Middle States Assessment
Contact Info
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact any one of the Steering Committee Members:
- Robert Davis, Director of Forest Properties
- Michael Kelleher, Director of Renewable Energy Systems
- Danette Desimone, Assistant Director of Business Affairs
- Maureen Fellows, Director of Institutional Planning and Governmental Relations
- Robert French, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing
- Cynthia Sedgwick, Dean of Student Life and Experiential Learning (now retired)
- Richard Hawks, Chair and Professor, Landscape Architecture Department
- Rene Germain, Professor, Graduate Education Coordinator, Forest and Natural Resources Management Department
- Kimberly Schulz, Associate Professor, Environmental and Forest Biology
- Gary Scott, Faculty Governance Representative, Chair and Professor, Paper and Bioprocessing Engineering Department
- Richard Smardon, Professor, Environmental Studies Department
- Arthur Stipanovic, Chair and Professor, Chemistry Department
- Timothy Wilke, Environmental Studies Major (graduated May 2011)
- Anna Stewart, Environmental and Forest Biology, PhD Candidate
- Valerie Luzadis, Assistant Provost, Professor and Chair, Environmental Studies Department