Department of Chemistry
Frequently Asked Questions for Prospective Graduate Students
Answer: 2530
Fall: January 15
Spring: November 1
Applications completed by these target dates will normally receive decisions by early
April for Fall matriculation and by early December for Spring matriculation.
Office of Instruction & Graduate Studies
One Forestry Drive, 227 Bray Hall
Syracuse, NY 13210
Answer: Yes! Students may take courses at SU that are relevant to their program of study. There is a fee associated with these courses. Please consult your major professor for more information.
Answer: This is a link to information about Syracuse and the SUNY ESF community.
Answer: See the ESF Office of International Education or email
Answer: ESF student organizations, and ESF students can participate in student organizations at Syracuse University.
Answer: Yes. The Graduate Student Organization (GSA) represents graduate students at SUNY ESF. GSA officers and representatives from each department are elected each Spring. Visit the GSA website for more information.
Answer: Housing is available both on and off-campus for graduate students. Please contact the Office of Residence Life at Syracuse University at (315) 443-3637 or email at for more information about on-campus graduate student housing. Additionally, local housing websites like Orange Housing are good resources for off-campus housing.
Answer: Yes, and it is excellent!
Answer: MS and PhD students must specialize in one of four areas:
Answer: MPS students take 30 credits, of which at least 24 credits are for coursework and 3 credits are for an integrative experience (internship, research, or independent study). More complete explanations may be found here in the information for current graduate students.