Boyer, G. L. (2008) Algal Toxins and their Detection. In: "Shellfish Safety" S. Shumway,
Ed., Woodhead, New York NY., in press
Davis, T. W., D. L. Berry, G. L. Boyer, and C. J. Gobbler (2008) The effects of nutrient
loading and temperature on toxic and non-toxic strains of Microcystis during wild
cyanobacteria blooms. Harmful Algae, accepted
Makarewicz, J. C., G. L. Boyer, T. W. Lewis, W. Guenther, and M. Arnold (2009) Spatial
distribution of the cyanotoxin microcystin in Lake Ontario ecosystem: Coastal embayments,
rivers nearshore and offshore. J. Great Lakes Research. in press.
Rinta-Kanto, J. M., E. A. Konopko, J. M. DeBruyn, R. A. Boubonniere, G. L. Boyer,
and S. W. Wilhelm (2009) Lake Erie Microcystis: relationship between microcystin production,
dynamics of genotypes and environmental parameters in a large lake. Harmful Algae.
in press.
Smith, J. L., and G. L. Boyer (2009) Standardization of microcystin extraction from
fish tissues: A novel internal standard as a surrogate for polar and non-polar variants.
Toxicon. 53(2) 238-245.
Couture, S.C. and M.C. Watzin. 2008. Diet of invasive adult white perch (Morone americana)
and their effects on the zooplankton community in Missisquoi Bay, Lake Champlain.
Journal of Great Lakes Research 34:485–494.
Gouvea, S. P., G. L. Boyer, and M. R. Twiss (2008) Influence of ultraviolet radiation,
copper, and zinc on microcystin content in Microcystis aeruginosa (Cyanobacteria).
Harmful Algae. 7:194-205.
Hotto, A. M., M. F. Satchwell, D. L. Berry, C. J. Gobler, and G. L. Boyer (2008) Spatial
and temporal diversity of microcystins and microcystin-producing genotypes in Oneida
Lake, NY. Harmful Algae. 7:671-681.
Mihuc, T. B., C. Pershyn, S. Thomas, G. Boyer, M. Satchwell, J. Jones, E. Allen, and
M. Greene (2008) Cyanobacteria and the sixth Great Lake: Community dynamics of toxic
algal blooms in Lake Champlain. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30:312-317.
Rinta-Kanto, J. M., M. A. Saxton, J. M. DeBruyn, J. L. Smith, C. H. Marvin, K. A.
Krieger, G. S. Sayler, G. L. Boyer, and S. W. Wilhelm (2008) The diversity and distribution
of toxigenic Microcystis spp. in present day and archived pelagic and sediment samples
from Lake Erie. Harmful Algae. 8:385-394.
Smith, J. L., G. L. Boyer, and P. V. Zimba (2008) Impacts of noxious and odorous cyanobacterial
metabolites on aquaculture systems. Aquaculture. 280:5-20.
Smyth, R. L., M. C. Watzin, and R. W. Manning (2008) Investigating public preferences
for managing lake Champlain using a choice experiment. J Environ. Management. 90:615-623.
Smyth, R. L., M. C. Watzin, and R. E. Manning (2007) Defining acceptable levels for
ecological indicators: An approach for considering social values. Environ. Manage.
Rogalus, M. K., and M. C. Watzin (2008) Evaluation of sampling and screening techniques
for tiered monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in lakes. Harmful Algae. 7:504-514.
Watson, S. B., G. L. Boyer, M. Charleton, and J. Ridal (2008) Algal and cyanobacterial
taste and odour and toxins: a review of current impairment, prediction and management
in the Great Lakes. Can J. Fish Aquat. Sci. 65:1779-1796.
Boyer, G. L. (2007) Cyanobacterial toxins in New York and the Lower Great Lakes ecosystems.
In: "Proceedings of the Interagency, International Symposium on Cyanobacterial Harmful
Algal Blooms", H.K. Hudnell, ed. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. pp 151-163.
Boyer, G. L. (2007) The occurrence of Cyanobacterial toxins in New York lakes: Lessons
for the MERHAB-Lower Great lakes program. Lake Reservoir Management. 23: 153-160.
Boyer, G. L., E. Konopko, and H. Gilbert (2007) Rapid field-based monitoring systems
for the detection of Toxic cyanobacteria blooms, ImmunoStrips and Fluorescence-based
monitoring systems. In: "Proceedings, 12th International Conference Harmful Algae"
Moestrup Et Al., Ed., Springer, p341-343
de la Cruz, A. A., P. Rublee, J. M. Hungerford, P. V. Simba, S. W. Wilhelm, J. A.
O. Meriluoto, K. Echols, M. T. Meyer, G. Stelma, R. Mandeville, L. Lawton, K. Sivonen,
and A. Furey (2007) Analytical methods work group report. In: "Proceedings of the
Interagency International Symposium on Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms" H. K.
Hudnell, Ed., Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., pp. 475-488.
Doblin, M. A., K. J. Coyne, J. M. Rinta-Kanto, S. W. Wilhelm, and F. C. Dobbs (2007)
Dynamics and short-term survival of toxic cyanobacteria species in ballast water from
NOBOB vessels transiting the Great Lakes - implications for HAB invasions. Harmful
Algae. 6:519-530.
Wilhelm, S. W. (2007) Field methods in the study of toxic cyanobacterial blooms: results
and insights from Lake Erie research. In: "Proceedings of the Interagency, International
Symposium on Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms" H. K. Hudnell, Ed., Adv. Exp. Med.
Biol., pp. 507-519.
Fristachi, A., J. L. Sinclair, J. A. Hambrook-Berkman, G. Boyer, J. Burkholder, J.
Burns, W. Carmichael, A. du Four, W. Frazier, S. L. Morton, E. O'Brien, and S. Walker
(2007) Occurrence of Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms. Proceedings of the Interagency,
International Symposium on Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms, H.K. Hudnell, ed.
Adv, Exper. Med. Biol. pp. 37-97.
Gobler, C. J., T. W. Davis, K. J. Coyne, and G. L. Boyer (2007) Interactive influences
of nutrient loading, zooplankton grazing, and microcystin synthetase gene expression
on cyanobacterial bloom dynamics in a eutrophic New York lake. Harmful Algae. 6:119-133.
Hotto, A. M., M. F. Satchwell, and G. L. Boyer (2007) Characterization of Lake Ontario
Embayments for potential microcystin-producing cyanobacteria in Lake Ontario Embayments
and nearshore waters. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73: 4570-4578.
Howard, K. L., and G. L. Boyer (2007) Quantitative analysis of cyanobacterial toxins
by Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption11557/Ionization mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem.
Prakash, S., J. F. Atkinson, and M. L. Green (2007) A semi-Lagrangian study of circulation
and transport in Lake Ontario. J Great Lakes Res. 33:774-790.
Smith, J. L., G. L. Boyer, E. Mills, and K. L. Schulz (2007) Toxicity of microcystin-LR,
a cyanobacterial toxin, to multiple life stages of teh burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia,
and possible implications for recruitment. Aquatic Toxicology. 23:499-506.
Becker, R., M. Sultan, G. Boyer, and E. Konopko (2006) Mapping variations of algal
blooms in the Lower Great Lakes. GLRC Great Lakes Research Review. 7:14-17.
Boyer, G. (2006) Toxic Cyanobacteria in Large Lake Ecosystems. LakeLine. 26:36-39.
Boyer, G. L. (2006) Introduction. In: GLRC Great Lakes Research Review. 7:1.
Boyer, G. L. (2006) Toxic Cyanobacteria in the Great Lakes: More than just the Western
Basin of Lake Erie. GLRC Great Lakes Research Review. 7:2-7.
Howard, K. L., and G. L. Boyer (2006) Adduct simplification in the analysis of cyanobacterial
toxins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. Rapid Comm.
Mass Spectrom. 21:699-706.
Rinta-Kanto, J., and S. W. Wilhelm (2006) The application of molecular tools to freshwater
harmful algal blooms: Identifying and quantifying toxic cyanobacteria. GLRC Great
Lakes Research Review. 7:22-24.
Rinta-Kanto, J. M., and S. W. Wilhelm (2006) Diversity of microcystin-producing cyanobacteria
in spatially isolated regions of Lake Erie. Appl Environ. Microbiol. 72:5083-5085.
Ouellette, A. J. A., S. M. Handy, and S. W. Wilhelm (2006) Toxic Microcystis is widespread
in Lake Erie: PCR detection of toxin genes and molecular characterization of associated
cyanobacterial communities. Microb. Ecol. 51:154-165
Makarewicz, J. C., G. L. Boyer, W. Guenther, M. Arnold, and T. W. Lewis (2006) The
occurrence of cyanotoxins in the nearshore and coastal embayments of Lake Ontario.
GLRC Great Lakes Research Review. 7:25-31.
Mihuc, T. B., G. L. Boyer, J. Jones, M. F. Satchwell, and M. C. Watzin (2006) Lake
Champlain phytoplankton and algal toxins: past and present. GLRC Great Lakes Research
Review. 7:18-21.
Richardson, L. L., J. Myers, R. Sekar, E. R. Remily, L. Kaczmarsky, J. D. Voss, G.
L. Boyer, and P. V. Zimba (2006) Production of the cyanobacterial toxin microcystin
in black band disease of corals. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 272: 182-187.
Watzin, M. C., E. B. Miller, A. D. Shambaugh, and M. A. Kreider (2006) A partnership
approach to monitoring cyanobacteria in Lake Champlain. GLRC Great Lakes Research
Review. 7:8-13.
Watzin, M. C., E. B. Miller, A. D. Shambaugh, and M. A. Kreider (2006) Application
of the WHO alert level framework to cyanobacterial monitoring of Lake Champlain, Vermont.
Environ. Toxicol. 21:278-288.
Hotto, A., M. Satchwell, and G. Boyer (2005) Seasonal Production and Molecular Characterization
of Microcystins in Oneida Lake, New York, USA. Environmental Toxicology. 20:243-248.
Mihuc, T. B., G. L. Boyer, M. F. Satchwell, M. Pellam, J. Jones, J. Vasile, A. Bouchard,
and R. Bonham (2005) 2002 Phytoplankton community composition and cyanobacterial toxins
in lake Champlain, U.S.A. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29:328-333.
Rinta-Kanto, J. M., A. J. A. Ouellette, M. R. Twiss, G. L. Boyer, T. Bridgeman, and
S. W. Wilhelm (2005) Quantification of toxic Microcystis spp. during the 2003 and
2004 blooms in western Lake Erie using quantitative real-time PCR. Environ. Sci. Technol.
Lehman, P., G. Boyer, C. Hall, S. Waller, and K. Gerhts (2004) Distribution and toxicity
of a new colonial Microcystis aeruginosa bloom in San Francisco Estuary, California.
Hydrobiology. 541:87-99.
Satchwell, M., and G. Boyer (2004) Comparison of four assays for the detection of
microcystins. "Harmful Algae 2002", K. "Harmful Algae 2002", K.A. Steidinger, J.H.
Landsberg, C.R. Thomas, and G.A. Vargo (eds), FFWCW and IOC UNESCO p 213-215.
Ouellette, A. J. A., and S. W. Wilhelm (2003) Toxic cyanobacteria: the evolving molecular
toolbox. Front. Ecol. Environ. 1:359-366.
Graduate Dissertations
Becker, R. H. (2008) Remotes sensing studies for the assessment of geohazards: Toxic
Algal Blooms in the Lower Great lakes and Land Subsidence in the Nile Delta. PhD.
Thesis,. Western Michigan University.
Hotto, A. (2007) Application of Molecular Techniques to the Detection of Potential
Microcystin-producing organisms in New York State Waters. Ph.D. thesis. State University
of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry. 166p.
Howard, K. (2007) Quantitative Analysis of Cyanobacterial Toxins by MALDI-TOF Mass
Spectrometry. Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York, College of Environmental
Science and Forestry. 180p.
Konopko, E. (2007) Development of a flow-through fluorometric system for the detection
of phycocyanin in the lower Great Lakes. M.S. Thesis, State University of New York,
College of Environmental Science and Forestry. 151p.
Yang, X. (2007) Occurrence of a cyanobacterial neurotoxin, anatoxin-a in New York
State waters. Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York, College of Environmental
Science and Forestry. 230p.
Kuchikulla, P. (2006) Applications of particle tracking model for large lakes. M.S.
Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Rinta-Kanto, J. (2006) Biogeography and genetic diversity of toxin producing cyanobacteria
in a Laurentian Great Lake. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee. 197p.
Stephen, P. (2006) Mapping chlorophyll a concentrations in Oneida lake, New York using
remote sensing and a semi-analytical reflectance model as a proxy for detecting harmful
algal blooms. M.S. Thesis, State University of New York, College of Environmental
Science and Forestry. 103p.
Gandhi, Kavin (2006), "Conceptual Framework for Coupled Hydrodynamic/Algae Population
Dynamics Model for Large Lakes", M.S. thesis, Dept. Civil, Structural and Environ.
Eng., Univ. at Buffalo, September, 91 pp.
Kuchikulla, Preetam (2006), "Applications of Particle Tracking Model for Large Lakes",
M.S. thesis, Dept. Civil, Structural and Environ. Eng., Univ. at Buffalo, February,
279 pp.
Efteland, S. P. (2004) The effects of iron on the growth and physiology of the cyanobacterium
Microcystis aeruginosa. M.S. Dissertation, University of Tennessee. 56p.
Prakash, Shwet (2004), "Semi-Lagrangian Evaluation of Circulation and Transport in
Lake Ontario", M.S. thesis, Dept. Civil, Structural and Environ. Eng., Univ. at Buffalo,
February, 235 pp.