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2018 Hubbard Brook

Please note that the annual meeting falls early for most Research Experience for Undergraduate projects, so presentations given during the HB meeting presentations may be works in progress.  Graduate students and PIs generally discuss projects that are further along in development, perhaps over multiple seasons.  Visit here for more updates!

Annual Meeting

W. Thornton, NY - July 11-12, 2018


  • Multiple Element Limitaiton in Northern Hardwood Ecosystems (MELNHE).   Ruth Yanai
  • Foliar N and P resorption by species and treatment.  Daniel Hong, SUNY-ESF, MS
  • Detecting foliar nutrient status from the sky: Ground trothing NEON spectra in the MELNHE plots.  Marissa Gabriel, Drexel University, BS
  • Sugar maple leaf traits respond to nitrogen, phosphorus, and vertical gradients.  Alexander Young, SUNY-ESF, MS
  • Going with the flow: is tree water use affected by nutrient availability? Arianna Libenson, UVM, BS
  • The After Mast: effects of nutrients on sugar maple and beech seed production.  Adam Wild, SUNY-ESF, PhD
  • Survival of American beech and sugar maple germinants.  Kathryn Bazany, Colgate, BS
  • The effects of time, temperature, and treatment on soil respiration.  Chase  Macpherson, Smith College, BS
  • Filling the gaps in our soils data: It's the pits!  Alexandrea Rice, SUNY-ESF, MS
  • Quantifying red maple seed production and viability in nutrient manipulated stands.  Donna Riner, DePauw University, BS
  • Who's who in beech bard disease: N. ditissima vs. N. faginata. Gretchen Dillon, SUNY-ESF, MS