Department of Landscape Architecture
Service Learning
The Department of Landscape Architecture engages in service learning to both assist communities and to provide rich learning experiences for our students.
The Department, primarily through the Center for Community Design Research (CCDR) but also through individual faculty initiatives, regularly engages in diverse service learning activities. The CCDR continues to be committed to working in partnership with communities to address real-life planning and design issues through an inclusive, participatory process that requires a meaningful commitment of time and resources by both the community, students, faculty and staff. Typically, the CCDR receives between 5 and 10 requests for design assistance annually. We have an application process and criteria to determine which may be appropriate as service learning projects in classes, studios or as graduate capstone projects.
LSA 226 - Foundation Design Studio I (Fall). Hoffman and Hawks. Tipperary Hill Neighborhood Association.
Seven weeks of the studio were focused on the development of design alternatives for streetscape improvements within Syracuse’s Tipperary Hill neighborhood. Students conducted a meeting with the Tipperary Hill Neighborhood Association, researched streetscape precedents, developed alternatives that addressed neighborhood identity and visual continuity, pedestrian and vehicular circulation patterns and parking. The students presented their alternatives to members of the Tipperary Hill Neighborhood Association at the end of the semester. (Faculty time: 6 hrs/week for 7 weeks + 2 hrs/week for follow-up December and January.
LSA 422 – Landscape Architectural Design Studio III (Fall) Fernandez and Gavitt. Oneida Rail Trail.
Students worked in collaboration with the Madison County Planning Department and the Friends of the Oneida Rail Trail to prepare conceptual design ideas for the Oneida Rail Trail (ORT). The process included a workshop with community members and activities at a Rail Trail community event. The process and final document will reinforce future funding proposals for continued development of the ORT. 4th year LA undergraduates and 2nd year LA graduate students.
LSA 458 (Off-Campus) (Fall) – Bryant and Potteiger. Cheetah Conservation Center, Otjiwarongo, Namibia. Oct. 2014
One week workshop to develop design strategies for the landscape systems of predator friendly farming practices and bushblock production for the Center.
LSA 423 - Landscape Architectural Design Studio IV (Spring). Miller and Ferlow. Hope Print (
The project made use of Hope Print’s need for a multicultural communal space for its work in support of resettlement of refugees.
LSA 470/670 - Thematic Landscape Design Studio (Spring) Potteiger. Urban Agriculture. This year the studio worked with 5 different projects to expand urban agriculture in Syracuse. Each of these projects is proceeding toward implementation.
LSA 470/670 - Thematic Landscape Design Studio (Spring). Bryant. Treatment Recommendations for Chancellorsville Battlefield, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battlefields National Military Park, Virginia.
Developed conceptual treatment plans that will inform development of the CLR treatment plan. (1 grad, 9 undergrad).
LSA 470/670 Thematic Landscape Design Studio (Spring). Carter. Buffalo River Keepers.
LSA 601 – Landscape Architecture Graduate Design Studio II (Spring). Toland.
Elmwood Neighborhood Design Study.
Students prepared short and long term planning and design proposals for a small business district and surrounding neighborhood in Syracuse’s Southwest neighborhood. At project initiation students facilitated a meeting with business owners and representatives of several city departments to understand the conditions and possibilities. This project is a direct result of a recommendation from the CCDR Elmwood, Kirk and Onondaga Community Parks Study. Student proposals are being used to promote discussion within the city departments.