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Department of Environmental Biology

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Faculty and Staff


Arsenault, Emily, Assistant Professor & Director Cranberry Lake Biological Sta
BA, Colby College, 2014; MA, University Of Kansas Main Campus, 2017; PHD, University Of Kansas Main Campus, 2021

Artelle, Kyle, Assistant Professor
BS, University of Victoria, 2010; PHD, Simon Fraser University, 2017

Briggs, Christopher, Instructor
BS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University, 2000; MS, University Of Nevada-Reno, 2007; PHD, University Of Nevada-Reno, 2011
135 Illick Hall

Caviness, Terrance, Advisor/Curriculum Assist/CLBS Assist Director
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2017; MPA, University Of Colorado At Denver And Health Scienc, 2021

Cohen, Jonathan, Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1994; MS, University Of Connecticut, 1998; PHD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University, 2005; wildlife ecology and management, population and habitat ecology, threatened and endangered species

Diemont, Stewart, Associate Professor
BA, The University Of Texas At Austin, 1991; MS, University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, 1997; PHD, Ohio State University-Main Campus, 2006; systems ecology, ecological engineering, traditional ecological knowledge, Latin America, ecosystem restoration, sustainability analysis, natural wastewater treatment systems and re-use, less-developed countries, agroecology

Dovciak, Martin, Associate Professor
PHD, University Of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2001; Plant Ecology, Forest Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Global Change,

Downs, Cynthia, Associate Professor
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2004; PHD, University Of Nevada-Reno, 2011; Animal Physiology, ecoimmunology, physiological trade-offs, organismal ecology, scaling, allometry, Ecological and evolutionary consequences of variation in physiological phenotypes

Drew, Joshua, Assistant Professor
BA, Drew University, 1998; MS, SUNY At Albany, 2000; PHD, Boston University, 2008

Farrell, John, Professor and Director, Thousand Island Bio Station
BS, Cornell University, 1987; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1991; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1998; aquatic ecology, fisheries science & management, freshwater coastal wetlands, St. Lawrence River studies & Great Lakes, invasive species, restoration

Fernando, Danilo, Associate Professor
BS, Benguet State University, 1983; MS, University of The Philippines, 1986; PHD, University of Alberta, 1996; plant structure and development, reproductive biology of conifers, pollen transformation, genomics and proteomics of pine pollen tube development, willow flowering and tissue culture, genetic diversity of rare and endangered ferns, and plant evolution, diversity and conservation.

Fierke, Melissa, Professor
AA, North Arkansas College, 1988; BS, Arkansas Tech University, 1998; MS, Oregon State University, 2002; PHD, University Of Arkansas Main Campus, 2006; forest entomology, forest ecology, invasive forest pests, insect-tree interactions, tree defenses

Frair, Jacqueline, Professor and Director, Roosevelt Wildlife Station
BS, Cornell University, 1994; MS, University Of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1999; PHD, University of Alberta, 2005; wildlife ecology and management, ecology of large herbivores and predators, animal movements, resource selection, population demography, quantitative methods in conservation, landscape ecology

Gibbs, James, Distinguished Professor
BS, University Of Maine, 1986; MA, University Of Missouri-Columbia, 1988; PHD, Yale University, 1995; herpetology, vertebrate conservation biology, genetics and ecology in birds, reptiles and amphibians, songbirds, giant tortoise, statistics, wildlife population monitoring, galapagos islands, conservation biology, ecological monitoring, population genetics, applied demography, undergraduate conservation education
404 Illick Hall

Green, Hyatt, Associate Professor
BS, University Of Georgia, 2005; PHD, Oregon State University, 2011; molecular microbial ecology, eDNA, microbial water quality, microbial source-tracking, SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater, forest soil nitrification, Hg-methylation

Gurarie, Eliezer, Assistant Professor
BA, Case Western Reserve University, 1998; BS, Case Western Reserve University, 1998; MS, Aix-Marseille University, 2000; PHD, University Of Washington-Seattle Campus, 2008; Quantitative wildlife ecology, animal movements, spatial ecology, habitat use, behavior, cognition, population ecology, statistical methods, mathematical modeling, co-production of knowledge.

Hall, Charles, Emeritus
BA, Colgate University, 1965; MS, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, 1966; PHD, University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, 1970; systems ecology, meaning synthetic studies of populations and ecosystems, including studies of fish migrations, estuaries, tropical land use change and energetics of both natural and human-dominated ecosystems. Emphasis on measuring and modeling human-dominated ecosystems and geographic modeling as well as biophysical and ecological economics, GIS, energy, general systems thinking, coupled human and natural systems

Horton, Thomas, Emeritus
BA, Humboldt State University, 1986; MA, San Francisco State University, 1992; PHD, University Of California-Berkeley, 1997; mycorrhizal plant ecology, molecular ecology, ecology, fungal communities, mycology, fire ecology

Kimmerer, Robin, Distinguished Teaching Professor and Director, Center for Native Peoples and the Environment
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1975; MS, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978; PHD, University Of Wisconsin-Madison, 1982; plant restoration ecology, bryology, bryoecology, restoration ecology, ethnobotany, conservation biology and bryophyte ecology, traditional ecological knowledge

Lee, JunHyung, Visiting Assistant Professor
BS, Seoul National University, 2009; MS, Seoul National University, 2011; PHD, Purdue University-Main Campus, 2017

Leopold, Donald, Distinguished Teaching Professor
BS, University Of Kentucky, 1978; MS, University Of Kentucky, 1981; PHD, Purdue University-Main Campus, 1984; forest and freshwater wetland ecology, conservation, and restoration, peatland ecology and conservation, local and regional controls of species richness and rarity, dynamics of plant communities as affected by man and environment, management for unique communities and rare species, dendrology, native plants, restoration ecology, rare species conservation

Leydet, Brian, Associate Professor
MPH, University Of North Florida, 2009; PHD, Louisiana State University & Agricultural & Mechan, 2014; infectious and vector-borne diseases, arthropods of veterinary and medical importance, vector biology, vector-pathogen-host interactions, disease ecology, molecular biology, epidemiology of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases

Limburg, Karin, Distinguished Professor
BA, Vassar College, 1977; MS, University Of Florida, 1981; PHD, Cornell University, 1994; riverine fish and estuarine ecology, fisheries ecology, watershed ecology, systems ecology, ecological economics, fisheries and ecosystem science, coupled human-natural systems, biogeochemistry, fisheries ecology, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemical tracers, modeling

McGee, Gregory, Associate Professor
BS, Allegheny College, 1987; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1993; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1998; ecology, management and restoration of forest ecosystems; STEM education

McNulty, Stacy, Associate Director of Research
BA, SUNY College At Geneseo, 1994; MS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1997; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 2023; forest and wildlife ecology, plant and animal relationships, phenology, long-term system dynamics, biodiversity conservation, field stations, Biosphere Reserves, and relationships of human land use planning, recreation, policy and management to ecosystem function.

Millspaugh, Joshua, Campfire Conservation Fund Professor of Wildlife Conservatio
BS, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1991; MS, South Dakota State University, 1995; PHD, University Of Washington-Seattle Campus, 1999
252 Illick Hall

Parry, Dylan, Professor
BS, University of Alberta, 1991; MS, University of Alberta, 1994; PHD, Michigan State University, 2000; Biological invasion, climate change, and conservation, primarily in the context of insects in forested ecosystems.

Razavi, Roxanne, Assistant Professor
PHD, Queen's University, 2014; ecotoxicology, limnology, environmental toxicology, mercury

Reich, Hannah, Assistant Professor
BA, Clark University, 2015; MS, Clark University, 2016; PHD, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, 2020
426 Illick Hall

Rundell, Rebecca, Associate Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1996; MS, University Of Chicago, 2004; PHD, University Of Chicago, 2008; evolutionary biology, conservation biology, speciation, adaptive and nonadaptive radiations, biogeography, phylogenetics, systematics, Pacific island radiations and biodiversity conservation, land snails, marine/aquatic microscopic invertebrates

Schulz, Kimberly, Associate Professor
BA, Cornell University, 1990; PHD, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1996; nutrient and exotic species effects on aquatic ecosystems, ecological stoichiometry, aquatic community and ecosystem ecology, bioenergetics, nutrient cycling, lower food web studies, great lakes, finger lakes, plankton, limnology, aquatic ecology, biogeochemistry, invasive species

Schummer, Michael, Associate Professor
PHD, University of Western Ontario, 2005; Waterfowl Ecology, Waterfowl Management, Waterfowl Conservation, Wetlands Management, Wetlands Conservation, Ornithology, Plant-Animal Associations, Conservation Biology, Wildlife Ecology, Wetlands Ecology, Wildlife-habitat relationships, ecology, climate change, human dimensions of wildlife, avian toxicology

Sheehan, Kit, Advisor/Curriculum Assistant/CLBS Academic Program Coordinat
AAS, Onondaga Community College, 1999; BS, SUNY Brockport, 2002; MS, University Of Maine, 2005

Teale, Stephen, Professor and Chair of Environmental Biology
BAS, The College Of Saint Rose, 1980; MS, University Of Kansas Main Campus, 1983; PHD, SUNY College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, 1990; forest entomology, insect behavior, pheromones of forest insects, insect ecology, pest management, chemical ecology, evolution of pheromone communications

Weir, Alexander, Professor
BS, University of Bradford, 1986; PHD, University of New Castle Upon Tyne, 1997; conservation mycology, fungal biodiversity and conservation, fungal-arthropod interactions, biology of parasites and symbionts, systematics and evolutionary biology of fungi, fungi and humans, biology of parasites and symbionts

Whipps, Christopher, Director, SUNY Center for Applied Microbiology and Professor
BS, University of Victoria, 1997; PHD, Oregon State University, 2004; fish parasites and diseases, wildlife diseases, parasitology, microbiology, taxonomy, molecular systematics, diagnostics, parasites as biological tags and ecological indicators, epidemiology and control of pathogens of ecological and veterinary importance, evolution and biology of disease causing organisms in animal populations using molecular systematics


  • Kavanagh, Danielle, Administrative Assistant 1, Graduate Secretary
    242 Illick Hall,, 315-470-6760
  • Adams, Kim, Instructional Support Specialist, Director, Tree Pest Information Service
  • Ettinger, Terry, Instructional Support Specialist, Greenhouse Manager
  • McHale, Patrick, Instructional Support Specialist
  • Walker-Kopp, Nancy, Instructional Support Specialist

Visiting Instructors

  • David Bullis, GenBio (Fall), Genetics (Spring), SysEnto lab (Spring)
  • James Johnson, Non-major Biology (Spring)
  • Stephanie Johnson, Aquatic Ento (Fall), CompVertAnat (Spring)
  • Jamie Lamit, Freshwater Wetland Ecosystems (Spring)
  • Linda McGuigan, Plant Tissue Culture (Fall)
  • Jason Meany, Scuba (Fall & Spring)
  • Nancy Walker-Kopp, General Biology lab (Spring & Fall)

Affiliated Faculty & Researchers

  • Beier, Colin, Associate Professor, SRM
  • Drake, John, Assistant Professor, SRM
  • McNulty, Stacy, AEC Associate Director and Research Associate
  • Newhouse, Andrew, Research Staff and Assistant Director of the Chestnut Project
  • Quinn, Sam, Research Assistant
  • Rojas, Vanessa, Assistant Professor, Ranger School
  • Stella, John, Professor, SRM