Office of Communications and Marketing
2019 News Archive
Track Team Competes at Utica College Pioneer Open
The ESF track team faced tough competition against several elite Division III schools at the Utica College Pioneer Open.
Mighty Oaks Men's Basketball Team Wins on the Road
The Mighty Oaks went 2-0 on their annual NYC road trip.
ESF Archives and Special Collections Holds College’s Hidden Treasures
The ESF Archives and Special Collections has undergone a re-awakening since 2014. After a three-year closure due to staff retirement, ESF alumna and Associate Librarian Jane Verostek volunteered to re-open the archives and special collections.
Ranger School to the Rescue
Daniel Main of Dexter, New York, walked into the ESF Ranger School main building around 11 a.m. Jan. 11 looking for help. A snowmobile and fishing trailer, driven by his father and uncle, had broken through the ice in the "Narrows" of the Oswegathchie River and sank. Debbra Lawrence, trades generalist at the Ranger School, contacted 911 requesting assistance, and Ranger School staff immediately began a search for the two men.
ESF Launches Its First Online Bachelor’s Degree
ESF is preparing to launch its first online bachelor's degree — a program in sustainability management that prepares students for entry-level jobs or mid-career opportunities in the growing field of sustainability.
ESF 'Discovery Challenge' Proposals Emerge
Seventeen cross-disciplinary teams from across the ESF campus presented their ideas Jan. 8 on innovative ways to define the college's future.
ESF Students Return to PR to Help with Continuing Relief Efforts
Relief and education projects filled the days of a team ESF students, staff and faculty on a trip to Puerto Rico over winter break.
ESF Power Plant Saves Money and Reduces Carbon Footprint
ESF is saving over half a million dollars a year on heat and electricity with a high-performance combined-heat-and-power system (CHP) fueled by natural gas and wood pellets, and designed to capture waste energy for heating buildings.