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Faculty Profile
Lawrence Abrahamson

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Department of Environmental Biology
126 Illick Hall

Highest Education

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Entomology), 1969

Areas of Study

Forest entomology, Forest pathology, Pesticides, Integrated pest management, Integrated forest and ROW vegetation management, Woody biomass for energy crops.

Most Recent Publications

Kopp, R.F., L.P. Abrahamson, E.H. White, C.A. Nowak, L. Zsuffa, and K.F. Burns. 1996. Woodgrass spacing and fertilization effects on wood biomass production by a willow clone., Biomass & Bioenergy, 11(6):451-457.

Lo, M.H., and L.P. Abrahamson. 1996. Principal component analysis to evaluate the relative performance of nine-year old hybrid poplar clones, Biomass & Bioenergy, 10(1):1-6.

White, E.H., L.P. Abrahamson, D.J. Robison, E.F. Neuhauser, W.H. Benjamin, J.M. Peterson. 1996. Developing the willow biomass-bioenergy industry in New York: Challenges for commercializing the crop production system. In: BIOENERGY >96 Conference Proceedings, Sept. 15-19, 1996, Nashville, TN, pp. 60-67.

Abrahamson, L.P., C.A. Nowak, P.M. Charlton, and P.G. Snyder. 1995. Cost effectiveness of herbicide and non-herbicide vegetation management methods for electric utility rights-of-way in the Northeast, In: Doucet, G.J., C. Seguin, and M. Giguere (eds.) Proceedings, Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management, Sept. 19-22, 1993, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, p. 27-43.

White, E.H., L.P. Abrahamson, and D.J. Robison. 1995. Commercialization of willow bioenergy - A dedicated feedstock supply system, In: Proceedings, Second Biomass Conference of the Americas: Energy, Environment, Agriculture, and Industry, Aug. 21-24, 1995, Portland, OR, p. 1534-1546.

Lo, M.H., L.P. Abrahamson, E.H. White, and P.D. Manion. 1995. Early measures of basal area and canker disease predict growth potential of some hybrid poplar clones. Can. J. For. Res., 25(7):1113-1118.