Office of Communications and Marketing
2018 News Archive
Bass Fishing Team Sends Students to National Championships
Two anglers from the ESF bass fishing team will be headed to the FLW National Championships later this summer.
Wagner Receives College Foundation Teaching Award
Dr. John Wagner, professor at the College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF), received the 2018 ESF College Foundation Award for Exceptional Achievement in Teaching.
Dr. Timothy Volk Named Exemplary Researcher at ESF
Dr. Timothy Volk, senior research associate in ESF's Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management (FNRM), was named the College's Exemplary Researcher for 2018-19.
ESF Professor Appointed to International Board on Lake Ontario
A faculty member from the College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) was appointed to the board that oversees regulation of Lake Ontario outflows into the St. Lawrence River.
Society of American Foresters Plays Key Role in Student’s ESF Experience
As an ESF freshman, Alexa Denhoff did an on-campus interview with Plum Creek Timber as practice for future interviews. It went so well that she ended up with an internship at Plum Creek Timber Company (now merged with Weyerhauser) in New Hampshire.
Christopher Nowak Named Chair of FNRM
Dr. Christopher Nowak has been named chair of the Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management (FNRM).
Campus Climate-Related Initiatives Offered
The Office of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity offers a number of initiatives designed to enhance the campus climate.
ESF Staff, Faculty Honored by SUNY Chancellor
Five employees of the College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) were honored by Chancellor Kristina M. Johnson for their service to the State University of New York (SUNY).
SUNY Board of Trustees Appoints Interim President of ESF
Dr. David C. Amberg has been appointed interim president of the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) by the State University of New York Board of Trustees. His appointment is effective July 1, 2018.
ESF Student Wins at COINS Grand Challenge
William "Liam" Byrne, a freshman at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) won an award for innovation at the Construction Industry Solutions (COINS) Grand Challenge.