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Northern Forest Institute

Headwaters to Harbor: Increasing Human Diversity throughout the Hudson River Watershed

This list includes individuals and organizations that expressed interest in, supported, and/or attended the organizing meeting in May of 2012.  Please respond with updated information as appropriate.

Name Affiliation Title
Baldassarre, Elaine SUNY ESF CSTEP Coordinator
Bopp, Michael NYS DEC; Div. of Public Affairs Director
Burgess, Brother Yusuf Children and Nature Network Board of Directors
Chatrchyan , Allison Cornell Univ; Co-Op Extn  
Conover, Dave Clearwater Sloop Dir. Education
Davies, Rob NYS DEC; Div of Lands & Forests Director
Drummer, Raydora SUNY ESF Director, Multicultural Affairs Office
Dunwell, Fran NYS DEC; Hudson River Estuary Program Director
Francis, Raymond SUNY ESF; Paper & Bioprocess Engineering Research Associate
Gerstman, Mark NYS DEC Executive Deputy Commissioner
Gibson, Dave Adirondack Wild: Friends of the Forest Preserve Partner
Green, Adam Rocking the Boat Ex. Director
Griswold, Brigitte The Nature Conservancy; LEAF program Program Director
Hai, Paul B. SUNY ESF's Northern Forest Institute Program Coordinator
Harrison, Ann NYS DEC; Bureau of Environmental Ed Bureau Chief
Hart, Greg Workforce Dev. Institute North Country Regional Dir.
Hathaway, Gretchel Union College Senior Director, Campus Diversity and Affirmative Action
Hults, Clark (Skip) Newcomb CSD Superintendent
Krasny, Marianne Cornell Univ.; Dept Ntl Res Chair
Mapes, Jeffrey NYS DEC; Div of Lands & Forests Envr. Prog Specialst
Martin, Mariel Skidmore College Office of Diversity Programs
Murphy, Ed Workforce Dev. Institute Ex. Director
Musk, Pam Audubon NY Director, Centers & Education
Norris, Melvin NYS DEC;  Office of Environmental Justice Coordinator
Patinelli-Dubay, Marianne SUNY ESF's Northern Forest Institute Environmental Philosopher
Plumley, Dan Adirondack Wild: Friends of the Forest Preserve Partner
Price, Akima    
Remus, Laurel NYS DEC; Public Affairs and Education Director
Riexinger, Patricia NYS DEC; Div of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources Director
Rivera, Roger National Hispanic Environmental Council President
Rumpf, Jeff Clearwater Sloop Ex Dir.
Stanley, Tim Fresh Air Fund/NYSOEA Envir. Center Coor.
Stanne, Steve NYS DEC; Hudson River Estruary Program Education Coor.
Sterling, Candi NYS DEC; Division of Public Affairs Communications Coordinator
Swan, Martha John Brown Lives! Director
Talbot, Leslie Talbot Consulting Proprietor
Tatum, Angela Union College Dir. Comm Outreach; STEP program
Terry-Sepulveda, Kellie The Point Ex. Director
Ukeritis, Betsy NYS DEC; Bureau of Environmental Ed Env. Educator
Winchell, David NYS DEC; Division of Public Affairs Citizen Participation Specialsit, Region 5
 , Decora Newburg Urban Farmers League