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SUNY ESF: A Top Environmental College
The SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) is a STEM college consistently ranked highly for its academics, commitment to sustainability, global impact, affordability, and more. Simply put, our mission is to Improve Our World. Sure, we’re proud of our recognition, but here are some other reasons students choose ESF.
You’ll receive a specialized focus on the environment.
If you’re looking for an environmental college, ESF is a great option. Since our founding
in 1911, we have been dedicated to the study of the environment, developing renewable
technologies, and building a sustainable and resilient future through design, policy,
and management of the environment and natural resources. We are sustainability advocates,
climate-change fighters, and environmental champions who are proud of ESF's niche
You’ll get an affordable education.
It’s hard to find a better educational value than ESF. We’re recognized as a “Best
Value School” and often ranked for our affordability. Plus, SUNY’s tuition and fees
are among the lowest and most competitive in the nation. In addition to federal and
state financial aid programs, ESF offers scholarships and grants; part-time employment;
educational loans; diversity student scholarships and fellowships; deferred tuition
payment plan; and sources of non-need loans to students and parents.
You’ll be immersed in a sustainable campus life.
At ESF, you’ll have a chance to put into practice what you learn. From reusable food
containers and lugging your mug to composting your waste and knowing what goes in
the recycle bin, we live sustainably every day. You can even demonstrate your commitment
by signing the Sustainability Pledge.
You’ll learn outside of the classroom.
You’ll supplement your classroom learning through hands-on work in the lab or studio
and out in the field. There’s no better way to test your skills than by putting them
to work in real-world situations. Many of our undergraduate programs promote research,
field work, and internships.
If you want to enroll at a top environmental college, apply to ESF today >