch-Parker, E. S. Vidon, and I. D. Parker. 2018. Anything but a walk in the park: Framing analysis of the Adirondack State Park land classification conflict. Frontiers in Communication, doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2018.00042.
- Clucas, B., I. D. Parker, and A. M. Feldpausch-Parker. 2018. A systematic review of the relationship between urban agriculture and biodiversity. Urban Ecosystems, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-018-0748-8.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., T. R. Peterson, J. C. Stephens, and E. J. Wilson. 2017. Smart grid electricity system planning and climate disruptions: A review of climate and energy discourse post-Superstorm Sandy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2017.06.015.
- Burnham, M., W. Eaton, T. Selfa, C. Hinrichs, and A. Feldpausch-Parker. 2017. Contested visions for bioenergy development: Sociotechnical imaginaries of bioenergy sub-niches in the Northeast, United States. Geoforum, 82: 66-76.
- Hall, D. M., A. Feldpausch-Parker, J. Stephens, T. R. Peterson, and E. J. Wilson. 2017. Social-ecological system resonance: a theoretical framework for brokering sustainable solutions. Sustainability Science, 12(3): 381-392.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., I. D. Parker, and E. S. Vidon. 2017. Privileging consumptive use: a critique of ideology, power, and discourse in the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Conservation and Society, 15(1): 33-40; DOI: 10.4103/0972-4923.201395.
- Rickard, L. N. and A. M. Feldpausch-Parker. 2016. Of sea lice and superfood: a comparison of regional and national news media coverage of aquaculture. Frontiers in Communication, https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2016.00014.
- Endres, E., B. Cozen, M. O’Byrne, A. M. Feldpausch-Parker, T. R. Peterson. 2016. Putting the U in carbon capture and storage: performance of boundary work within the CCS/CCUS scientific community. Journal of Applied Communication Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00909882.2016.1225160.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., M. Burnham, M. Melnik, M. L. Callaghan and T. Selfa. 2015. News media analysis of carbon capture and storage and biomass: perceptions and possibilities. Energies, 8: 3058-3074; DOI:10.3390/en8043058.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., and T. R. Peterson. 2014. Communicating the science behind carbon sequestration: a case study of U.S. Department of Energy and regional partnership websites. Environmental Communication, DOI:10.1080/17524032.2014.955039.
- Fischlein, M., A. M. Feldpausch-Parker, T. R. Peterson, J. C. Stephens, and E. J. Wilson. 2014. Which way does the wind blow? Analyzing the state context for renewable energy deployment in the United States. Environmental Policy and Governance, DOI: 10.1002/eet.1636
- Manno, J. P., P. Hirsch, and A.M. Feldpausch-Parker. 2014. Introduction by the Onondaga Nation and activist neighbors of an indigenous perspective on issues surrounding hydrofracking in the Marcellus Shale. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 4(1): 47-55.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., C. J. Ragland, L. L. Melnick, R. Chaudhry, D. M. Hall, T. R. Peterson, J. C. Stephens, and E. J. Wilson. 2013. Spreading the news on carbon capture and storage: a state-level comparison of US media. Environmental Communication 7(3): 336-354.
- Parker, I. D., and A. M. Feldpausch-Parker. 2013. Yellowstone grizzly delisting rhetoric: an analysis of the online debate. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37(2): 248-255.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., M. O’Byrne, D. Endres, and T. R. Peterson. 2013. The Adventures of Carbon Bond: using a melodramatic game to explain CCS as a mitigation strategy for climate change. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 3(1): 21-29.
- Klassen, J. A., and A. M. Feldpausch-Parker. 2011. Oiling the gears of public participation: the value of organisations in establishing Trinity of Voice for communities impacted by the oil and gas industry. Local Environment 16(9): 903-915.
- Peterson, M. J., D. M. Hall, A. M. Feldpausch-Parker, and T. R. Peterson. 2010. Obscuring ecosystem function with application of the ecosystem services concept. Conservation Biology 24(1): 113-119.
Co-Guest Editor for Research Topic: Energy Democracy in Frontiers in Communication (https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/6005/energy-democracy)
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., D. Endres, and T. R. Peterson. 2019. Editorial: A research agenda for environmental democracy. Frontiers in Communication. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2019.00053
- This research topic is also available as an E-Book: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/6005/energy-democracy
Co-Guest Editor for Special Journal Issue: Communicating Hydrofracking in Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture (Issue 3, pgs. 289-394)
- Buttney, R. and A. M. Feldpausch-Parker. 2016. Editorial: Communicating hydrofracking. Environmental Communication, 3: 289-291.
Peer Reviewed Edited Book
- Peterson, T. R., H. Bergea, A. M. Feldpausch-Parker, and K. Raitio, editors. 2016. Environmental communication and community: constructive and destructive dynamics of social transformation. Routledge, Oxfordshire.
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M. and T. R. Peterson. 2020. Conflict in Wildlife Science and Conservation in N. J. Silvy, editor. 2nd Edition. Techniques for Wildlife Investigations and Management. Johns Hopkins UP, Baltimore, MA, USA.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., and T. R. Peterson. 2016. Introduction in Peterson, T. R., H. Bergea, A. M. Feldpausch-Parker, and K. Raitio, editors. Environmental communication and community: constructive and destructive dynamics of social transformation. pp. 3-15. Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., I. D. Parker, H. Swartwood, M. N. Peterson, and M. J. Peterson. 2016. Managing wildlife for public benefit: the public trust doctrine and the North American Model of Wildlife Management in Peterson, T. R., H. Bergea, A. M. Feldpausch-Parker, and K. Raitio, editors. Environmental communication and community: constructive and destructive dynamics of social transformation. pp. 124-145. Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Endres, D., M. O’Byrne, B. Cozen, and A. M. Feldpausch-Parker. 2016. Performances of an international professional community: CCS/CCUS and its national contexts in Peterson, T. R., H. L. Bergea, A. M. Feldpausch-Parker, and K. Raitio, editors. Environmental communication and community: constructive and destructive dynamics of social transformation. pp. 55-74. Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Peterson, T. R., H. Bergea, A. M. Feldpausch-Parker, and K. Raitio. 2016. Social transformation and sustainability: communication and community construction/destruction in Peterson, T. R., H. L. Bergea, A. M. Feldpausch-Parker, and K. Raitio, editors. Environmental communication and community: constructive and destructive dynamics of social transformation. pp. 269-275. Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Peterson, T. R., and A. M. Feldpausch-Parker. 2013. Environmental conflict communication in Oetzel J. G., and S. Ting-Toomey, editors. The SAGE Handbook on Conflict Communication: integrating theory, research, and practice, second edition. pp. 513-535. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., I. D. Parker, and T. R. Peterson. 2012. Web-based public participation in Carvalho, A., and T. R. Peterson, editors. Climate change politics: communication and public engagement. pp. 193-218. Cambria Press, Amherst.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., D. M. Hall, C.C. Horton, J. M. Minion, A. M. Munoz, I. D. Parker, and T. R. Peterson. 2009. Step It Up in the lone star state: how identity and myth may impact a movement in Endres, D., L. Sprain, and T. R. Peterson, editors. Social movement to address climate change: local steps for global action. pp. 23-51. Cambria Press, Amherst.
Peer Reviewed Encyclopedia Entries
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M. 2013. Wildlife Conservation in Climate Change: An Encyclopedia of Science and History, ed. Brian Black, David Hassenzahl, Jennie Stephens, and Gary Weisel. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M. and T. R. Peterson 2013. Clean Coal in Climate Change: An Encyclopedia of Science and History, ed. Brian Black, David Hassenzahl, Jennie Stephens, and Gary Weisel. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M. 2011. Clean Coal in SAGE eReference Green Series. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
- Peterson, T. R., and A. Feldpausch. 2010. Sustainability in Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication, volume 2, ed. Susanna Hornig Priest. pp. 865-861. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
Published Conference Proceedings
- Wilson, E., J. C. Stephens, A. Feldpausch-Parker, T. R. Peterson. 2014. Adapting energy systems for climate instability: learning from Superstorm Sandy. 2014 Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management Conference,
- Feldpaush-Parker, A. M. and I. D. Parker. 2013. The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation: can it move beyond just hunting? Communication for the commons: revisiting participation and environment. Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Conference on Communication and the Environment.
- Endres, D., B. Cozen, M. O’Byrne, and A. M. Feldpausch-Parker. 2013. Putting the U in carbon capture and storage: performances of rupture within the CCS scientific community. Communication for the commons: revisiting participation and environment. Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Conference on Communication and the Environment.
- Batill, K.M. and A. Feldpausch-Parker. 2013. Hydrofracking in the news: how does media’s coverage of hydraulic fracturing shape public discourse about emerging energy technologies in the U.S. Communication for the commons: revisiting participation and environment. Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Conference on Communication and the Environment.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., M. O’Byrne, N. Schero, A. Strubb, D. Endres, and T.R. Peterson. 2012. Rise of the hero: how the creation of a fictitious hero could overcome the melodrama that is climate change and carbon sequestration. 11th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage Proceedings.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M., R. Chaudhry, J. C. Stephens, M. Fischlein, D. M. Hall, L. L. Melnick, T. R. Peterson, C. J. Ragland, and E. J. Wilson. 2011. A comparative state-level analysis of carbon capture and storage (CCS) discourse among U.S. energy stakeholders and the public. Energy Procedia, 4: 6368-6375.
- Ragland, C. J., A. Feldpausch-Parker, T. R. Peterson, J. Stephens, and E. Wilson. 2011. Socio-political dimensions of CCS deployment through the lens of social network analysis. Energy Procedia, 4: 6210-6217.
- Feldpausch-Parker, A. M. 2009. Public participation in energy policy: a case study of the San Juan Citizens Alliance. Environmental Communication as a Nexus: Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Conference on Communication and the Environment, 564-579. Available from https://theieca.org/sites/default/files/COCE_2009_Proceedings.pdf.
- Bradbury, J., I. Ray, T. R. Peterson, S. Wade, G. Wong-Parodi, and A. M. Feldpausch. 2009. The role of social factors in shaping public perceptions of CCS: results of multi-state focus group interviews. Energy Procedia 1: 4665-4672.
- Feldpausch, A. M. 2007. Global climate change: an issue of legitimacy in the media. Communication at the Intersection of Nature and Culture: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Conference on Communication and the Environment, 276-292. Available from http://www.esf.edu/ecn/coce2007prc.htm.
- Feldpausch, A., and B. Higginbotham. 2006. Texas absentee landowners managing for wildlife: their goals, interests, and educational needs. Proceedings, 11th Triennial National Wildlife & Fisheries Extension Specialist Conference.
Current Graduate Advisees
Meredith Barges
- Degree Sought: PHD
- Graduate Advisor(s): Parker and Cousins
- Area of Study: Environmental Science
Brianna Lounsbury
- Degree Sought: MPS
- Graduate Advisor(s): Parker
- Area of Study: ENS Environmental Policy
Alexandra Walls
- Degree Sought: MS
- Graduate Advisor(s): Parker and Dann
- Area of Study: Environmental Science