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Policies and Procedures
Production and Distribution of College-Related Videos


Ownership and use of video and other media at SUNY ESF is governed by SUNY policy on intellectual property (Title J, SUNY Board of Trustees Policies. § 335.28 and § 335.29). 

SUNY policy establishes that media produced by SUNY faculty and staff are, in general, the intellectual property of the individuals creating them. SUNY ESF may claim ownership of media only when it is produced under specific contract or work-for-hire arrangements between SUNY ESF and faculty or staff as specified in Title J of the SUNY Board of Trustees Policies. 


“Creative media” are “copyrightable” media productions made by SUNY ESF faculty, staff and students, whether in the course of their regular duties or not. 

“College-related media” are media produced for the purposes of publicity, advertising, recruitment, retention and student life. 


As prescribed by the Policies of the SUNY Board of Trustees, creative media are the sole intellectual property of the copyright holder. Creative media should assert the copyright claim of the media creator in the form of a standard copyright statement, e.g. “Copyright [name of copyright holder], [year]. All rights reserved” or similar language.

Unless produced under specific contract or work-for-hire arrangements with SUNY ESF, creative media should include a disclaimer that the production does not represent the views of the College, its staff or students, e.g. “This production does not represent the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.” 

SUNY ESF may not appropriate or use creative media without the permission of the copyright holder. 

Neither may creative media be portrayed as representing SUNY ESF without the specific written permission of the SUNY ESF Director of Communications. Specifically, creative media may not display the College name, initials, logo, or tagline, or imply any association with the College, without the approval of the Director of Communications.

The Office of Communications is solely responsible for any and all public distribution of College-related media. “Public distribution” includes all occasions of College-related media made freely accessible to the general public online via YouTube, web sites, iTunes University, social media sites and all similar outlets or channels. Public distribution of College-related media to any outlets or channels other than those administered or approved by the Office of Communications is not permitted without expressed permission of the Director of Communications.