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ESF Academic Catalog
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

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Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering is a versatile program and one of the most broadly-based engineering disciplines. Its field of practice covers the development, design, and control of processes and products that involve molecular change, both chemical and biological, and the operation of such processes. Because many of the products that sustain and improve life are produced by carefully designed and controlled molecular changes, the chemical engineer serves in a wide variety of industries. These industries range from chemical and energy companies to producers of all types of consumer and specialty products including pharmaceuticals, textiles, pulp and paper, polymers, advanced materials, and solid-state and biomedical devices.

Careers are available in industry, government, consulting, and education. Areas of professional work include research and development, operations, technical service, product development, process and plant design, market analysis and development, process control, and pollution abatement.

The chemical engineering degree program prepares students for professional practice in chemically related careers. Chemical engineering graduates are expected to attain the following capabilities at or within a few years of graduation: apply the fundamentals of science and engineering to solve important chemical engineering problems in industry, government or academic settings; communicate effectively and demonstrate the interpersonal skills required to lead and/or participate in interdisciplinary projects; apply life-long learning to meet professional and personal goals of their chosen profession, including graduate study; articulate and practice professional, ethical, environmental and societal responsibilities, and value different global and cultural perspectives.

The curriculum consists of a number of categories of courses. The general education component, which is required of all ESF students, broadens the students’ perspectives on global and societal issues, an important component of any education. Students also take a number of courses in math and the basic sciences—chemistry and physics, (and biology)—to provide the background for the courses that prepare students for engineering practice. The engineering courses cover a variety of topics in chemical engineering. Some selective courses have been placed in the curriculum as elective for students wishing to enter into the pulp and paper industry. The moderate requirement of 127 credits hour allows room for students to supplement more courses at their own desire (no limitation on free electives).

Students may be admitted to the chemical engineering program as first-year students with
appropriate science backgrounds from their high school or as transfer students at any level with accommodations for coursework requirements. Students who have the associate degree in engineering science, chemical technology, or general science and mathematics are encouraged to apply as transfer students. 

Lower Division Required Courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
APM 205 Calculus I:Science & Engr G 4
APM 206 Calculus II:Science & Engr G 4
APM 307 Multivariable Calculus 4
APM 485 Diff Equat/Engr&Scientist 3
ECH 132 Orientatn&Intro to Chem Eng I 1
ECH 133 Orientatn&Intro to Chem Eng II 1
ECH 202 Prin Mass/Energy Balance 3
ECH 212 Engr Thermodynamics 3
EFB 103 Gen Bio II:Cell Bio & Genetics G 3
EFB 104 General Biology II Laboratory G 1
EWP 190 Writing And The Envrnment G 3
EWP 290 Research Writing & Humanities G 3
FCH 150 General Chemistry I G 3
FCH 151 General Chemistry I Lab G 1
FCH 152 General Chemistry II G 3
FCH 153 General Chemistry II Lab G 1
FCH 221 Organic Chemistry 1 3
FCH 222 Organic Chemistry Lab 1 1
FCH 223
FCH 224
PSE 223
Organic Chemistry II

Organic Chemistry Lab II

Intro to Lignocellulosics


FOR 207 Introduction To Economics 3
GNE 160 Comp Methods/Engrs&Scientists 3
PHY 211 General Physics I G 3
PHY 221 General Physics I Laboratory 1
PHY 212 General Physics II 3
PHY 222 General Physics II Laboratory 1

General Education Electives

Course Codes* Credits
General Education Course in one of the following categories: US History
& Civic Engagement, The Arts, World History and Global Awareness,
World Languages
G 3
General Education Course in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice G 3

Upper Division Required Courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
APM 395 Probability & Stats/Engr 3
Professional Experience: ECH 498

ECH 304 + ECH 306
ECH 312 Chemical Engrn Thermo&Colloids 3
ECH 322 Fluid Mechanics 3
ECH 323 Transport Phenomena 3
ECH 324 Unit Operations Laboratory 3
ECH 341 Chem Reaction Engnrng Kinetics 3
ECH 355 Engr Design Economics 3
ECH 371 Process Control 3
ECH 422 Unit Process Operations 3
ECH 442 Chem Reaction Eng&Prcss Safety 3
ECH 454 Product Design in Chem Eng 3
ECH 455 Capstone Chemical Engnrng Lab 3
ECH 457 Chemical Engnrng Plant Design 3
ESF 200 Information Literacy 1
EWP 444 Prof Writing/Paper&Bioproc Eng 2

*Professional experience: ECH 304 must be taken in the summer and ECH 306 in the Fall semester immediately after, while ECH 498 can be taken in any semester.

Directed Electives

13 credits out of the following directed electives.

Course Codes* Credits
Junior or higher engineering directed electives   5 - 14
Science Electives   3 - 9


Total Minimum Credits For Degree: 127