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FOR 692 Assignments and Grading Rubrics
Grading Rubrics


File naming convention:  Please include your name.  If I get 10 files all called “my proposal” or “FOR 690 project ideas,” I will have trouble finding yours.


Please add your name and the conflict in the attached schedule. 

Example: “Ruth, faculty meeting, monthly” or “Bali FOR 665”.

If the conflict doesn’t fit the class schedule, add a note.  “Kikang office hours 2-4”

Background Presentation

Prepare a 10-minute talk with visual aids (Powerpoint, probably) describing your background and your interests.  This helps us understand your relationship to your project.  You can give us background on your project if you know what it will be.

Presentation review

Fill out the review form for each presentation you review.  For full credit, write comments that help the presenter understand your experience of the presentation.  Give suggestions for improvement using positive language.

10 Project Ideas

Criteria to consider as you think about project ideas:

Value to you.  What skills do you want to apply or develop?  What do you want in your portfolio when you apply for a job?

Value to the client.  This is a real-world experience!

Scope.  You have about 100 hours.
Feasibility, including cost, client, other risks.

 A sentence is enough for each of the 10 ideas.

Your list should include ideas for possible clients.

3 Project Ideas

Narrow down your list using the criteria above.

You should have a paragraph on each of your top three ideas. 

You should be communicating with potential clients at this point.

Bibliography Assignments

  1. Where did you look, what search terms did you try, what worked and what didn't?
  2. Bibliography—30 sources of a variety of types
  3. Annotated bibliography--describe what you found that you might make use of (10 sources)

Time sheets

We agreed that time would be in rows, and categories of activities would be in columns.

A comment line is a good way to retain detail while leaving the categories general.

Distinguish project work from non-project work (for example, preparing your background presentation or reviewing other students’ proposals is not directly supporting your project).

Track the weekly cumulative project time.  Put this in a table in the top right corner of your spreadsheet (or on a separate tab) for use in graphing.

Multiple Projects

Students who would like to work on multiple projects must complete one set of assignments for the class, including the formal written proposal, the oral presentation to the class and the written final report.  These assignments may be on the same project or on different projects.   For each project, there must be at the minimum an informal written plan and an informal reporting of results (including the product, if appropriate). 


Double-space your proposal if printing it for review (to make it easy for readers to mark up the hard copy).  Final proposals delivered to clients need not be double-spaced.  Your reviewers may appreciate page numbers and line numbers.

Proposal and Report review

Here's the grading rubric, for a total of 10 points.

2        a description of the proposal or report reviewed.

2        The review shows insight and judgment, including evaluation of the strengths and limitations of the proposal or report.

2        The tone is professional and as positive as possible.

4        Detailed recommendations for improvement are given.

Points can be lost for poor presentation or poor judgment (up to 2 points)

In addition to your formal review, you can help the authors by returning comments written in or on their documents (electronically or on paper).  These comments will be not be seen by the review panel (or the instructor).  The written review should include all comments that you deem important enough to be shared with the other reviewers.

Mid-term Improvements

We will review the course activities to date and the proposed future activities.   We will review the questionnaire in advance and you have an opportunity to add questions.  Bring your answers to the questionnaire to class (electronic or handwritten, but legible).  We will pass them around and your feedback will be read anonymously by another student. 

Final Presentations

Plan to present for 5-10 minutes and allow for discussion (and time for us to fill out feedback forms).

Final Written Reports

Final written reports are due on the day scheduled for the final exam (there is no final exam for this class).

Grading Rubrics

Speaker Evaluation  PDF DOC

Proposal Evaluation PDF DOC

Report Review  PDF DOC