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Faculty Profile
Yaqi You

Yaqi  You

Assistant Professor

Orange horizontal rule

421 Baker Lab


  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, Environmental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University


Environmental Microbiome Research Lab

    Lab Website:

    Google Scholar



    We are recruiting PhD students: See OUR WEBPAGE. Join us here at ESF!



Emerging contaminants have profound impacts on microbial communities, the heart of many ecosystems. My research goal is to understand responses of microbial communities to emerging contaminants in both natural and engineered systems, and to translate this knowledge to innovative solutions for resource recovery and reuse, ecosystem sustainability, and public health improvement.

  • Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
  • Antibiotic Resistome and Mobilome
  • Environmental Health and Pathogen Exposure
  • Sustainable Food-Energy-Water Nexus
  • Sustainable Nanotechnology


Selected Honors and Awards

  • NSF CAREER Award (2024)
  • Emerging Investigator, Environmental Science: Nano (2023)
  • Faculty Fellow, Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems (2022)
  • Chancellor's Early Career Scholar, SUNY Empire Innovation Program (2021)
  • Best Paper, Environmental Science: Nano (2018)
  • Outstanding Student Poster, American Society for Microbiology General Meeting (2013)


Selected Awards Received by Graduate Students

  2024 Amina Mughal (PhD student)             NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions Summer Fellowship
  2024 Hanyue Yang (PhD student)             ESF Alumni Association Grant
  2024 Hanyue Yang (PhD student)             ACS Graduate Student Awardee in Environmental Chemistry
  2023 Mohamad Hashemi (MS student)             ESF O’Brien & Gere Scholarship
  2023 Amina Mughal (PhD student)             Great Lakes Research Consortium Small Grant
  2023 Hanyue Yang (PhD student)             AEESP Travel Grant
  2023 Mohamad Hashemi (MS student)             NYS GSEU Professional Development Award
  2023 Mohamad Hashemi (MS student)             ESF GSA Research Grant
  2023 Amina Mughal (PhD student)             ESF Alumni Memorial Scholarship
  2023 Amina Mughal (PhD student)             Edna Bailey Sussman Fellowship (with Merit Award)
  2022 Hanyue Yang (PhD student)             ESF O’Brien & Gere Scholarship
  2022 Hanyue Yang (PhD student)             ESF Alumni Association Grant
  2021 Patricia Kerner (MS student)             FEMS Congress Attendance Grant
  2020 Patricia Kerner (MS student)             SIMB Diversity Travel Award



  ERE 797       Research Methods in Environ. Resources Eng.
  ERE 620       Systems Microbiology and Biotechnology
  ERE 596       Emerging Contaminants
  ERE 580 / ERE 480       Fate and Transport of Contaminants
  ERE 132       Introduction to Environ. Resources Eng. (Guest Lecture)
  BTC 132       Biotechnology Orientation (Guest Lecture)
  Research Credits       ESF 499 Honors Program
          ERE 498 Research Problem in Environ. Resources Eng.
          ENS 420 Internship in Environmental Science
          BTC 498 Research Problems in Biotechnology



    Central New York Louis Stokes Alliance of Minority Participation Program (LSAMP)

    Syracuse University Interactive Biomaterials REU Program

    OCC Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)

    Technology Alliance of Central New York (TACNY)


Current Graduate Advisees

Amina Furrkukh MughalAmina Furrkukh Mughal

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • Graduate Advisor(s): You
  • Area of Study: Environmental Science

Maryam Saffari AmanMaryam Saffari Aman

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Daley and You
  • Area of Study: Environmental Resources Engin

Hanyue YangHanyue Yang

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • Graduate Advisor(s): You
  • Area of Study: Environmental Resources Engin