2013 Hubbard Brook
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Effect of calcium on soil phosphorus and nitrate in northern hardwoods. Shinjini Goswami, Miami University
Does soil nitrogen control phosphorus resorption in a co-limited system? Craig See, ESF
Sweet Times in the MELNHE plots: Do soil nutrients make maple sap sweeter? Adam Wild, ESF
Do stand age or soil nutrients control foliar chemistry? Yi "Tony" Dong, ESF
Mychorrizal distribution in depth. Franklin Diggs, ESF
Detecting change over time in tree tissue chemistry. Yang Yang, ESF
Connecting kids to local science: leaf litter decomposition in the MELNHE stands. Rich Biche, A Crosby Kennett Middle School
Connecting Science to local kids: Arthropod Communities. Cleo Warner, Eckerd College
The impact of calcium on transpiration and root function. Lily Zahor, Plymouth State University
Does soil calcium affect soil moisture? Joe Kendrick, Bennington College
Sugar maple growth response to a Ca addition. Eric MacPherson, St Michael's College
Bartlett Budgets, with uncertainty. Ruth Yanai, ESF