Dibble Group
Ted participated in the meeting of the NASA/JPL Data Evaluation Panel. The next Evalution should be published in early 2019.
Research Summary
The Dibble group investigates chemistry of the atmosphere, combustion, and irradiation, focusing on atmospheric chemistry. A current focus is atmospheric mercury, but we have long been involved in studying the reaction pathways of organic radicals in the lower atmosphere, in the context of formation of photochemical smog and the global oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere. We have active projects investigating the use of electron beams to generate commodity chemicals from CO2 and combustion chemistry of biofuels.
Experimental studies employ both lasers and standard analytical instruments. Lasers are used to probe for radicals and other reactive species. Both reaction kinetics and the spectroscopy of new species are studied using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and cavity ringdown spectroscopy. We are using MS, GC-MS, and MALDI-TOF-MS to analyze stable reaction products. Our computational investigations are used predict the properties of compounds that might never have been seen in experiments. We also compute rate constants of individual reactions and model reaction systems of up to hundreds of compounds. Computations are carreid out on local computers and NSF-supported High Performance Computing resources.
Former Group Members
Dr. Jiajue Chai, Ph.D. 2014. He is a postdoc with Meredith Hastings at Brown University
working on isotopic analysis of HONO in the atmosphere.
Dr. Pawel Cias, postdoc 2004-06. Now at the University of Innsbruck.
Dr. Wei Deng - Ph.D. 2002. After working with Honeywell Specialty Materials and several promotions,
he earned an MBA at Rice University (on a full tuition scholarship). He is now Industrial
Fibers Operation Lead at Ascend Performance Materials.
Hongyi Hu, Ph.D. 2013, Currently working with Dr. Peter Pulay.
Yuge Jiao, Ph.D. 2017. Yuge joined McKinsey & Co. to work on health care analytics.
Yuan Sha, M.S. 2013. Yuan is now a technology manager with the Shanghai Auto Industry
Karen L. Schmitt, M.S. 2010. With Galson Laboratories
Liat Shemesh, M.S. 1999. After working with several start-up companies, she co-founded
CardiacSense, which has has developed the world first clinically proven medical wearable device
for monitoring heart arrhythmias.
Dr. Chuji Wang, postdoc 1998-2000. Professor of Physics at Mississippi State University
Yue Zeng, M.S. 2012. Currently working at the Energy Biosciences Institute.
Dr. Feng Zhang, postdoc 2010-2011. Now a tenured Associate Professor at the University of Science
and Technology of China.
Lei Zhang, Ph.D. 2005. Now working in analytical biotechnology for manufacturing.
Former Undergraduate Members
Curtis J. Wilhelmsen, B.S. 2017. Now working at Galson, Inc.
Christopher Chambers, B.S. 2017. Studying for a Ph.D.
Matthew J. Zelie, B.S. 2013 (Paper & Biocprocess Eng.). Now working at Georgia-Pacific.
William F. Thornton, B.S. 2012.
Jessie Wang, B.S. 2009.
David-Anthony Murray, B.S. (Env. Sci.) 2009. Obtained M.S. from SUNY-Albany.
Nathan Phillips, B.S. 2009.
Patrick Leonard, B.S. 2008. Currently studying for a Ph.D. at CUNY.
Joshua Kaplan, B.S. 2008. Working on computer control of chemical processes
Kenson Jeffrey, B.S. 2008. Currently an attorney in NYC.
Alyson Lanciki, B.S., 2006. Ph.D. North Dakota State University. Now working for Metrohm
Applikon in the Netherlands.
Melissa Turner, B.S. 2005.
Katherine Kitney, B.S. 2003. Ph.D. from the University of Colorado-Boulder.
David R. Katz, B.S. 2002. M.S. from University of Rhode Island, now working for EPA.
Melissa A. Ferenac, B.S. 2001. M.S. 2006 from ESF with Dr. David Kieber.
Andrew J. Davis, B.S. 2001.
Andrew S. Holloway, B.S. 2000. Currently working in the biotech industry.
Gregory F. Gawinski
Michael D. Lilien, B. S. 2003.
Research Experience for Undergraduate Students
Jennifer Dabrowski 2005 (Le Moyne College) currently Assistant Professor of Chemistry
at Elon University
Trang Pham 2004 (Emory University, M.S. Public Health, Columbia University). Currently
at the George Washington University Biostatistics Center.
Dean Derbyshire 2003 (Le Moyne College. currently studying Optometry)
Karen Callahan 2003 (BS at Ohio State, PhD at UC-Irvine, currently a postdoc at the
University of Montreal.