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ESF Academic Catalog
General Education

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About General Education

The SUNY GE framework includes twelve categories of knowledge, skills and competencies—ten knowledge and skills areas expose students to different ways of knowing so that they can make reasoned judgements outside as well as inside their academic field, and enabling them to develop diverse perspectives and global understanding; and two core competencies that extend beyond discipline-specific knowledge and skills. The core of the curricula for all ESF undergraduate degree programs includes the mandatory knowledge and skills area for the natural science and scientific reasoning, communication (written and oral), mathematics and quantitative reasoning, and diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. For the remaining general education knowledge and skill area requirements, students must select courses chosen from at least three of the  remaining knowledge and skill areas, or as specifically designated by their degree programs.

The courses listed below may be chosen to satisfy SUNY general education requirements in each of the knowledge and skill areas. Please note that more than 40 of these courses are taught in the College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University, including all courses in World Languages. General education courses listed with the prefix APM, EFB, EST, FCH, FOR, LSA, PSE, or SRE are taught at SUNY ESF and can be found in the Course Descriptions section of this catalog. Syracuse University courses descriptions

General Education Requirements

Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning*

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
APM 103 Applied Algebra & Trigonometry 3
APM 104 College Algebra & PreCalculus 3
APM 105 Survey Of Calc & Appl I 4
APM 106 Survey Of Calc & Appl II 4
APM 115 Essential Calculus 4
APM 205 Calculus I:Science & Engr 4
APM 391 Intro/Probability&Stats 3
MAT 112 Algebraic Operations & Functions 3
MAT 117 Found.Math Via Prb.Solving I 3
MAT 118 Found.Math Via Prb.Solving II 3
MAT 121 Prob.& Stats for Lib.Arts I 4
MAT 122 Prob.& Stats for Lib.Arts II 4
MAT 194 Precalculus 4
MAT 295 Calculus I 4
MAT 296 Calculus II 4


Natural Sciences and Scientific Reasoning*

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
EFB 100 Survey of Biology 4
EFB 101 Gen Bio I:Organismal Bio&Ecol 3
EFB 102 General Biology I Laboratory 1
EFB 103 Gen Bio II:Cell Bio & Genetics 3
EFB 104 General Biology II Laboratory 1
EFB 120 The Global Envirnmnt & Society 3
EFB 320 General Ecology 4
FCH 110 Survey of Chemical Principles 3
FCH 150 General Chemistry I 3
FCH 151 General Chemistry I Lab 1
FCH 152 General Chemistry II 3
FCH 153 General Chemistry II Lab 1
FCH 210 Elements Of Organic Chem 4
FCH 221 Organic Chemistry 1 3
FCH 222 Organic Chemistry Lab 1 1
FCH 223 Organic Chemistry II 3
FCH 224 Organic Chemistry Lab II 1
FOR 110 Environmental Physics 3
FOR 232 Natural Resources Ecology 3
PHY 211 General Physics I 3
PHY 221 General Physics I Laboratory 1
PHY 222 General Physics II Laboratory 1
SRE 225 Physics of Energy 3

Social Sciences

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
EFB 120 The Global Envirnmnt & Society 3
EST 203 Introduction To Sociology 3
EST 221 Intro/American Government 3
EST 366 Attitudes,Values & Envrn 3
EST 390 Social Processes & Envrn 3
FOR 207 Introduction To Economics 3
GEO 103 Environment and Society 3
MAX 132 Global Community 3
PST 101 Intro to Analysis Pub Pol 3
PSC 123 Comparative Gov't & Politics 3
PSC 124 International Relations 3
PSC 125 Political Theory 3
PSY 205 Foundatns Human Behavior 3
SOC 248 Racial and Ethnic Inequalities 3
SOC 281 Sociology of Families 3


US History and Civic Engagement

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
EHS 150 US History & Envirnmntl Health 3
EST 201 Am Hist:Recnstructn to Present 3
EST 202 Am Hist:Discovery to Civil War 3
EST 361 History/Am Envrn Movement 3
HST 101 American History to 1865 3
HST 102 Amer. History Since 1865 3


World History and Global Awareness

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
AAS 241 African Religions: An Introducation 3
ANT 121 Peoples&Cultures of World 3
ANT 185 Global Encounters 3
ANT 324 Modern South Asian Cultures 3
ANT 326 Africa Through the Novel 3
EFB 217 Peoples, Plagues and Pests 3
EFB 305 Indigenous Issues&the Envrnmnt 3
EST 140 Int/Native People,Land,Cult 3
EST 200 Cultural Ecology 3
EST 204 Diversity&Knowledge of the Env 3
GEO 272 World Cultures 3
HOA 105 Arts & Ideas I 3
HOA 106 Arts & Ideas II 3
HST 111 Early Mod Eur:1350-1815 3
HST 210 The Ancient World 3
HST 211 Medieval Renaiss Europe 3
HST 320 Traditional China 3
HST 321 Modern China 3
JSP 114 Bible in History/Culture/Relig 3
JSP 215
LIT 203 Greek&Roman Epic in Eng Translation 3
LIT 211 Ancient Greek Drama 3
LSA 205 Art,Culture&Landscape I 3
LSA 206 Art,Culture&Landscape II 3
LSA 305 History/Landscape Arch I 3
PSC 125 Political Theory 3
PSE 201 Art &Early History/Papermaking 3
REL 101 Religions of the World 3
REL 114 Bible in History/Culture/Relig 3
REL 185 Hinduism 3
REL 186 Buddhism 3
REL 205 Ancient Greek Religion 3
REL 206 Greco-Roman Religion 3
REL 215 3
SAS 324
WGS 324
Mdrn So. Asian Cultures


Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice*

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
EST 135 Intro to Climate Justice 3
EST 140 Int/Native People,Land,Cult 3
EST 204 Diversity&Knowledge of the Env 3
EST 205 Identity, Culture, & the Env 3
LSA 212 Place/Culture/Design 3


Course Number Course Codes * Credits
AAS 231 African Amer Lit to 1900:Intro 0 - 8
AAS 235 African American Drama 3
ENG 107 Living Writers 3
ENG 151 Interpretation of Poetry 3
ENG 153 Interpretation of Fiction 3
ENG 192 Gender & Literary Texts 3
EWP 290 Research Writing & Humanities 3
LIN 201 Nature&Study of Language 3
LIT 203 Greek&Roman Epic in English Translation 3
PHI 107 Theories/Knowldge&Reality 3
PHI 111 Plato's Republic 3
REL 135 Judaism 3
REL 156 Christianity 3
REL 217 The New Testament 3
REL 231 Judaic Literature 3
REL 252 Religious Ethics

Social Issues


The Arts

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
APH 261 Art Photography, Introduction 3
ENG 215 Introductory Poetry Workshop 3
ENG 217 Introductory Fiction Workshop 3
EWP 350 Eco-Cinema:Perspct&Pract 3
HOA 105 Arts & Ideas I 3
HOA 106 Arts & Ideas II 3
HOA 201 Masterpieces of Art 0 - 8
HOA 377 Nineteenth-Century American Art 3
HOM 125 Introductory Music Theory 3
HOM 165 Understanding Music I 3
LSA 182 Drawing Studio 3
LSA 201 Landscape Representation I 3
LSA 205 Art,Culture&Landscape I 3
LSA 206 Art,Culture&Landscape II 3
LSA 220 Intro/Landscape Architect 3
LSA 222 Photogrphy, Envirnmnt, & You 3
MTC 125 Introductory Music Theory 3
PSE 201 Art &Early History/Papermaking 3


Communication (written and oral)*

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
EWP 190 Writing And The Envrnment ** see note 3
EWP 220 Public Presentation Skills + see note 2 - 3

*Denotes required category

**Fulfills both written and oral communication 

+Fulfills oral communication only