Collection of Spreadsheets for Atmospheric Chemisty Calculations
Rate Constants for Termolecular Reactions - This Excel spreadsheet is designed to take input from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Data Evaluation (see link below) and compute effective second order rate constants
for pressure-dependent reactions. The spreadsheet has notes which explain how to use
the data from the JPL Data Evaluation.(JPL Data Evaluation #15) - See pages 2.1 -
2.3 (pp. 134-136 of the full pdf file) of this document for instructions, and pages
2.4 - 2.7 for input parameters.
Calculating Solar Zenith Angle - Excel file fof calculating angle of the sun's rays from the vertical, called the
Solar Zenith Angle (SZA), and explained here. Requires input of date, Greenich Mean
Time, latitude, and longitude. Latitude and Longitude can be determined via these
links for world cities and for US cities or zip codes.
Calculating Photolysis Rates - Excel file for ground-level calculations at various solar zenith angles. Data for
other altitudes may be found in Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere by Barbara
J. Finlayson-Pitts and James N. Pitts, Jr. Input data may be obtained from that text
or Section 4 (pp 162-272 of the pdf file) of the JPL Data Evaluation.
Spectra of Photochemically Active Compounds - Graphs of spectra and tables of absorption
cross-sections for selected compounds (Excel format).
Column ozone data NASA - Follow the development of the ozone holes by calling up the images of the South
Pole from late August through October, or the North Pole from January through March.
Air Quality Conditions - EPA color-coded maps showing records and predictions of air quality (ozone and
particles) from across the United States.
Databases for Kinetics and Photochemistry
The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS Spectral Atlas of Gaseous Molecules of Atmospheric Interest