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2011 News Archive

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2011 State Fair Butter Sculpture Unveiled

The annual butter sculpture traditionally pays tribute to the state's farm families who feed folks in their communities and beyond, but this year, New York's farmers have turned the tables to publically thank another group dedicated to providing nutritious food: the School Nutrition professionals, who prepare more than 2.3 million meals for students every day in New York State.

College Careers Begin for ESF Freshmen

The SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) today began welcoming 525 new students, the largest number of news students to enroll at the College since the mid-1970s.

ESF's First Residence Hall Ready for Students

Students living on campus this year at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) will make history by being the first to enjoy life in a residence hall that was constructed just for them.

ESF Brings Hands-on Science to the New York State Fair

The SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) brings its Centennial Celebration to the New York State Fair with 12 days full of hands-on science and fun.

ESF Featured at the New York State Fair

College has been a part of the statewide expo for decades

ESF Chemistry Students Present Research

A group of undergraduate researchers in ESF's Chemistry Department had a productive and successful summer.

Forest pathology

Forest pathology students learn how to identify evidence of the diseases that attack trees and wood, then how to prevent or control such attacks.

Research Ethics Focus of Workshop

Graduate students, faculty and staff from across the state will meet at ESF for the workshop, "Research Ethics and Cultural Competence" in environmental research, Aug. 17-19.

A Different View of Water

What do graduate students studying ecology, economics, geography, history and hydrology have in common? The common threads for 12 graduate students from three countries include the Adirondack Ecological Center (AEC) and a passion for researching water issues.

Family Celebrates ESF Legacy

Thomas D. Shearer Jr, '49, shares educational and military background with his three sons.