Great Lakes Research Consortium
The Great Lakes Research Consortium website hosts a number of online documents. More are constantly being added as they become available. These include:
- The Great Lakes Research Reviews. These are short non-technical summaries on topics of current interest to its member campuses.
- Recent and Historical Annual and bi-Annual Reports for the Great Lakes Research Consortium
- Great Lakes Management Plans. These include the most current LAMP updates for all five Great Lakes.
- Selected Documents for Ecosystem-based Management. This is a collection of recent documents for Ecosystem based management and forms a starting point for members interested in other EBM plans.
- Reference Materials from the 2013 Resiliency of the Great Lakes to Climate and Storm Events Conference. This is a collection of 83 documents put together for a SUNY Conversations in the Disciplines held in Syracuse on May 22-23, 2013. It covers (A) various fact sheets for Hurricane Sandy, (B) Climate Change Plans and documents from other states, (C) Reports on Climate Change and the Great Lakes, and (D) Miscellaneous Reports and Papers.
- Historical documents relating to previous GLRC efforts such as the New York State Facilities network, a regional effort to improve the facilities at member campuses around the state.