Syracuse Urban Food Forest Project
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a food forest?
A food forest is an agricultural system that mimics a woodland ecosystem but substitutes
edible trees, shrubs, and other plants for non-edible forest plants. Fruit and nut
trees make up the top canopy, while berry shrubs, edible perennials and annuals make
up the understory.
Where is the SUFFP located?
The SUFFP is located along a 7 mile stretch of the Onondaga Creekwalk, largely in
the city’s South Side neighborhood. Locations include Kirk Park, Corcoran High School
fields, Wadsworth Park, Elmwood Park, Springdale, and others.
Is anyone allowed to harvest from SUFFP locations?
Yes! The SUFFP is open for anyone to come and harvest. We ask that you are mindful
of how much you harvest, consider the two practices below!
Use the Rule of Three:
- Allow 1/3 of the plant to be harvested (by you and your community)
- Save 1/3 of the plant for animals to consume
- Leave 1/3 of the plant for ecosystem health and regrowth
The Honorable Harvest:
It is a traditional Indigenous practice that applies to every exchange between people
and Earth. They are a set of guidelines to ensure there is no exploitation of nature
and that the land will remain just as rich for future generations. (See Braiding Sweetgrass,
by Robin Wall Kimmerer for more information)
What is foraging?
Foraging is the act of searching for and harvesting wild foods. Wild foods refers
to edible plants (such as ramps, fruit trees, sumac) and fungi (mushrooms) that grow
in parks, forests, and even throughout cities that are not cultivated by humans! Foraging
is a widespread but often hidden activity. The SUFFP increases access to public land
for foraging.
Are foraged foods safe to eat?
Generally speaking yes, but individuals are encouraged to ensure that foods are safe
prior to consuming them as there are poisonous plants. Do not pick from plants that
do not look healthy or are in areas that seem to be polluted. Practice caution especially
in the case of mushrooms!
Are there laws about foraging?
SUFFP collaborates with the City of Syracuse on planting edible trees, shrubs, and
perennial undergrowth on public lands. Currently municipal policy and code concerning
foraging are under review
How do you decide where to plant?
The SUFFP collaborates with the City of Syracuse, local community groups, and entrepreneurs
to identify preferred locations and species to plant along a 9-mile corridor on the
City’s South Side. Project partners include the Syracuse City Departments of Parks
& Recreation and Business & Community Development, Onondaga Earth Corps, Brady Faith
Farms, Baltimore Woods, and the Syracuse-Onondaga Food System Alliance.
How can I stay up to date about events and news?
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram