2023 Annual Hubbard Brook Ecosystem
Please note that the annual meeting falls early for most Research Experience for Undergraduate projects, so presentations given during the HB meeting presentations may be works in progress. Graduate students and PIs generally discuss projects that are further along in development, perhaps over multiple seasons.
60th Annual Cooperators' Meeting
Plymouth State University, July 12-13
Still fertilizing after all these years: Results from the world's longest-running NxP experiment in a temperate forest. Ruth Yanai (SUNY ESF)
Lose Weight Fast! The Impacts of Increased Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Leaf Litter Mass Loss Over 3 Years. Kelley Gilhooly (SUNY ESF)
- What's at stake with wood decomposition? Well woodn't you like to know… Jacob Beidler (SUNY ESF)
Fixated on N fixation! Free-living N fixation in soil, leaf litter, and dead wood. Erin Cornell (SUNY ESF)
Living the wood life: Balancing the N budget with N fixation in dead wood. Erica Albertson (Lafayette College)
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood:The power of knowing tree location. Lindsay Holland (SUNY Binghamtom)