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ESF Academic Catalog
Bachelor of Science in Renewable Materials Science

Orange horizontal rule

The renewable materials science program educates students in the science of materials and products made from renewable resources. The program provides an in-depth knowledge of materials such as wood, paper, modern packaging materials, natural fiber materials and advanced materials emphasizing sustainability, environmental consciousness and minimizing environmental footprint.

Students can explore a variety of careers in modern packaging, natural products and renewable materials industries, focused on technical, scientific and managerial tracks. The program will have the following options: paper, wood and polymer science. The third option is conducted with the Department of Chemistry.

Paper Science Option

Lower Division Required Courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
APM 205 Calculus I:Science & Engr G 4
APM 206 Calculus II:Science & Engr G 4
EFB 336 Dendrology I 3
EWP 190 Writing And The Envrnment G 3
EWP 290 Research Writing & Humanities G 3
FCH 150 General Chemistry I G 3
FCH 151 General Chemistry I Lab G 1
FCH 152 General Chemistry II G 3
FCH 153 General Chemistry II Lab G 1
FCH 221 Organic Chemistry 1 G 3
FCH 222 Organic Chemistry Lab 1 1
FCH 360 Physical Chemistry I 3
FOR 207 Introduction To Economics 3
GNE 160 Comp Methods/Engrs&Scientists G 3
GNE 271 Statics 3
PHY 211 General Physics I G 3
PHY 212 General Physics II 3
PHY 221 General Physics I Laboratory 1
PHY 222 General Physics II Laboratory 1
PSE 201 Art &Early History/Papermaking G 3
PSE 223 Intro to Lignocellulosics 4
RMS 132 Intro/Renewable Mat Science I 1
RMS 133 Intro/Renewable Mat Science II 1
RMS 200 Renewable Mat&Comp/Lignocell 3
ECH 202 Prin Mass/Energy Balance 3
ECH 212 Engr Thermodynamics 3


General Education Course

Students are required to take one General Education in the following category as well as taking a total of 30 credit hours of General Education coursework in total.


Course Name Codes* Credits
General Education Course in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice G 3

Upper Division Required Courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
APM 391 Intro/Probability&Stats G 3
BPE 310 Colloid and Interface Science 3
ESF 200 Information Literacy 1
EWP 444 Prof Writing/Paper&Bioproc Eng 2
GNE 273 Mechanics of Materials 3
PSE 456 Management in Industry 3
RMS 335 Trsprt Properties of Materials 3
RMS 387 Renewable Mat/Sustainable Cons 3
RMS 388 Wood and Fiber Ident Lab 2
RMS 422 Composite Mat/Sustainable Cons 3
RMS 465 Renewable Materials & Surfaces 3
RMS 468 Product Design:Timber or Paper 3
RMS 481 Capstone Project/Senior Thesis 3

ESF 200 and EWP 444 are to be taken in the same semester in the same time block. Please consult your advisor if you have questions.

Students are required to take 4 Paper Science directed electives (12 credits).

Directed Electives

Course Name Codes* Credits
Science electives   3-6
Junior or higher Paper Science engineering electives   12

Total Minimum Credits For Degree: 124