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2016 Hubbard Brook

Please note that the annual meeting falls early for most Research Experience for Undergraduate projects, so presentations given during the HB meeting presentations may be works in progress.  Graduate students and PIs generally discuss projects that are further along in development, perhaps over multiple seasons.  Visit here for more updates!


  • Aboveground growth responds more to P than N. Shinjini Goswami, Miami University, Ohio, PhD

  • Foliar nutrient resorption reflects interactions of N and P availability. Kara Phelps, ESF, MS 2016

  • The effect of P and N addition on red maple seed production. Laurel Brigham, UC San Diego, BS

  • bark disease: bugs and fun guys. An Nguyen, Bennington College, BS

  • Beech interference with maple regeneration: future change in forest composition. Daniel Hong, ESF, MS 2018

  • Sap flow: Calcium, and what about N and P? Mariann Johnston, Assoc Professor, ESF Ranger School

  • Root foraging for apatite is influenced by N and P availability.  Shan Shan, Hannah Devens, Melany Fisk, Joel Blum, Timothy Fahey and Ruth Yanai

  • Is soil respiration affected by nutrient availability? Shiyi Li, Cornell, MS

  • Can stem mapping help understand patterns of soil respiration? Ben Lee, St Mary's College of Maryland, BS

  • Does elevated N or P increase the microbial biomass in the soils of the northern hardwood forests? Cindy Sosa, ESF, BS

  • Get up off the couch! How much of the soil microbial biomass is active? Caitlin Buchheim, University Miami U of Ohio, BS

  • MELNHE: The Shoestring Project. Ruth Yanai, Professor, ESF