Chuck Kroll
Current and Recent Teaching Duties
APM395/595: Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Fall Semesters: Next Offered Fall 2022
This course provides a rigorous introduction to calculus-based probability and statistical theory, with applications primarily drawn from engineering and the environmental sciences. Topics include: descriptive statistics and data presentation, probability, the theory and use of discrete and continuous probability distributions, confidence intervals, classical and distributional hypothesis testing, and regression analyses. This course also provides an introduction to the computing package R.
Prerequisite(s): one year of Calculus.
APM595: This course meets one extra hour a week to provide an introduction to advanced statistical theory and application. Additional topics covered include: smoothing data, data transformations, random number generation, principal component analyses, first-order error analyses, L-moments, maximum likelihood estimation, parametric and non-parametric trend tests, and censored data analyses. Additional applications in R are explored.
ERE496: Advanced Engineering Statistics. Students in APM395 may sign up for an additional 1-credit course that covers the material presented in APM595.
ERE445/645: Hydrologic Modeling
Spring Semesters: Next Offered Spring 2023 (tentative)
Students in this course will learn about a variety of deterministic and stochastic hydrologic models, model development, and the use of computer programming to construct, calibrate, manipulate, and interpret hydrologic models. Theoretical and empirical approaches to describing hydrologic processes will be presented, including precipitation, evapotranspiration, infiltration, surface runoff, percolation, and groundwater discharge. Stochastic techniques presented will include frequency, trend, and regression analyses.
Prerequisite(s): Introductory computer programming, Probability and Statistics, one year of Calculus.
ERE465/665: Environmental Systems Engineering
Fall Semesters: Next Offered Fall 2022
In this couse, mathematical models of environmental systems are presented and combined
with optimization procedures, decision theory, uncertainty analysis, and engineering
economics to develop integrated approaches to the planning, design, and sustainable
management of complex environmental systems. Students will evaluate and present a
variety of optimization algorithms for a wide range of environmental applications.
Optimization includes constrained and unconstrained linear and nonlinear algorithms,
including linear programming, dynamic programming, lagrange multipliers, genetic algorithms,
and simulated annealing.
Prerequisite: one year of Calculus; Corequisite: Probability and Statistics.
ERE485: Fundamentals of Engineering Preparation
Spring Semesters: Next Offered Spring 2023
This course prepares students to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam, the
first step toward licensure as a Professional Engineer (PE). This course is designed
with a series of quizzes, homework assignments, and targeted review sessions to help
students review subject matter on the FE Exam and familiarize themselves with the
FE Supplied-Reference Handbook.
Prerequisite: Senior standing in ERE.
Previous Courses Taught
APM395/595: Probability and Statistics for Engineers
ERE132: Intro to Environmental Resources Engineering
ERE430: Engineering Decision Analysis
ERE445/645: Hydrologic Modeling
ERE465/665: Environmental Systems Engineering
ERE485: Fundamental of Engineering Preparation
ERE496: Engineering Sustainable Food Systems
ERE489: Engineering Planning & Design
ERE796: Hydrogeology and Biogeochemistry Seminar