Graduate Seminar in Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry
Thoughts on Designing and Giving Good Presentations
- How To Conquer Public Speaking Fear
- If the Gettysburg address were done on Powerpoint - Funny if you remember any of the original YouTube video on bad Powerpoint - Hilarious
- Edward Tufte - the guru of presenting information and designing graphics. Look at his books (available at Moon and at SU Libraries)!
- How to Give a Talk
- Some Lecturing Heuristics
Major Recent Scandals/Retractions/Errors
- Arsenic-based life
- Stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency In which the authors failed to listen to the referees at least twice ( Science in August 2012 and Nature in April 2013). Unfortunately, the editors at Nature appeared to over-rule the referees. See also post-publication peer review on PubPeer
- Sames-Sezen - research fraud at a top US Chemistry Department lead to six retractions
- How a research group leader might avoid teaching the scientific method
- Stripey Nanoparticles from a major skeptic's point of view.
- Most Published Research Findings are False - for most research designs and for most fields.
- Famous paper by J. P. A. Ioannidis. Why this claim was false!
For reporting and identifying papers that have been retracted (or maybe should be).
- - look up papers or start the discussion on a paper
- - Reports on retractions and related events, plus a database of retractions
Thoughts on Success in Graduate School
- How to be a good graduate student - by Marie DesJardins at Indiana University. See Part II: for Students and Advisors
- So long, and thanks for the Ph.D.! - Irreverent but good advice for prospective or novice graduate students in (computer) science