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Policies and Procedures
Tobacco Free Policy

Policy Statement and Reason for the Policy

ESF is dedicated to providing a healthy and safe environment for the entire campus community.  As a STEM-based institution, ESF recognizes the dangers that tobacco products and other smoking devices pose to people and to the environment.  We are a campus dedicated to sustainability and protecting our planet.  Therefore, ESF is committed to a tobacco and smoke-free campus as a means to ensure the physical, emotional, and social well-being of all those on our campus properties.

Scope of Policy

This policy applies to:

  • Employees
  • Students
  • Visitors

Website References

SUNY Tobacco Free Initiative

SUNY Tobacco Free Information

New York State New York State Clean Indoor Air Act Guidance: 


Specific questions should be directed to the following:

Vice President of Administration
(315) 470-6622


Electronic Cigarette/E-Cigarette/ E-Cig/ Electronic Aerosol Delivery System
Any electronic device that, when activated, produces an aerosol that may be inhaled.  This includes any component, whether liquid or other substance, but does not include any devices, drugs, or products authorized for sale by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The act of inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, or other device, including the activation of any electronic cigarette, hookah, or other vapor/vaping device.

Tobacco Company
A company that manufactures and/or markets branded tobacco products.  This includes the subsidiaries (not including parent companies) of said companies.

Direct Tobacco Company Holdings Corporate stock holdings directly owned by ESF, not including stockholdings that may be owned through mutual funds or other indirect investments.

Tobacco Products
Any product made or derived from tobacco, or any product that contains nicotine, that is intended for human consumption.  This includes, but is not limited to: cigarettes, cigarillos, hookah-smoked products, bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, cigars, pipes, electronic aerosol delivery systems, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew, and snus, herbal cigarettes, clove cigarettes, and nicotine-free electronic cigarettes.  This definition, however, does not include any product that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for cessation purposes.

Any person on the property owned, controlled, or operated by ESF, including but not limited to parents/guardians, alumni, guests, vendors, contractors, sporting event attendees, and members of other college and SUNY institutions.


I.  General Principles

This policy applies to all students, employees, faculty, staff, volunteers, and visitors on property owned, controlled, or operated by ESF.  This includes the Syracuse campus, the Ranger School, the Newcomb Campus, all property (both indoor and outdoor) owned and controlled by Centennial Hall, and all forest properties.  In developing this policy, ESF aims to: (1) further support campus health and wellness; (2) enhance campus sustainability efforts; (3) promote and encourage the continued respect for all community members; (4) discourage members of neighboring communities from using tobacco and electronic cigarette products on our campus properties; (5) discourage the marketing of tobacco and electronic cigarette products on campus properties; and (6) comply with the goals and standards set forth by the SUNY Board of Trustees.

II. Application to Campus and Campus-Sponsored Events

The smoking of all tobacco products and electronic cigarette/electronic aerosol delivery devices is currently prohibited in buildings and facilities owned, controlled, and operated by ESF.  As of January 1, 2020, the use of all tobacco products and electronic cigarette/electronic aerosol delivery devices is prohibited everywhere within the perimeter on all SUNY ESF property, both indoors and outdoors, as well as in College-owned vehicles, and in any vehicle on SUNY-ESF property.  The use of said products is prohibited at all ESF-sponsored off-campus events, including, but not limited to, athletic events and commencement-related activities. 

Effective January 1, 2020, employee work breaks shall not be altered in any manner.

III.  Application to Advertising 

 The sale of tobacco products and electronic cigarette/electronic aerosol delivery devices is immediately prohibited on any property owned, operated, or controlled by ESF and at all ESF sponsored off-campus events. The marketing and advertising of said products is also immediately prohibited on any property owned, operated, or controlled by ESF and at all ESF-sponsored off-campus events.

 ESF will not invest in or support any direct tobacco company or electronic cigarette/electronic aerosol delivery companies, or accept any funds from said companies without the express written permission of the ESF Board of Trustees.


I.  Cessation 

ESF understands the addictive nature of tobacco products and electronic cigarette/electronic aerosol delivery devices usage.  The breaking of said addiction may be difficult for individuals.  Therefore, ESF will make every reasonable effort to assist all employees, students, and staff who wish to stop using said products.  In doing so, ESF will promote and provide cessation resources.  

Employees can also obtain support through the Employee Assistance Program.  Students are encouraged to contact the Division of Student Affairs for support.

II.  Compliance and Enforcement

ESF will inform members of the campus community, as well as the surrounding communities, about this policy.  This will include, but is not limited to, announcements and postings on campus properties, media releases, social media postings, and the inclusion of the policy and resources on the official ESF website and in the ESF Student Handbook.  The policy will also be shared with parents/guardians, alumni and visitors, and will be noted on all permits that allow outside entities and vendors to use ESF property.  

The intent and purpose of the policy is to promote a healthy and positive work environment for all employees and the entire campus community.  Policy non-compliance prompts an initial educational response which includes information regarding the existence of the policy, the rationale for the policy, and the availability of nicotine cessation support services both on and off campus.

Repeated non-compliance is referred to the appropriate campus student conduct or employee supervisory system for resolution. Employees and students are treated respectfully in the consistent observance of the policy.

For the purpose of this policy, all members of the Graduate Student Employee Union (GSEU) bargaining unit will be treated as employees.

Visitors who violate the policy will be initially educated about the policy.  Refusal to comply with the policy or repeated violations by said visitor(s) may result in their removal from campus or the issuance of a directive prohibiting the individual(s) from being present on ESF property.

This policy is intended to enhance and comply with all local, state, and federal laws that prohibit the use of tobacco and electronic cigarette/electronic aerosol delivery devices, including but not limited to, the New York State Clean Indoor Air Act, which prohibits smoking and vaping in public and private indoor workplaces.  

III. Responsibilities 

Enforcement of this policy will require the cooperation all members of the ESF community.  This means students, staff, and faculty shall comply with the policy and encourage others to do so in a respectful and courteous manner.   Repeated non-compliance is referred to the appropriate campus student conduct or employee supervisory system for resolution. Employees and students are treated respectfully in the consistent observance of the policy.

Anyone who smokes tobacco products off ESF property is directed to be courteous and respectful to ESF’s neighbors, including complying with the rules and regulations of neighboring properties. This includes the Oakwood Cemetery, located to the immediate south of the Syracuse campus.

IV. Complaints

Any complaints about the use of tobacco products and electronic cigarette/electronic aerosol delivery devices should be directed to the appropriate campus student conduct or employee supervisory system for resolution.

Revision Record 

01/01/2020 – Policy Implementation