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Faculty Profile
Klaus Doelle

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Klaus  Doelle

Associate Professor

Department of Chemical Engineering
421 Walters Hall

Past and Present Courses

  • BPE/PSE 132 Introduction to Process Engineering I
  • BPE/PSE 133 Introduction to Process Engineering II
  • PSE 200 Introduction to Papermaking
  • PSE 296 Papermaking Processes (ESF-Outreach)
  • BPE 296 Biological Systems Engineering (ESF-Outreach)
  • PSE 361/561 Engineering Thermodynamics
  • PSE 437/637 Troubleshooting and Maintenance
  • PSE 465 Fiber & Paper Properties
  • PSE 467 Wet End Chemistry
  • PSE 468/668 Papermaking Processes
  • PSE 481 Engineering Design
  • PSE 496 Special Topics
  • PSE 498 Research Problem Paper Engineering
  • PSE 552 Fiber Materials Recycling and Processes
  • PSE 596 Papermaking Experience (Syracuse University Students Only)
  • PSE 596 Research Experience Bioprocess Engineering
  • PSE 596 Research Experience Paper Engineering
  • PSE 667 Colloidal and Interface Science Applications in Papermaking
  • PSE 898 Professional Experience/Synthesis
  • BPE 430 Process Operations Laboratory
  • BPE 498 Research Problem Bioprocess Engineering
  • BPE 798 Research in Bioprocess Engineering
  • BPE 898 Professional Experience/Synthesis
  • ENS 498 Research Problems in Environmental Sciences
  • ENS 797 Environmental Science Seminar
  • ENS 798 Problem Environmental Science
  • ENS 898 Professional Experience



Paper and Bioprocess Engineering Exchange Program

This program is open to all ESF students interested in studying at the Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS), in Munich, Germany.

MUAS is located in the heart of Munich. It is the largest university of its kind in Bavaria and is the second largest in Germany. Students can choose courses taught in English from among 14 departments, including the areas of papermaking, printing, technology, economy, social studies, and design.

Munich, one of the most beautiful cities in the world is ranked as one of the safest cities in Germany.

The city of Munich, capital of the State of Bavaria, is a green city and major European cultural center, with a reputation as a high-tech location. Munich is home to headquarters of leading companies such as BMW and Siemens. Bavaria is considered one of the strongest economic regions in Europe.

Munich’s goal of being the first city with over one million inhabitants to supply electricity only through the use of renewable energies by 2025, is resulting in a massive implementation of renewable energy projects, including photovoltaic, wind, biomass and hydropower.

Interested students need departmental approval and have to submit the MUAS online application material through our International Education Office.

Interested students should first schedule an appointment per e-mail.



Research Interests


  • Papermaking & related processes,
  • Paper development
  • Paper recycling,
  • Bleaching,
  • Filler materials,
  • Energy savings,
  • Water & wastewater treatment,
  • Engineering, machine & processes design in the papermaking & environmental field.

Undergraduate Program

Graduate Program


Environmental Sciences:

  • Constructed wetlands and biofilters,
  • Water and wastewater treatment,
  • Remediation,
  • Renewable energy & processes including hydropower,
  • Recycling,
  • Composting,
  • Agricultural applications,
  • Aquaponics,
  • Engineering of biological systems,
  • Engineering, machine & process design in the chemical, biological systems, and wastewater field.

Undergraduate Program

Graduate Program



Research Projects

Projects are available for undergraduate research classes BPE/PSE 498 and BPE/PSE 596, internships, as well as for BS, MS and doctoral research based on available funding.

Paper Engineering:

Novel paper filler development

Bio-based additives for papermaking

Novel bleaching process development using sustainable bleaching agents



Specialty paper development and production

Scanning electron microscope study

Bioprocess Engineering:

Biomass characterization

Biomass pre- and post-preparation

Anaerobic and aerobic fermentation including biogas production

Biogas clean-up

Gasification of biomass

Energy conversion of syngas

Energy Conversion

Biomass Conversion into Ethanol using Fermentation

Scanning Electron Microscope study

Environmental Science:

Recycling and waste repurposing

Wastewater treatment process development

Subsurface biofilters & constructed wetlands

Water remediation with black soldier fly larva

Removal of contaminants from effluent streams using filtration 

Scanning electron microscope study

Composting and heat recovery


For more information please contact  Dr. Klaus Doelle.





Making paper for block art:


Truck that runs on wood:


Making electricity from sludge:



  • Ph.D., Agricultural Engineering, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, 2002, University of Wisconsin, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Madison WI.
  • Dipl. Ing. Mechanical Engineering, 1990, Aalen University, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
  • Maschinenschlosser & Maschinentechnischer Berufskollegiat State Certified, 1985, J.M. Voith GmbH

Professional Experience

  • Associate Professor 8/2014 - present SUNY-ESF
  • Assistant Professor 3/2008 - 7/2014, SUNY-ESF
  • Professor 3/2007-2/2008, University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg, Germany
  • Voith 05/1986 – 2/2007
    • Head Engineering and Technology, 10/2004 - 2/2007 Voith Fabrics Düren, Ravensburg, Germany,
    • Manager Research and Development, Center of Product Coordination, (09/2002-9/2004) Voith Paper Fiber Systems, Ravensburg, Germany
    • Manager Research & Development Engineering, (11/1997 – 08/2002) Voith Paper Inc. Fiber Systems, Appleton, Wisconsin.
    • Development Engineer / Special Product Group Leader, (01/1995 – 10/1997) Voith Paper Fiber Systems Division, Heidenheim and Ravensburg, Germany
    • Design and Development Engineer, (10/1993 – 12/1994) Voith Paper Inc. Fiber System Division, Appleton
    • Design and Development Engineer. (10/1990 - 9/1993) J.M. Voith GmbH, Paper Stock Preparation Division
    • Machine Fitter Apprenticeship J.M. Voith GmbH, Heidenheim, Germany

Memberships, Activities, and Awards

  • New York Water Environment Association (NYWEA)
  • Water Environmental Federation (WEF)
  • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
  • Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI)
  • Syracuse Pulp and Paper Foundation (SPPF)
  • Vereingter Papierfachverband Muenchen e.V.
  • ESF in the High School (ESF-Outreach)
  • ESF - SUNY Senator
  • ESF - Executive Chair of Academic Governance
  • United States Patent and Trademark Office, Certificate of Appreciation, 7/2001


Number of refereed publications, articles, books & book chapters, patent applications, presentations, reports, seminars, theses, videos, etc.: >950; Number of Issued Patents: over 180 in 33 different countries.

Selected Publications


  1. Dölle, Klaus. (2024). Application of Recycled Plastic Media to Enhance Processes of a Waste Water Treatment Plant. Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews, 7 (4):865-879. 
  2. Dölle, K. (2024). Application of Recycled Plastic Specimens to Enhance Waste Water Treatment Plant Operation for Subterranean Flow Constructed Wetlands. Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews. 7(4):767-783.
  3. Dölle, K., Dristle S., Fett E., Krauss C., McCarthy B., Purvis L., Schoen J., Wojcikovski I. (2024). Bio Based Coatings for Packaging Paper Applications: A Brief Technology Review. Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews. (4):566-584.
  4. Dölle, K., Zoller-Croll, H., Blazevic, D., Hörl, F., Lexa, A., Noss, F., Prasad, S., Richter, G., Schmeckebier, E., Slavinskas, J., & Weiß, M. (2024). Sustainable Greeting Card – paper Products Produced on a Laboratory Paper Machine. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 26(6):198–211.
  5. Dölle, K. (2024). Reinventing Hemp as Bio Fiber Material for Industrial Applications: Past, Present and the Future. Advances in Research. 25(2):98-112.
  6. Dunlap KA, Dölle, K. (2024). An Application of Hemp as Fiber Material in Art Applications From Past to Present: A Brief Artist Perspective. Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences. 22(1):43-51.
  7. Dölle, K. (2023). Moisture Transfer of Paper for Food Applications: A Laboratory Study. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. 25(11):177-185.
  8. Dölle, K. (2023). Subsurface Bioreactors as a Possible Addition to Enhance Waste Water Treatment Plant Operation - A Brief Review. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. 25(10):209-225.
  9. Dölle, K., & Röhlen P, (2023). Solids Content Removal of Agricultural Effluent– A Laboratory Study Asian Journal of Advanced Agricultural Research,23(3):75-88.
  10. Dölle, K., Lex, S., & Button, N. (2023). Treatment of Effluent with an Anaerobic Aerobic Effluent Treatment System. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports25(7), 145–158.
  11. Dölle, K., & Röhlen P, (2023). Determination of the Feasibility for a Renewed Approach to the Mechanical Cleaning Stage in Wastewater Treatment Plants – A Laboratory Study Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports,17(9), 126-134. 
  12. Dölle, K., Byrnes, N., Dristle, S., Fernandez, T., Hussein, M., Krauss, C., McCarthy, B., Sausville, P., Schoen, J., Slavinskas, J., Wilson, E., & Wojcikowski, I. (2023). Characterization of Recycled Fiber Material Made from Liquid Containerboard (LCB) and/or Old Corrugated Containers (OCC) – Evaluation of its Use by a Handsheet Study. Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews, 6(3), 341-353.
  13. Dölle, K., (2023). Enhancement of a Decentralized Wastewater System by Applying a Bio-tower - A Project for Improving our Environmental Footprint, Journal of Materials Science Research and Reports, 25(4), 24-41.
  14. Dölle, K., (2023). Application of A Bio-Tower to A Decentralized Wastewater System – A Project for A Better Environment, International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJASEAT)-IJASEAT, 11(1), 172-176. 
  15. Klaus Dölle, Jacob Darius, Rodrigo Castillo Medina, Owen Henkler, Jonathan Day. (2022). A Study on Laboratory Type Paper Machine Using Nano Fibrillated Cellulose from Recycled Old Corrugated Containerboard as Bio Additive in Board Production. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. 2022;24(5):46-55. 
  16. Dölle, K., Byrnes, N., Dristle, S., Fernandez, T., Hussein, M., Krauss, C., McCarthy, B., Sausville, P., Schoen, J., Slavinskas, J., Wilson, E., & Wojcikowski, I. (2022). Upgrading of Old Corrugated Container Board with Aseptic Packaging Container for Paper Board Applications - A Laboratory Handsheet Study. Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews, 5(4), 42-54. 
  17. Dölle, K, Fritz, M. (2022). Laboratory Study of Treating Wastewater with Laboratory Benchtop Septic System. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. 2022;23(12):321-327.
  18. Dölle, K, Fritz, M. (2022). Biogas Production from Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Biosolids from Wastewater Treatment. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. 2022;12(4):70-75.
  19. Dölle, K., Jeeva, K. N. C., & Iribarne J. (2022), "Recycling of Aseptic Packaging Container for Paper Board Applications - A Laboratory Study", Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews. 2022;12(3):1-24.
  20. Dölle K., Byrnes N., Dristle S., Fernandez T., Hussein M., Krauss C., McCarthy B., Sausville P., Schoen J., Slavinskas J., Wilson E., Wojcikowski I. (2022), "A Global Look at the Market Potential of Liquid Container Board and Its Ability to Reduce Plastic Waste – A Brief Review", Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. 2022;23(12):223-235.
  21. Dölle, K., & Jeeva, K. N. C. (2022), "Aseptic Packaging Container Recovery – A Review", Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews, 10(1), 38-51.
  22. Dölle, K. (2022), "Copy Paper from Recycled Egg Cartons – A 12-inch Paper Machine Development Study", Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 23(3), 39-49
  23. .Dölle K., Lex, S. (2022), "Application and Testing of a Laboratory Biotower Septic Tank System for Effluent Treatment - A Laboratory Study", Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports, 16(9), 8-17. 
  24. Dölle, K., & Lex, S. (2022), "Benchtop Septic System for Effluent Treatment - A Laboratory Development", Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 22(10), 34-40.
  25. Dölle K., & Lex S., (2022), "Application of a Sludge Blanket Reactor for Effluent Treatment: A Laboratory Study", Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 11(4), 19-32.
  26. Dölle K., Weizmann N., Lang J.R., (2022), “Biogas Production Potential from Anaerobic Co-digestion of Grape Pomace”, Journal of Energy Research and Reviews (JERR), 11(2), 21-30.
  27. Dölle K., Serena L. Brandt, Rodrigo Medina Castillo, William S. Contento, Jacob A. Darius, Jonathan M. Day, Sean M. Jr. Ferry, Owen S. Henkler, Emily E. Hicks, Kevin D. Holmes, Kelly J. O’Keefe, Joseph P. Payette, Edith L. Taylor, (2022), “Paper Bag and Plastic Bag – A Brief Review”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports (JERR), 22(5), 45-57.
  28. Dölle K., Kurzmann D.E., (2022), “The Possibility of Biogas Production from Anaerobic Co-digestion of Hemp and Manure– A perspective in Germany”, Journal of Energy Research and Reviews (JERR), 11(1), 1-11.
  29. Dölle K., (2022), “Beverage Coaster Paper – A Protective PaperGrade Development”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports (JERR), 22(4), 32-43.
  30. Dölle K., Palmer K., Palumbo N., Neary B., Shick I., Rothwell I., (2022), “Straw for Art Applications – A Paper Development Study”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports (JERR), 22(1), 33-88.
  31. Dölle K., (2022), “Blotting Paper for Bench Type Testing – A 48-inch Pilot Paper Machine Production Run”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports (JERR), 21(11), 59-69.
  32. Dölle K., (2022), “In-Situ Precipitated Calcium carbonate Paper Filler Material: A Review”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports (JERR), 21(11), 38-58.
  33. Dölle K., (2022), “Paper for Screen Printing Application – A PaperDevelopment Study”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports (JERR), 21(9), 45-63.
  34. Bates R., Dölle K., (2022), “Dual Fueling a Lister Diesel Engine with Producer Gas Generated from Wastepaper and Biosolids”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports (JERR), 21(9), 27-44.
  35. Dölle K., Rainville H. (2021), “Art Paper for Large Wood Relief Block Printing – A PaperDevelopment Study”. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports (JERR). 21(7):1-18.
  36. Dölle K., Zier S. (2021), “Application of spruce wood flour as cellulosic-based wood additives for recycled paper applications—A pilot paper machine study”, TAPPI JOURNAL, Oct. 2021, Vol. 20 No.10, pp 641-652. 
  37. Dölle K., Bajrami B. (2021), “Eucalyptus Pulp Fibers with In-Situ Precipitated Calcium Carbonate – A 12 Inch Laboratory Paper Machine Study”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 20(12):109-125.
  38. Dölle K., Bajrami B. (2021), “Beating of eucalyptus Pulp fibers under Neutral and Alkaline Conditions – A Valley Beater Study”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 20(8):86-96.
  39. Dölle K., Bajrami B. (2021), “In Situ Precipitated Calcium Carbonate in the Presence of Pulp Fibers – A Beating Study”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 20(8), 1-17.
  40. Dölle K., Bayrami B., (2021), “Small Pilot System for the Manufacture of in Situ Precipitated Calcium Carbonate in the Presence of Pulp Fibers”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. 20(5):119-123.
  41. Dölle K., Udegbunam I., (2021), “Application of Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens (L., 1758) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) Larvae to Treat Waste Water”, Annual Research & Review in Biology (ARRB). 36(2):62-70.
  42. Dölle K., Wang Q., Tong J., (2021), “Water Hyacinths (Eichhornia crassipes) – Application for Secondary Wastewater Treatment and Biomass Production”, Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology (JABB). 36(2):52-61.
  43. Dölle K., Giarrusso S., (2021), “Bio-tower Application for Improvement of a Decentralized Waste Water Treatment System for Residential Applications-reduction of Nonpoint Source Pollution by Nitrogen”, Asian Journal of Environment and Ecology (AJEE). 14(3):1-7.
  44. K. Dölle, J. Darius, J. Sonntag, K. Fisher, T. Dominesey (2021), Improving recycled material fines retention using bio-based materials and advanced process solutions for board manufacturing, The Issues in Mechanics of Pulp and Paper Material, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2021:255-256
  45. Dölle K., Sonntag J., Fischer K., Dominesey, T. (2021), "Improvement of Fiber Fines Retention and Mechanical Properties of Board Paper Using Corn and Tapioca Starch - A Handsheet Study", Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 20(1), 39-50.
  46. Dölle K., Wang Q., (2020), “Municipal Wastewater Treatment using a Packed Bio-tower Approach", Asian Journal of Environment and Ecology (AJEE). 13(2):42-50.
  47. Dölle K., Kurzmann D.E., (2020), “The Mollusk Zebra Mussels (Dereissena polymorpha) in Freshwater Bodies - A Review: Living, Prospects and Jeopardies”, Asian Journal of Environment and Ecology (AJEE). 13(2):1-17.
  48. Dölle K., Hughes T., (2020), “Biogas Production from Anaerobic Co-digestion of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and Cow Manure”, Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 5(3):49-60. 
  49. Dölle K., Hughes T., Kurzmann D.E., (2020), “From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Biogas Production from biomass Based Feedstock- A Review of Anaerobic Digester Systems”, Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 5(3):1-37. 
  50. Dölle K.,  Tong J., Wang Q., (2020), ”Water Hyacinths – Biomass Production Potential at a Waste Water Treatment Plant", Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology, (JABB), 23(2):1-10.
  51. Dölle K., Goodman N., Lawrence, W. (2020), “Application of Ultraviolet Treatment for Paper Production - An Engineering Study”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 11(4), 35-41. 
  52. Dölle K., Qin Y., Wang Q., (2020), “Bio-tower Application for Wastewater Treatment”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 11(1):1-7.
  53. Dölle K., J. Tong, Q. Wang, (2020), ”Water Hyacinths – Biomass Production Potential at a Waste Water Treatment Plant", Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology, (JABB), 23(2):1-10.
  54. Dölle K., Goodman N., Lawrence, W. (2020), “Application of Ultraviolet Treatment for Paper Production - An Engineering Study”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 11(4), 35-41.
  55. Dölle K., Qin Y., Wang Q., (2020), “Bio-tower Application for Wastewater Treatment”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 11(1):1-7.
  56. Dölle K., Zier S., (2020), “Spruce Woodmeal for Newsprint Applications: A Handsheet Study, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 10(1):1-14.
  57. Dölle K., Parsons E., Konecny J., (2020), “Application of Cationic tapioca to Unmodified Pearl Corn Starch – A Papermaking Handsheet Study”, Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 9(4):1-7.
  58. Dölle K., Kurzmann D.E., (2019), “Cannabis, the plant of the unlimited possibilities”, Journal of Advances in Research, 20(3):1-22.
  59. Eliniski A.R., Chatterjee S., Mondal C., Doelle K., (2019), Effects of Substrate to Inoculum Ratio on the Biogas Production from the Anaerobic Codigestion of Office Paper and Cow Manure, Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 3(4), 1-15. 
  60. Dölle K., K. Baumgartner, N.F. Goodman, A. Klitsiotisoris, (2019), "Hybrid Precipitated Calcium Carbonate containing Wood Flour for Papermaking Applications-a Comparative Handsheet Study", Chemical Science International Journal, 27(2), 1-13. 
  61. Dölle K., Dugan R., (2019), "Compost Heat Recovery from Municipal Residues", Researchworld (RW), pp 12-15.
  62. Dölle K., Zier S., (2019), "Application of Cellulosic-Based Wood Additives for Recycled Paper Applications – A Pilot Paper Machine Study", TAPPI, PaperCon.
  63. Dölle K., Zier S., Lombardi L., Stein T., & Winkelbauer S. (2019), "Spruce Wood Flour for Paper Applications – A Handsheet Study", Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences, 6(1), 1-11. 
  64. Dölle K., (2019), "Papermaking Using Willow (Salix dasiclados) as a Hardwood Source – A Handsheet and Pilot Paper Machine Study", Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences, (AJCS), 5(2):1-16.
  65. Dölle k., Tong J., Wang Q., Lorenz V., Hennwood a.J., Dominesey T.M., (2018), ”Water Hyacinths – Biomass and Water Purifying Potential for Agricultural Applications”, Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology, (JABB), 18(3):1-9.
  66. Dölle K., Honig A.,  (2018), “Laboratory Bleaching System for Oxygen and Ozone Bleaching”, Advances Asian Journal of Chemical Science (AJOCS),  4(2), 1-12.
  67. Bates R., Dölle K., (2018), “Dual Fueling a Diesel engine with Producer Gas Produced from Wood chips”, Advances in Research (AIR), 14(1), 1-9.
  68. Doelle K., Bajrami B., (2018), “Sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide hybrid oxygen bleaching with system”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 301 (2018) 012136, 1-6.
  69. Doelle K., Honig A., Piatkowski J., Kuempel C., (2018) “Manufacture of a ceramic paper for art application”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 292 (2017) 012033, 1-6.
  70. Bates R., Dölle K., (2017), “Syngas Use in Internal Combustion Engine – A Practical Approach”, International Journal for Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary Field (IRMF), 3(7), 157-165, ISSN-2455-0620.
  71. Dölle K., Wang Q., Tong J., “Pharmaceuticals in Surface  Water and Waste Water Plant Effluent around the World – a Review” submitted, Asian Journal of Environment and Ecology (AJEE), 1-17.
  72. Bates R., Dölle K., (2017), “Start-Up of a Pilot Scale Downdraft Imbert Style Gasifier using Willow and Sugar Maple Wood Chips”, International Journal For Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary Field (IRMF), 3(6), 379-386.
  73. Burry W., Doelle K., Liu S., Appleby R., (2017), “Common Reed (Phragmites Australis) Eradicate or Utilize?  Part II: Potential Use as an Industrial Fiber Source after Hot Water Extraction”, BioResources 12(3), 5697-5714.
  74. Bates P.R., Dölle K., (2017), ”Syngas Use in Internal Combustion Engines – A Review” British Journal of Advances in Research (BJAIR), Vol. 10 (1), 1-8.
  75. Dölle K., Wang Q., (2017), “Application of Subsurface Bioreactor for Wastewater Treatment”, International Journal for Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol 2(132), 1-6.
  76. K. Dölle. Van Bargen M., (2017), “Phosphor Removal from Waste Water using Hydrodynamic Cavitation.” British Journal of Scientific Research and Reports(JSRR), Vol. 14 (2), 1-11.
  77. Weber V., Dölle K., (20 17), "Hydrodynamic Cavitation Applied to Corn Oil", British Journal of Advances in Research (BJAIR), Vol. 9 (4), 1-12.
  78. Ritter S., Doelle K., Van Bargen M., Piatkowski J., (2017), “Fruits in Craft Beer: A Study to Evaluate the Impact of Fruits on the pH in the Brewing Process and the Breweries Waste Water”, British Journal of Advances in Research (BJAIR), Vol. 8 (4), 1-8.
  79. Doelle K., Watkins C, (2017), “Algae to Remove Phosphorous in a Trickling Filter”, British Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology (BJABB), Vol. 11 (2), 1-9.
  80. Doelle K., Bajrami B., (2016), “Calcium hydroxide as an Alternative Alkali for the Oxygen Bleaching Stage of Kraft Pulp”, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 50(9-10), 1055-1060.
  81. Oliveira F, Doelle K., Smith R.P., (2016), “External Morphology of Diptera, Stratiomyidae, Hermetia illucens (L.1758) using electron microscopy”, Journal of Annual Research & Review in Biology (ARRB), 9(5): 1-10.
  82. Doelle K., Oliveira F., Smith R.P., (2016), “Gold Nanoparticle Uptake and Distribution in the Digestive Tract of Hermetia illucens Stratiomyidae: Diptera (L.1758) based on Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Journal of Annual Research & Review in Biology (ARRB), 9(3): 1-8.
  83. Oliveira F., Doelle K, (2015), “Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste to Produce Biogas: A Comparison of Bioreactors to Increase Methane Content – A Review”, Journal Food Process Technology, 6(8): 478, 1-3.
  84. Oliveira F., Doelle K., List R. (2015), "Assessment of Diptera: Stratiomyidae, genus Hermetia illucens (L., 1758)", Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 3(5): 147-152.
  85. Doelle K., Schomann C., (2015), “Hydrothermal Treatment of Shrub Willow Followed by Sulfate Pulping and Bleaching”, International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (JPAC), Lignocellulose Journal, Vol. 9, Number 4, pp. 1-8, ISSN: 2231-3443, Month 08, 2015.
  86. Doelle K., Watkins C, (2015), “Application of Algae as Biomass Feedstock Source at a Waste Water Treatment Facility”, British Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology (BJABB), Vol. 4 (3), 1-9.
  87. Doelle K., Peluso C, (2015), “Earthworm and Algae Species in a Trickling Filter”, British Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology (BJABB), Vol 3 (3), 132-138, Article no.JABB.2015.040, ISSN: 2394-1081.
  88. Doelle K., Schomann C., Amaya J.J., (2015), “hydrothermal treatment of sugar maple (acer saccharum) followed by bleaching”, Lignocellulose Journal, Lignocellulose 4(1), 4-21.
  89. Pasqua-Godkin N., Oliveira F., List R., Doelle K., (2015), “Energy, carbon dioxide, and economic comparisons of tilapia sp. and cyprinus carpio in aquaponics system”,  Ministério da Educação – Brazil, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri – UFVJM, Minas Gerais – Brasil, Revista Vozes dos Vales: Publicações Acadêmicas.  
  90. Doelle K., Wagmüller F., (2015), “Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of Hydrothermal Pretreated Hay Samples”, British Journal of Applied Science and Technology (BJAST), Vol.8, Number4, pp. 356-360, ISSN: 2231-0843, April 10, 2015.
  91. Doelle K., (2015), “Water Treatment and Remediation using a Bioreactor”, Unites States Golf Association (USGA), Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online, Vol. 14, Number 1, pp 12-14.
  92. Burry W, Liu S., Doelle K., (2014), “Common Reed (Phragmites australis), Eradicate or Utilize? Part I: Potential Use as a Biochemical Feedstock.", Journal of Bioprocess Engineering and Biorefinery, Vol 3, Number 4, pp. 285-295.
  93. Doelle K., Lee A.T., et. Al. (2014), “Use of Poly-Lactic Acid (PLA) to Enhance Properties of Paper Based on Recycled Pulp”, Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science (ACS-Journal), Jul. 2014, 4, 347-360.
  94. Doelle K., Lee A.T., Amidon T.E., Bujanovic B., (2014), “Use of Poly-Lactic Acid (PLA) to Enhance Properties of Paper Based on Recycled Pulp”, Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science (ACS-Journal), Jul. 2014, 4, 347-360.
  95. Karev A., Doelle K., (2013), “An economic review of the Use of the New York State Canal System for Biosolids Transportation”, Journal of Bioprocess Engineering and Biorefinery, Vol. 2, Number 3, Sept. 2013, pp. 188-192.
  96. Doelle K., (2012), “Lime in Papermaking – A Historic Review Paper”, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), ASTM International STP 1557, October. 2012, pp 178–195, ISBN 978-0-8031-7543-3.
  97. Doelle K., Amaya J.J., (2012), “Application of calcium carbonate for uncoated digital printing paper from 100% eucalyptus pulp”, TAPPI JOURNAL, Jan. 2012, Vol. 11 No1, pp 41-49.
  98. Doelle K., Giarrusso, S., Johnson, D.L., (2011), “Zero Waste: Sustainable Biomass Conversion “, New York Water Environmental Association Inc. (NYWEA), Clean Waters Magazine, Spring 2011, Vol. 41, No.1.
  99. Doelle K., Giarrusso S., Johnson D.L., Peluso C.R., (2011), “Omnivorous Closed Loop Sustainable Biomass Conversion for Cost-Effective Biofuels, Bioenergy, and Value Added Products“, Water Environment Association of Ontario, WEAO Technical Symposium and OPCEA Exhibition, April 10 to12, 2011, The Westin Harbour Castle, Montreal, Ontario, Canada.
  100. Dölle K., (2007), “A Green Future: Challenges for Paper, Forest, Chemical and Agricultural Applications”, SUNY-ESF, 12th Annual Joachim Forum, June 4-5, New York City, New York, USA.
  101. Dölle K., (2003), Vergleich der Stickybelastung für europäische und nordamerikanische Papierproduktion, PTS-Sticky-Seminarreihe 2003, Bekämpfung und Vermeidung von Stickys für einen wirtschaftlichen Altpapiereinsatz, October 14 – 15, Heidenau, Germany.
  102. Dölle K., Heise O., Klungness J.H., AbuBakr S., (2002), "Lightweight, High-Opacity Bible Paper by Fiber Loading", Intertech, Specialty & Technical Papers Europe 2000, June 21-23, Berlin, Germany.
  103. Dölle K., (2002), "New Environmentally Friendly Process to Manufacture PCC and its Impact on Paper Mills’ Water Resource Management", Water Resources and Environmental Research, ICWRER 2002 Dresden University of Technology, July 22 – 25, Dresden, Germany.
  104. Klungness J.H., Ahmed A., Sutherland N.R., AbuBakr S., Dölle K., Heise O., (2000), Lightweight, High-Opacity Paper by Fiber Loading: Filler Evaluation, STFI, Paper & Coating Chemistry Symposium 2000, June 6-8, Stockholm, Sweden.

Selected Granted Patents

selected German Patents:

  • DE 602 9642 B3 Verfahren zum Beladen einer Faserstoffsuspension mit Füllstoff
  • DE 197 47653 C2 Sieb für Fasersuspension
  • DE 197 02043 C2 Vorrichtung zum Reinigen einer Faserstoffsuspension
  • DE 196 35156 C2 Verfahren zur Herstellung von Sieben

Selected European Patents:

  • EP 1 318 231 B1 Vorrichtung yur Entwässerung einer Faserstofffbahn (Apperatus for dewatering a fibrous web)
  • EP 1 409 789 B1 Verfahren zum beladen einer Faserstoffsuspension mit Kalziumkarbonat (Method of loading a fiber suspension with calcium carbonate)
  • EP 1 101 858 B1 Stoffauflöser für eine Stoffaufbereitungsanlage und Verfahren zur Stoffauflösung (Pulper for a Stock Preparation System and method of pulping).
  • EP 0 982 433 B1 Siebkorb für einen Drucksortierer mit einem entfern- und ersetzbaren zylindrischem Sieb (Screening cylinder for a pressure screening device having a replacable cylindrical screen).

selected US Patents:

  • 7,264,689 Method of Chemically Loading Fibers in a Fiber Suspension
  • 7,179,347 Method for Fiber Stock Preparation.
  • 7,013,287 Stock Preparation Monitoring System and Method of Same.
  • 6,537,425 Process for Loading Fibers with Calcium Carbonate
  • 6,524,443 Pulping System for a Paper Machine
  • 6,451,165 Channel Pulper
  • 6,422,496 Refiner for Refining a Fiber Suspension
  • 6,413,365 Method of Loading a Fiber Suspension with Calcium Carbonate
  • 6,395,132 Washing System and Washer for a Fiber Suspension
  • 6,395,131 Flotation Machine for a Fiber Suspension and Method of Using Same
  • 6,254,729 Pulper with Extraction Plate Assembly Having Removable Inserts and Method of Manufacturing Same
  • 5,996,604 Apparatus and Method for Providing Process Water Used for Making or Processing a Fiber Suspension

Selected Canadian Patents:

  • CA 2203325 C Process for the Manufacture of a Sifting Device with Slit-Shaped Openings and an Appropriately Manufactured Sifting

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