ESF Academic Catalog
Course Descriptions - SUS
SUS - Sustainability Management
SUS 296 Special Topics in Sust Mngmnt (1 - 3)
Online asynchronous. Experimental and developmental courses in new areas of sustainability
management not covered in regularly scheduled courses. A detailed course description
will be presented as the topic areas is identified and developed.
Fall, Spring and Summer.
SUS 300 Sus Systems: Eco, Econ, & Soc (3)
Online This course defines sustainability and sustainable development, introduces
the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and helps the student begin to understand
the complex interactions between the environment, the economy, and society, and their
implications for sustainable development. Fall, with Spring and Summer as needed
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 310 Human & Soc Dim Sustainability (3)
Online SUS 310: Human and Social Dimensions of Sustainability; Online; This course
explores how social systems and systems of governance, individual and collective human
behaviors, attitudes, values, and ethics influence sustainability. It considers examples
of the forces and factors which may or may not foster sustainable human and natural
communities and ecosystems. In essence, this course seeks to define "what is a sustainable
society?" Fall, with Spring and Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 320 Eco. Dim. Of Sustainability (3)
Online This course will expand on the interconnected nature of biophysical systems
and cycles, and human dependence upon the sustainable use of resources in these systems.
Our atmosphere, water, mineral, energy, and biological resources are all limited
in ways which demand understanding and stewardship to sustain human and natural communities.
Fall, with Spring and Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 330 Intro Sustain. Data Analysis (3)
Online This course will introduce students to various types of metrics and analyses
to assess sustainability outcomes/results. The course provides students with an overview
of analytical methods and tools including spreadsheets and statistics. Specific examples
of how these methods and tools are applied to sustainability solutions are included.
Fall, with Spring and Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 335 Applied Stats for Sustainablty (3)
Online asynchronous. This course introduces students to many commonly used statistical
tests that allow them to answer questions about the population with which they are
working. Students will be able to estimate population values, determine if there have
been significant changes to the variables you are studying, compare these population
values between groups, and create models that will help you to track and predict changes
within your population.
Fall, with Spring and Summer as needed
SUS 340 Principles Sustainable Dvlpmnt (3)
Online Concepts of sustainable development, specifically focusing on the drivers
of change and the roles and limitations of the private and governmental sectors in
supporting sustainable alternatives. Spring, with Fall and Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 350 Intro. Spatial Analysis & GIS (3)
Online SUS 350: Introduction to Spatial Analysis & Geographic Information Systems;
Online; This course will introduce students to various types of spatial analyses,
and provide students with an overview of GIS technology and applications, including
the uses and limitations of geospatial data, remote sensing, and GIS software & associated
tools. Specific examples of how GIS may be applied to sustainability solutions are
included. Spring, with Fall and Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 355 Con Bio & Landscape Ecology (3)
Online. This course introduces essential concepts in conservation biology, focusing
on a system that has created a global crisis for people, wildlife, and ecosystems.
We will study the principles underlying older and newer approaches to conservation
biology, as well as explore evidence that may
illuminate when, and under what conditions, approaches to each may be successful.
The paradigm is shifting towards the integration of human communities in the management
and conservation of protected areas, and the valuation of ecosystem services. Innovative
ways are needed to integrate human communities with conservation efforts, while adding
value to ecosystem services. Through this lens we will assess the relationship of
people and protected areas, investigate the role economics and politics plays in decision
making, and debate the costs and benefits of a new paradigm shift away from traditional
conservation. Fall, with Spring and Summer as needed
SUS 360 Climate Change&Sustainability (3)
Online This course will introduce the basic science of climate change and the social,
economic, and environmental implications of climate change. Students will compare
climate model projections, and evaluate various climate adaptation and mitigation
strategies in global, regional and local environments. Pre-requisites: SUS 330: Introduction
to Sustainability Data Analysis or equivalent, or permission of program advisor
Spring, with Fall and Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 375 Environmental Economics (3)
Online. This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of environmental
economics. It seeks the application of economic theory and models to examine how environmental
resources are managed, the way people make decisions that lead to environmental destruction
environmental improvements. Topics covered include the current state of the environment,
economic incentives, market failures, economic valuation, environmental policy analysis
in the United States and global environmental issues. Spring, with Fall and Summer
as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor is required.
SUS 400 Analysis Sustainable Systems (3)
Online This course will introduce students to analysis methods and tools used by
private and public sector organizations to determine the effectiveness and sustainability
potential of products and systems. (e.g., Life Cycle Assessment ecological models,
economic models, energy and sustainability audit). Pre-requisites: SUS 330: Introduction
to Sustainability Data Analysis or equivalent. Fall, with Spring and Summer as
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 410 Sustainable Urbanism (3)
Online This course will discuss the unique ecological, economic and social considerations
of the human nature dimension in urban and regional environments, and explore best
practices for fostering sustainability in these settings. Specific topics include
transportation, food systems, urban wildlife and green infrastructure. Fall, with
Spring and Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 415 Sustainable Agriculture (3)
Online asynchronous. This course examines the social, economic, and environmental
dimensions of sustainable agriculture and the emerging global challenges and constraints
on modern (conventional) farming. Students examine farming systems and approaches
worldwide to improve sustainability, including integrated crop management, conservation
agriculture, organic farming, regenerative, and permaculture among others. The course
emphasizes the principles and practices of sustainable agriculture and drivers and
constraints affecting the adoption of ecologically based
farming practices. Students assess agricultural operations concerning crops, animals,
soil, and pest management.
Spring, with Fall and Summer as needed
SUS 420 Sust Enrgy: Tech,Systms&Policy (3)
Online This course explores concepts and various technologies in sustainable energy
production, consumption, storage, environmental and social impact, and explores the
ways in which these relate to sustainability. Topics cover a wide range of energy
systems, including nuclear, fossil fuels, wind, solar, biofuels, and biomass. Fall,
with Spring and Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 430 Managerial Ecnmcs for Sustblty (3)
Online Every manager of a for-profit or not-for-profit organization must answer
the question: "How do we use economic information to make better business and resource
management decisions given a sustainability objective?" These decisions require identifying
alternative means of achieving given sustainability and other objective(s) and then
selecting the alternative that accomplishes the stated objective(s) in the most resource
efficient manner given the goals of the organization. Pre-requisites: SUS 330:
Introduction to Sustainability Data Analysis and an Introduction to Economics class,
or permission of program advisor. Fall, with Spring and Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 440 Env Justice:Pol, Law & Society (3)
Online This course examines political, economic and social conditions that promote
environmental inequality and explores the modern history of environmental exploitation
of marginalized populations in the U.S. This course introduces students to the principles
of environmental justice. Students will evaluate relevant environmental law and policy,
examine prominent case studies related to the environmental justice literature and
movement and apply appropriate tools to assess environmental inequality. Pre-requisites:
SUS 350: Introduction to Spatial Analysis & Geographic Information Systems or equivalent,
or permission of Sustainability Management program advisor. Spring, with Fall and
Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 450 Civic Engagement&Particip Plng (3)
Online This course entails an analysis of civic engagement and participatory planning
processes. Students will identify the purposes and best practices for empowering
communities and organizations to participate in the informed design and management
of sustainability projects and processes. Students will examine social theories and
evaluate the dynamics, strategies and motivations of various stakeholders such as
government institutions, public and private organizations, and individual participants.
Students will apply skills and knowledge to create a planning process around a sustainability
topic of their choice. Spring, with Fall and Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management major, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required.
SUS 480 Sustainability Mngmnt Capstone (3)
Online This course will focus on the application of learned knowledge to sustainability
management problems and workplace skills. Spring, with Fall and Summer as needed.
Note: Enrollment in the Sustainability Management Program, or permission of Sustainability
Management program advisor, is required. This course should be taken during a student's
final semester of enrollment in the Sustainability Management program.
SUS 499 Internship/Sustainability Mgmt (1 - 12)
Online. Supervised office or field experience in a professional working environment.
Students shall report their activities to their instructor on a weekly basis for the
duration of the course. Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Note: Enrollment in the sustainability management major and permission of Sustainability
Management program coordinator are required.