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Students Honored for ‘Spotlight’ Presentations

Several ESF students received awards during the Spotlight on Student Research that was held on campus April 15 and 16. Approximately 75 posters were presented in both undergraduate and graduate student categories.

The following awards were presented at the Spotlight Awards Ceremony:

Undergraduate Posters

Tied for first place and winning $125 were chemistry student Eoghan Connors ("Green Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals Facilitated by Water-Soluble Dendritic Palladium Complexes") and environmental studies student Teagan Dolan ("Engaging and Empowering Appalachian Coal Communities through Water Quality").

Tied for third place and winning $75 were chemistry Student Josh Harris ("The Role of Genes PA2003-PA2005 in the Regulation of D-3 Hydroxybutyrate Metabolism in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1") and environmental science Student Marie Panossian ("Re-Evaluation of SUNY-ESF's CAP for Carbon Neutrality by 2015").

Graduate Posters

First place, with a $125 prize, went to environmental studies master's student Katelind Batill, ("Drilling Between the Lines: A Multi-State Media Analysis of the Risks and Benefits to Hydraulic Fracturing in the US").

Second place, with a $100 prize, went to environmental and forest biology Ph.D. candidate William Helenbrook ("Impact of Changing Landscapes on Gastrointestinal Parasite Communities in People and Mantled Howler Monkeys (Alouatta palliata aequatorialis)").

Third place, with a $75 prize, went to environmental and forest biology master's student Emily Gavard ("Exploring the Potential for Parasite-mediated Competition: New England and Eastern Cottontails, Invasive Vegetation and Parasites in the Hudson Valley, NY").