Faculty Profile
Emily Arsenault

Assistant Professor & Director Cranberry Lake Biological Sta
Department of Environmental Biology
256 Illick Hall
- PhD 2021, University of Kansas, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- MA 2017, University of Kansas, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- BA 2014, Colby College, Environmental Studies; Biology
Professional Experience
2021-2022, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Program in Environmental Studies, Bates College
Research Interests
Freshwater ecology, stable isotopes, food webs, ecosystem ecology, carbon and energy flow, water quality, anthropogenic impacts
For more information, please visit the Arsenault Lab website.
Current Graduate Advisees
Matthew Foli
- Degree Sought: MS
- Graduate Advisor(s): Arsenault and Farrell
- Area of Study: Environmental & Forest Biology
Abigail Hullihen
- Degree Sought: MS
- Graduate Advisor(s): Arsenault
- Area of Study: Environmental & Forest Biology
Jack Marshall
- Degree Sought: MS
- Graduate Advisor(s): Arsenault
- Area of Study: Environmental & Forest Biology
Amarbat Otgonganbat
- Degree Sought: PHD
- Graduate Advisor(s): Arsenault
- Area of Study: Environmental & Forest Biology
Ben Spitz
- Degree Sought: MS
- Graduate Advisor(s): Arsenault and Farrell
- Area of Study: Environmental & Forest Biology
EFB 554: Aquatic Entomology
EFB 496/696: Stream Ecology
Selected Publications
Pyron, M., A. Maasri, J. Costello, S. Kenner, A. Otgonganbat, B. Mendsaikhan, S. Chandra, J. H. Thorp, E. R. Arsenault, R. Shields, C. Artz, and M. M. Minder. 2024. Fish assemblages on two continents respond to valley- and reach-scale hydrogeomorphic variation: analyses across three temperate regions. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. e12806. https://doi-org.esf.idm.oclc.org/10.1111/eff.12806
Venkatachari, A., I. Salman, Q. Shingai, D. Bruesewitz, A. Quattrini Li, E. R. Arsenault, H. A. Ewing, K. L. Cottingham, I. Rekletis, and A. Bourbonnais. 2024. Use of an autonomous surface vehicle to collect high spatial resolution water quality data in Lake Wateree, SC. Journal of South Carolina Water Resources 9(2):10.
Minder, M., E. R. Arsenault, M. Pyron, A. Otgonganbat, and B. Mendsaikhan. 2023. Dietary overlap and selectivity among mountain steppe river fish in the United States and Mongolia. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10132. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10132
Arsenault, E. R., J. H. Thorp, M. J. Polito, M. Minder, W. K. Dodds, F. Tromboni, A. Maasri, M. Pyron, B. Mendsaikhan, A. Otgonganbat, S. Altangerel, S. Chandra, R. Shields, C. Artz, and H. Bennadji. 2022. Intercontinental analysis of temperate steppe stream food webs reveals consistent autochthonous support of fishes. Ecology Letters 25:2624–2636. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14113
Arsenault, E. R., J. H. Liew, and J. R. Hopkins. 2022. Substrate composition influences amino acid carbon isotope profiles of fungi: Implications for tracing fungal contributions to food webs. Environmental Microbiology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.15961
Shields, R., M. Pyron, E. R. Arsenault, J. H. Thorp, M. Minder, C. Artz, J. Costello, A. Otgonganbat, B. Mendsaikhan, and A. Maasri. 2021. Geomorphology variables predict fish assemblages for forested and endorheic rivers of two continents. Ecology and Evolution. http://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8300
Maasri, A., M. Pyron, E. R. Arsenault, J. H. Thorp, B. Mendsaikhan, F. Tromboni, M. Minder, S. J. Kenner, J. Costello, S. Chandra, A. Otgonganbat, B. Boldgiv. 2021. Valley-scale hydrogeomorphology drives river fish assemblage variation in Mongolia. Ecology and Evolution 11:6527–6535. http://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7505
McGill, B. M., M. J. Foster, A. N. Pruitt, S. G. Thomas, E. R. Arsenault, J. Hanschu, K. Wahwahsuck, E. Cortez, K. Zarek, T. D. Loecke, and A. J. Burgin. 2021. You are welcome here: a practical guide to diversity, equity, and inclusion for undergraduates embarking on an ecological research experience. Ecology and Evolution 11:3636–3645. http://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7321
Minder, M. M., E. R. Arsenault, B. Erdenee, A. Maasri, and M. Pyron. 2021. Diet overlap among non-native trout species and native Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) in two U.S. ecoregions. Ecology and Evolution 11:2782–2795. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7231
Thorp, J. H., W. K. Dodds, C. J. Robbins, A. Maasri, E. R. Arsenault, J. A. Lutchen, F. Tromboni, B. Hayford, M. Pyron, G. S. Mathews, A. Schechner, and S. Chandra. 2021. A framework for lotic macrosystem research. Ecosphere. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3342
Minder, M. M., E. R. Arsenault, B. Erdenee, and M. Pyron. 2020. Dietary specificity and overlap in endorheic river fishes: How do native and nonnative species compare? Journal of Fish Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.14396
Liew, J. H., K. W. J. Chua, E. R. Arsenault, J. H. Thorp, A. Suvarnaraksha, A. Amirrudin, and D. C. J. Yeo. 2019. Quantifying terrestrial carbon in freshwater food webs using amino acid isotope analysis—case study with an endemic cave fish. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 10:1594–1605. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13230