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Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

EAP Services

EAP – ESF's Employee Assistance Program – is a free, confidential, voluntary consultation REFERRAL service. The EAP committee consists of representatives of the Unions on Campus: CSEA, UUP and PBA, as well as representatives of Management Confidential and Research Foundation employees. The chief responsibility of the committee is support for the EAP Coordinator.

Each State agency has an EAP committee, which promotes the local facility's EAP and selects a Coordinator, who is trained by NYS EAP to identify, assess, and refer employees in need. Employees or family members experiencing problems are referred to qualified community providers. The program addresses whatever problems are affecting an employee's productivity. Individual problems can range from a need for information about child care or care for the elderly to serious difficulties with alcohol or drugs. EAP is most successful if employees seek assistance during the early stages of their problems. With early intervention and treatment, they can maintain productive employment and personal relationships can be salvaged.

EAP is most successful if employees seek assistance during the early stages of their problems. With early intervention and treatment, they can maintain productive employment and personal relationships can be salvaged. The program can provide an economic return to the employer, enhance morale, and foster good employee relations. Other employees will also benefit by being part of a safer, more productive workforce. Ultimately, EAP is a productivity program as well as an employee benefit. Most EAP contacts are self-referrals, but an immediate Supervisor or a Union Representative may recommend members to contact the Coordinator.

You can contact Upstate EAP office about many types of situations: personal, family/marital, emotional, substance abuse, medical, legal or financial. The office does not provide counseling, but does serve as a link between the employee and the appropriate resources located within the local community. EAP's focus is on health and wellness education. We have sponsored Health Challenges, Lunchtime Learning Seminars, and "Helpful Hints" via campus email.

Eligibility and Referral

The EAP welcomes all employees and volunteers of the College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

  • CSEA
  • UUP
  • Council 82
  • Research Foundation
  • Management/Confidential
  • Family Members
  • Retirees


Self-Referral: an employee may contact the EAP Coordinator directly by calling 470-6847 or 470-6726.

Supervisory-Referral: an immediate supervisor is in an excellent position to recognize job performance and potential problems and concerns. While they should not diagnose or mandate that an employee go to EAP, they can suggest that the employee seek assistance and may recommend EAP as a possibility. A supervisor may also consult with the EAP regarding staff and workplace issues.

Union-Referral: Union representatives may recommend members to contact the EAP.

Contact EAP

Upstate EAP Office 