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ESF's Robin Hood Oak

ESF's Robin Hood Oak, the award's namesake

Robin Hood Awards Presented

Students, staff and faculty were recognized with Robin Hood Oak awards. Robin Hood Oak Awards are given to recognize seniors, faculty and staff who made outstanding contributions to the College and the general public.

This year's honorees are

Dr. Chang Geun Yoo, Distinguished Faculty for Teaching Excellence Award for his exemplary effort, dedication, and enthusiasm for teaching and supporting ESF students. During his two years at ESF, his teaching, advising, and spirit have made a profound impact within the Department of Paper and Bioprocess Engineering.

Dr. Jill Weiss, Outstanding Academic Advisor Award for her outstanding work in supporting students in their studies and future endeavors. Students commended Weiss on her creativity and relentless effort; whether that be in assisting with credits and graduation requirements or developing independent studies and opportunities.

Ray Appleby, Special Recognition for Staff Excellence Award in recognition of his willingness to go out of his way to engage with students and make ESF a better community. Along with other faculty and staff that are in charge of the paper engineering capstone, he has worked to develop creative ideas to ensure learning and growing for the students is met, even with the changes due to COVID-19.

The Robin Hood Oak Award for Academic Excellence was presented to Nicholas Bently, Nicole McCoy and Justin Rosenberg.

Bently's academic performance at ESF and work in three different labs while making time to learn other languages, volunteer to help Syracuse veterans, being involved in campus, and working as a tutor is a testament to his talents and academic excellence.

McCoy's hard work and dedication to the Invertebrate Zoology and Diversity of Life courses are exemplary. Her role in generating ideas, problem-solving, and taking initiative to develop new ways of supporting courses through captivating and unique animal displays … has gone well beyond the usual role of undergraduate TA and is valued by students and faculty.

Rosenberg has excelled in the rigorous major in environmental resource engineering with a GPA of 3.944 and worked as an orientation leader and head orientation leader, president of the ERE Club.

The Robin Hood Oak Award for Community Service was presented to Andrew Meashaw, Julia Gerard and Billie Holecek.

Meashaw's work assisting students in academic education both within and outside ESF shows his dedication to serving those around him. His involvement with SEEC Club and as club president has been instrumental in developing relationships with local Syracuse elementary schools to provide in-school science activities for the students.

Gerard is a teaching assistant for both General Chemistry and Diversity of Life and an active member of the Food Recovery Network and AXS, ESF's Honors Society.

Holecek was honored for her work with All Hands and Heart hurricane disaster relief, her role as an orientation leader and head orientation leader.

The Robin Hood Oak President's Award for Student Excellence was presented to Emily Parsons and Clare Foley. This award recognizes exemplary academic achievement and overall dedication to the ESF college community.

Parson's work with the PBE club and department was extremely helpful - especially on the faculty search committee, as a teaching assistant, and a tutor. Her leadership roles include orientation leader, class marshall and officer in the Honors Society is proof of her dedication to academics and ESF.

Foley was recognized for her leadership as a resident assistant in Centennial Hall, as a teaching assistant and tutor.

The Robin Hood Oak Award for Student Advocacy was presented to Paulina Casasola, Katherine Miller and Nicholas Panico.

Casaola served as an active member and co-president for the Acorns to Action club contributing to supporting communities impacted by natural disasters. She is active with Greenpeace International, A Tiny Home for Good, and We Rise Above the Streets and a leader in the Baobab Society.

Miller's work as a CARE facilitator and the various roles in the Undergraduate Student Association exemplifies the leadership qualities that she holds. Miller is an advocate for the improvement of student life and an advocate for safety and inclusion on campus.

Panico's service in roles including secretary of Paper and Bioprocess Engineering Club and captain of the ChemE-Car team under the American Institute of Chemical Engineers has demonstrated his strong leadership skills. His work as a tutor and research assistant is proof he is a multifaceted and well-rounded individual who is passionate about the betterment of his community.

Julia Rossi, Janessa Sandoval and Ryan Badke were recipients of the ESF Spirit Award recognizing students who demonstrate school spirit within the ESF community.

Rossi's love for Oakie Acorn, ESF's mascot, cannot be forgotten as Rossi spearheaded the campaign to help Oakie win the 2016 SUNY Mascot Madness competition by making Oakie memes. This small act lifted everyone's spirits and promoted activity within the community.

Sandoval is recognized for volunteering at ESF open houses and accepted student events, as well as the Girl's summit, Jordan-Elbridge High School/Women in Engineering Workshop, and Auburn High School/ACS Science Careers Workshop.

Badke created a culture and tradition of brilliance in the construction management program and at ESF as a whole. Badke led the solar decathlon team to victory in the 2019 Solar Decathlon, fabricated and sold beautiful cutting boards and volunteered with Sleep in Heavenly Peace. He participated in alumni events and facilitated bonding amongst the different classes.