Adirondack Ecological Center
The AEC is the site of many independently funded research programs and projects (see Current Research). These programs represent a broad spectrum of research, from basic to applied, encompassing themes such as changes to lake ecosystems, movement of soil ions, silvicultural regimes and carbon, predator-prey trophic interactions, and assessing recreation and biodiversity across the Adirondack Park. Approximately 200 graduate degrees stem from nearly a century of studies conducted at this site. Recent research cooperators include state agencies, U.S. Geological Survey, Clarkson University, and many other institutions.
In addition to providing support to graduate students, outside agencies and visiting scientists, the AEC has established an ecological monitoring system to record physical, chemical, and biological features on a long term basis. The Adirondack Long-Term Ecological Monitoring Program (ALTEMP) provides the long term perspective necessary to detect changes and identify trends in the Adirondack ecosystem.
Data Access Policy for Adirondack Ecological Center (AEC) Data Archive
Welcome to the Adirondack Ecological Center Data Archive. AEC requests that appropriate citation and acknowledgment be given for any use and/or publication of work derived from data sets downloaded from any web site, scientist or staff.
Data sets and metadata can be downloaded for research, educational, and other professional uses, subject to the following terms. Collaboration with data originators is encouraged for data use in research applications.
Several datasets are freely downloadable from the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) repository; search for keywords such as "AEC," "Huntington Wildlife Forest," "ALTEMP," or "SUNY ESF," along with the topic of interest. Watershed science datasets involving meteorology, chemistry, nutrient cycling, hydrology, phenology and related parameters for Arbutus Lake and associated areas can be downloaded or explored here:
Please use data for the stated purpose only.
Do not redistribute data. All data requestors should contact AEC.
Direct questions regarding methods, the interpretation of data or metadata, or the status of an ongoing project to the designated contact person for each data set, or if none, to
The AEC encourages correspondence with the original investigator listed in the metadata section. Data originators may have corrections or modifications to their data and metadata or have sources of additional data. Full consent of the data originator ensures data integrity and provides potential opportunities for strengthened collaboration.
Prior to publication submission, individuals and institutions utilizing data from the AEC Data Archive are asked to place the following acknowledgment in any publication, report, or electronic communication in which these data are used:
"Data sets were provided by the Adirondack Ecological Center, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry."
Cite the dataset DOI where available.
If your work directly competes with ongoing analyses at ESF, we may reserve the right to submit a manuscript within an acceptable time frame before you submit one using our data.
After your work is published, send an electronic or paper copy of the paper, report, or article to:
Stacy McNulty, Associate Director of Research
Adirondack Ecological Center of SUNY ESF
6312 State Route 28N
Newcomb, NY 12852 -
Although every effort has been made to provide the highest quality data, accuracy of data is not guaranteed. The AEC is not liable for any misuse of data sets.
02/2022 CLD/SAM