Faculty Profile
Christopher Whipps
Director, SUNY Center for Applied Microbiology and Professor
Department of Environmental Biology
133 Illick Hall
Lab Webpage
Ph.D. Microbiology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. (2004)
B.Sc. Biology, University of Victoria at Malaspina University-College (now Vancouver Island University), Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. (1997)
Courses Taught
Regular Offerings
EFB453/653 Parasitology (Fall)
BTC401/EFB601 Molecular Biology Techniques (Fall)
BTC132 Biotechnology Orientation (Fall)
Other Courses Taught in Past Years
EFB103 General Biology II: Cell Biology and Genetics (Spring)
EFB496/796 Emerging Diseases of Fish and Wildlife
EFB 797 Population Genetics and Molecular Biology
EFB 797 Topics in Applied Microbiology
EFB 797 Infectious Diseases
EFB 797 Health and Disease of Captive and Wild Fishes
EFB 797 Population Genetics
EFB 797 Host Pathogen Interactions