A tremendous amount of material on toxic cyanobacteria is currently available on the web. A brief listing of available links is given below. This list is by no means exhaustive but can serve as a starting point for your search.
MERHAB Lower Great Lakes
- MERHAB LGL Main Page
This is the main site for the MERHAB-LGL page at SUNY-ESF. It includes information on sample submission as well as the description of the project. Sites for the individual MERHAB institutions can be found below.
- SUNY Brockport
- University of Tennessee
- University at Buffalo
- Western Michigan University
- University of Vermont
- New York Sea Grant
- NOAA Event Response
- NOAA Ocean Service HABs
Individual MERHAB and ECOHAB Programs
- MERHAB: Florida
- ECOHAB: Florida
- ECOHAB: Pacific Northwest
- ECOHAB: Gulf of Maine
- University of Maine
- University of Maryland
- Texas A&M University
Federal and International Links
- NOAA Oceans and Human Health Initiative
- Hollings Marine Laboratory
- Northwest Fisheries Science Center
- Great Lakes Environmental Research Labs
- International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Harmful Algal Bloom Program
- NOAA Coastal Services Center
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Red Tide Site
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- North Carolina Pfiesteria Site
Toxic Cyanobacteria
- Wayne Carmichael's site at Wayne State University
- Cyanosite at Purdue University
- Blue-green Algae Toxicity
- Toxic Cyanobacteria at Bigelow Laboratory