Office of Communications and Marketing
2018 News Archive
ESF Honors Conservation Scientist Eleanor J. Sterling
Dr. Eleanor J. Sterling will be presented with an Honorary Degree during Commencement ceremonies for the College of Environmental Science and Forestry May 12.
Chemistry Graduate Student Wins Award
ESF Ph.D. student Yuting Zhu was selected as a winner of one of the 2018 Graduate Student Awards in Environmental Chemistry.
Researchers Find Whole Genome Duplication Has Occurred Many Times during Evolution of Insects
Genome duplication – known scientifically as polyploidy – has long been known from plants. Theodosius Dobzhansky, an influential evolutionary biologist, observed in 1937 that the biggest difference between the evolution of plants and animals was polyploidy.
Track Teams End Season at Big Red Invitational
The Mighty Oaks track teams ended the 2018 spring season on a high note at the competitive Big Red Invitational at Cornell University.
Nomura Group Recognized for Top Article
Dr. Christopher Nomura, ESF vice president for research, wrote a paper that was recently named one of the most-read in the field of microbiology in 2017.
Hello, Mr. President — About the Environment…
A few classrooms full of ESF students had a challenge: You've met the president in an elevator. What do you tell him about the environment? The result: 54 impassioned pleas on behalf of the planet.
Mighty Oaks Weekend Recap - April 16
The mighty oaks sports recap for track team, soccer and woodsmen teams.
Cuban Diplomat Discusses Educational Opportunities with ESF
In February 2017, the SUNY system entered into an Memoradum of Understanding with the Cuban Ministry of Higher Educational. Since then several SUNY schools have created partnerships with other Cuban universities.
Two ESF Students Honored with Chancellor's Award
Two undergraduate students from the College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) have been honored with the 2018 Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence.
ESF Team among Finalists for $2.5M Canals Competition
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that seven finalists have been chosen for the $2.5 million Reimagine the Canals Competition, which seeks innovative ideas to transform the State's Canal System as it begins its second century of operations. The competition, managed by the Canal Corporation and the New York Power Authority, seeks new approaches for how to both use the canals as an engine for economic development and also to become a hub for tourism and recreation.