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Policies and Procedures
Identification Cards

All SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) students are issued a valid identification card to ensure the safety of students and the entire campus community. SUNY ESF works with Syracuse University to cause such cards to be issued. 

Reason for Policy

Identification Cards serve as official College identification and are provided for appropriate identification use for access to some buildings, transportation and services.


Policy Office: Executive Director for Administration 


Specific questions should be directed to the following:

Policy Clarification and General Information Policy Development
Executive Officer for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
(315) 470-6660 


  • Campus - Any space, facility, property, grounds or building that is owned, leased, licensed or operated by SUNY ESF.  This Policy applies to Centennial Hall, and this facility is to be included in this definition of Campus; provided, however, that this does not preclude Centennial Hall from adopting additional policies not inconsistent with this item.

Policy Details

    1. Identification cards are provided for appropriate identification use and access to some buildings, services and transportation.
    2. All individuals participating in protests and demonstrations are required to provide a form of identification issued by SUNY ESF (including identification cards issued by Syracuse University) or government-issued identification, or facsimile thereof, upon request from a SUNY ESF official.
    3. The identification card (or facsimile) must be presented upon request of a duly authorized SUNY ESF official, including but not limited to residence hall staff, University Police, Student Affairs staff, and students, contractors, or other staff authorized by SUNY ESF to supervise campus events, activities, and residence halls.
    4. Individuals may be required to reveal their faces to confirm identity when needed to maintain campus safety or security. Upon request, students must show all identifying information shown on the card and/or surrender the card to the requesting official.
    5. Intentional refusal to present a student identification card (or facsimile) upon request by a SUNY ESF official; alteration or falsification of data on an identification card; creation and/or distribution of falsified identification cards; using an identification card to impersonate others; or refusal to reveal one’s face to confirm identity; are violations of this policy and may result in disciplinary action.
    6. It is the student’s responsibility to replace the identification card if it is confiscated, stolen, lost, bent, broken, or worn beyond the point of readability by College officials and/or card readers used by the SUNY ESF or Syracuse University (where applicable).
    7. Identification cards are not transferrable and are valid as long as the holder continues their specific affiliation with SUNY ESF.  
    8. Identification cards are to be used only by the person to whom it is issued.  Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately to Dean of Students.
    9. Replacement cards may be obtained at Syracuse University, in accordance with its posted fees.
    10. Neither SUNY ESF nor Syracuse University are liable for any charges or other damages incurred if an identification card is lost and used by another.
    11. SUNY ESF’s Division of Student Affairs is responsible for addressing non-compliance with this Policy by all students, and students may be referred to the conduct process for alleged violation of this Policy.  SUNY ESF takes compliance with this policy very seriously. Students should expect that violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action under the SUNY ESF Student Code of Conduct, up to and including interim suspension, suspension, and expulsion.
    12. University Police Department is responsible for addressing violations of this Policy that constitute alleged criminal trespass or any other violation of law by all persons on the SUNY ESF Campus. 


Specific Procedure 

    1. Issuance of ID Card
      Syracuse University provides Identification Cards for SUNY ESF students.
      1. Contact ESF’s Division of Student Affairs for the current procedure to obtain a new ID or replace a lost or stolen ID card   


Procedure Revision Record

08/21/2024  Implementation Date

Policy Revision Record

08/21/2024-Policy Implementation  Signed by President